Why is one of the only two ways to get into Gallia covered in mines so thickly that a light fighter wouldn't be able to get through? Commodities like the Cryocubes that I'm trying to obtain are completely out of the picture now! I have yet to try Omnicron-80 but my hopes are down. I don't suppose that there are any other options when it comes to Crynocubes not from Gallia?
Not manage to get through with a LF? I once squeezed a Nephilim through that maze... And exit Gallia the other way. And I'm afraid it's the only way to get some cubes.
Doesn't Bretonia sell them? I might be wrong, not sure. I thought there were Cyros for liek 3k a piece or something. Or maybe it was something else. But yes, there is a way you can go to the JH from Orkney. Its like a " S " way. exceopt without the " S " ending. Hope this helps. I have a Liner that has Gallia kinda explored, I could sell it to you if you want.
You might have bought those cryo's on a PoB than Flash, no NPC bases sells them in Bretonia. And I showed him the Lorraine > Omicron-80 route, and explained the Orkney, so hopefully he'll get the hang of it. Seeing as he started playing since a couple of days I reckon your attempt selling your Liner is not going to work. A /gallia restart was quicker, xD.