-=Incoming message=-
-=Comm ID: GMG CEO Kami Aiko.=-
Konnichiwa and good day to you, Through a few of my recent travels into liberty to acquire "prisoners" for work on Planet Miura a few of my less than reputable contacts on the prison stations have mentioned that you guys might be able to provide a cheaper source of "workers". Mind you I'm not to picky about were I get my "workers" so long as they do there job, And this goes without saying that this message will be staying between Me and You.
A pleasure it is to hear from our endeared friends
that is the Gas Miners Guild, it has been some
time since we last spoke.
In regards to your request, I can say with pleasure
that we have just the answer to your request. There
is no need for this to be a particularly shady sort of
deal, as we have an entirely legit unemployment
rehabilitation program set up with the intention of
redeploying some of the large amounts of un-
employed persons that we have a crisis with in
these troubling times. I am sure that with some
simple diplomacy and a little cash exchange we
will be able to make this a perfectly legal operation.
As it stands, we have plans in place to start a new
project involving large mid-orbit storage facility to
accept all hazardous bulk import materials in our
efforts to clean up the living conditions on Pittsburgh.
Therefore leaving us with a complete operation we
can provide; delivery of raw fuels in exchange for
additions to your "workforce".
Is this something similar to what you had in mind?
-=Incoming message=-
-=Comm ID: GMG CEO Kami Aiko.=-
Thank you for your very quick response, And i am very please to hear that you have
this unemployment rehabilitation program set up. If this Program can help us supplement our understaffed workforce as well as help with the unemployment crisis in the process then by all mean we would love to help.
We can also help out a bit with the construction of your new storage facility by bringing in a few thing that you would need or maybe even a bit of H-3, first thing I would like to know is how many workers could you provide per month?
Also i would like to apologize if I came off as the shady type in my earlier transmission.