Cap 8 (and indeed most capital class armour) seems to be mainly a money sink for the community of hard working traders and pirates, something to spend all those hard earned credits on.
which is fine.
however I want to know if the cost displayed ingame is how much people think it would actually cost to armour a ship in such a way.
This is not a "I think armour costs too much" thread.
I am wondering if its cost in game is that much because thats how much it would actually cost, or if its that much in game for (as previously stated) money sink / balance reasons.
what are your opinions the in role play cost, vs the dev balance cost, are they the same or not, how much do they differ from one another in your opinion.
Since it's the best armor plating you can buy in whole sirius, the high price is reasonable. For most people/ships it's even status symbol, to show their wealth. Same thing for the Battleship scanners, which don't even a have any purpose anymore, since you don't have to buy them when purchasing a battleship. The Cap8 has at least the purpose of giving a +0.2 hull multiplier for almost 500 millions.
And yes, I think it's meant to be that expensive in roleplay, because even if it's just a minor improvement by the stats, it's quite costly to produce it. As if it'd be built with a different material than the Cap7, which is just extremely rare but gives a better protection. And as said, this armor shouldn't be available for everyone, so it's rather a status symbol for those who can pay it.
i think its reasonable that the extra 0.2 armor comes at such an increased cost. its the best of the best and its reasonable to assume that its made by some fancy high grade alloy thats only slightly more effective but much more pricy for those who really want it/need it. so i think the price range between the different armors make sense.
however the price of caus in relation to the ships themselves make no sense. its hard to believe that armor should be more costly to produce than a fully equipped battleship.
perhaps battleships should cost more to reflect this.
(11-22-2012, 02:25 PM)Hidamari Wrote: Cap 8 seems to be mainly a status symbol for the community of ore-whore-suicide traders, something they can put on all those lolcaps they so adore.
hm, but well my thoughts on it are also the surface area the armour is being fitted on would directly influence the cost of the refit.
having mark 8 heavy armour on a freighter, would not cost nearly as much as having the same on a battleship. because the surface area really cant be compared.
Which is why I ask, is the inrp cost in anyway significant to the ingame cost set by devs.
The armour cost in game at the moment seems to be geared towards battleship class vessels. At which the cost would make sense, it would cost a phenomenal amount of resources to armour a battleship.
so inrp, would armouring a destroyer that has say <40% of the total surface area of a battleship cost the same?
(11-22-2012, 03:17 PM)Texan Wrote: I'm a sad and bitter individual
Name: Capital Armor Upgrade Mk VIII
Hull Multiplier: 4.0
Cargo Space: 300
Price: $895,000,000 .....and for example
Ship: Liberty Dreadnought
Price: $480,582,700 ....As you see you can calculate in RP how much materials you need for two Battleships to build, but still I cant believe that mats for Cap Armor Mk VIII are much more expensive then mats for two whole BS just lil confusing that's all .Ofc if it's the case when they buy Platinum Ore at Waterloo Station for only 10.650$ and some Uncut Diamonds at Alesia for 12.197$ and ofc some Ship Hull Panels at Laval Shipyard for 6,718$ then the RP price is reasonable enough
Well cap 8 is in the shop $895 Mills. Ok this is a LOT. BUT see it like this. With the ore's these days its not that much to get. And with these big prices. you dont have everyone with one.
Also if these prices where way much lower.. what would be the difference to an pvp server and disco? As who will still trade then? Who you want to pirate? For trading you must have something to save credits for. When you then can buy it and mount it you are so happy because you know how much time you allready spent into that cap 8 to get. and it will give more satisfaction rather then something else. I would say make price of the cap 7 also a littlebit higer. (like half of cap8 at least) to be more in line with the cap 8 price.
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