today was good fun, despite the lag outs, hopefully there will be more RNS in leeds in the future. there is one thing i do want to say before the day is up and that is.
In future there needs to be less oorp comments made by a certain RNS ship under the guise of RP. Personally, i dont mind if the fights are silent engage war grounds as long as lame ass cloaking devices arent used in conjunction with silence.
In 4.85 there was nothing worse than sitting there for 10 minutes or more calling somebody a rice eater, and being called a tea drinker. replace rice with frog and we have the new arrivals.
id rather we just scrapped all the bull and just got to the wiping each other out part, either silently or inrp
tl;dr, if you are going to make an oorp atmos like "yea you suck" "no skill", just dont turn up, or keep your fingers off the return key.
otherwise, it was wicked to finally see some action out there and i got valourised. cant wait for the next time.
I have suggested to one of the RNS guys, that there is a weekly capfest in a different system each week. Everyone knows when it'll be... People can turn up or not turn up as they choose.
I would suggest not putting numbers limits on this fight, and regarding it as the "rules free" brawl. This way there is an outlet for the no holds barred approach, without it potentially upsetting the more "polite" general day to day war stuff.
What's going on with the GRN/BAF war at the moment is cool, because it's chilled out, and there is an understanding and dialogue between the participants. I'm quite keen to see it staying that way... So if we are going to have these mega capbrawls (which is no bad thing), I'd suggest they are done with the input and agreement of everyone involved, in order to avoid the whole thing turning sour.
This sort of thing can be arranged, and if the idea gets enough backing, then I'll set up the means by which to do it.
Why not pick a day of the week, a good time and then have such fights weekly?
"No restrictions and just pew for 1-2 hours and see what happens" at least works for the Taus in the Tau Madness events.
I would love to see such events on more evenings, so that you could say: "Okay, today is [day X], ah... cool. 19 UMT there is [faction X] vs [faction Y] in [system z]".
Would give some players that have neglected chars that they only log for such scheduled events a nice opportunity to become active, taste the feeling of fighting again and perhaps get back into the faction/gaming in general.
Wonder if the LNS (or a certain detachment of them) will be allowed docking somewhere in bretonia to shoot RNC, seeing as BAF| pretty much declared war on Rheinland by shooting their ships.
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.