Contacting you two concerning vacant spots "available" at the very top of our chain of command. You both are operating thoroughly, with confidence and, I believe, posses ability to command and improvise if needed.
Question is: are you up for directorate with all benefits and responsibilities comming with it? Decision is yours to take.
To: Admiral Michal Golanski From: "Constantine" Subject: Vacant Spots
Greetings Admiral,
my simple reply to this will be a 'yes'.
Though as long as it will allow me to stay around the Taus enough as my responsibilities lie in there. I will also benefit you there more because that sector has become my specialty.
You know me well enough, I have to keep up with the active fight against the nomad influence and their pets in the area, with my usual people.
That's very sudden. I never expected such honor so soon. However, our job obliges us to be ready for surprises. And knowing that you picked me for this makes me feel more confident. I will accept this job, just as all responsibilities, and will do my best to meet your expectations.
Constantine, your headquarters location are up for you. I guess like me, you preffer to set a command camp close to our enemies. Carry on with your operations.
Wilson, this might be just as surprise to you as it was to me when receiving my first officer rank when old ranking system was up. I believe you can handle it.
You are then, promoted. I will make it official soon enough.