Freelancer BINI is a new BINI Editor. It has the ability to read/write BINI and INI files as well as the ability to mass convert between the two. You can click a picture below to enlarge it.
Is Freelancer or the Application displaying a error? If its the Application then which ini are you converting?
EDIT: I just had a though, i forgot to make it "Safe" for people who have the floating point set to a comma insted of a dot. Is your windows using a comma insted of a dot?
EDIT2: Uploaded a "Safe" version, assuming the problem was that your windows uses a comma as the decimal seperator then it should be fixed.
' Wrote:Is it possible to contact you on e-mail somehow? This program opens certain... interesting possibilities.
stuc_uk_2000<strike>[Hello-*</strike>at<strike>*-Bla]</strike> is my e-mail and MSN Messanger account.
' Wrote:If you wish download space/page for your program on our site, I can provide that.
Thanks for the offer but iv got enough space/bandwith. You can mirror the app if you wish tho.
' Wrote:Also, is it possible to insert an option that would allow to remove all line breaks between ini parts, as well as line break at the end of each file?
Updated the app. It now gives you the option to remove line breaks and comments from files. The app also now properly handles comments when importing an INI and saving as BINI(Before it wouldn't class comments which were located after proper data as comments and remove them). The app treats ;, \\ and // as comments. See First Post for updated link.
If you mean the last line which isn't actualy a line in the actual file then no i can't remove it. Its an automatic line which is just there to make it simpler to add a new line to the file. The actual file won't have that "last line" in it. If you click on the "last line" you will note the line number is actualy 1 above the amount in the file until you type into that line(at which point its actualy made into a line in the file).
Nice App. I have a quick recommendation. Could you put a column on the side that lists each line number similar to document comparison programs like ExamineDiff.
' Wrote:Could you put a column on the side that lists each line number similar to document comparison programs like ExamineDiff.
Google Turned up 0 Results for ExamineDiff. I implemented a Gutter anyway. There is only one minor visual flaw which appears when you do the following:
1. Open a File thats larger than the Height of the RichEdit control
2. Click at the very end of the last line
3. Press Return/Enter several times
4. Delete the new lines you just created
5. The Gutter will update properly but the RichEdit's Text bit won't, causing them to not be aligned.
You can click on the Vertical Scrollbar as a workaround to "Fix" it when it happens(Just need to click the movable bar).