Hi guys! I was thinking of buying a SHF, and what exactly I had in mind was Werewolf armed with 6 codename guns.
Any suggestions? What would suit best in your opinion? How about Archangels on Werewolf, would that work?
Matrix, it mostly depends on what you want it for. For piracy, I don't think that archangels are optimal, though werewolf's powercore. Sammaels would probably do better, along a tartarus cannon. If you don't want to mount one, codes are the best, yes.
If you want it for pvp, you should most likely try both loadouts, sammaels and codenames, in that order.
My opinion though.
(06-19-2016, 12:06 PM)Mao Wrote: inb4 Sirius gets renamed to XTF.
Thanks for the advice Anaximander. While I realize that Sabre might just be the best PvP choice, I kind of got tired of VHF dog-fighting style and decided to trade defense and maneuverability for some heavy power punch. That's why I especially like the 6 class 10 slots on the Werewolf, but I'll think about the Sammaels as well.
Yber, I planned to use the ship possibly for some piracy, PvP, group fights.. Nothing that particular, though. Thought it was a good idea to mount the SNAC on the ship as well (you can do this, right?) and it would pose a threat to some larger ships too. Sammaels and codenames sounds great though: more money saved while still being a potent offensive force.
Any further piece of advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!
So I got my beloved Werewolf and started mounting some weaponry on it, and to my disappointment, it turned out I can't mount neither Snac nor Torpedo on it, even though there is an extra slot which says "Torpedo/Disruptor". I am thus forced to put 2 CDs (which is practically senseless) instead of a CD and Nova (or whichever Torpedo).
(02-21-2013, 01:45 PM)Matrix31 Wrote: So I got my beloved Werewolf and started mounting some weaponry on it, and to my disappointment, it turned out I can't mount neither Snac nor Torpedo on it, even though there is an extra slot which says "Torpedo/Disruptor". I am thus forced to put 2 CDs (which is practically senseless) instead of a CD and Nova (or whichever Torpedo).
Could anyone solve the mystery?
Check the slots one ic cd/torpedo second is cd only
I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.
Bernard Shaw
(02-21-2013, 01:45 PM)Matrix31 Wrote: So I got my beloved Werewolf and started mounting some weaponry on it, and to my disappointment, it turned out I can't mount neither Snac nor Torpedo on it, even though there is an extra slot which says "Torpedo/Disruptor". I am thus forced to put 2 CDs (which is practically senseless) instead of a CD and Nova (or whichever Torpedo).
Could anyone solve the mystery?
SNAC and Nova are only for bombers. Werewolf as a SHF can't use them. Instead it can mount fighter torpedos (Starkiller and Sunslayer torpedos) in that slot, or you could mount a Mini Razor or Tartarus cannon, which is what Werewolf pilots usually do.
(02-21-2013, 01:45 PM)Matrix31 Wrote: So I got my beloved Werewolf and started mounting some weaponry on it, and to my disappointment, it turned out I can't mount neither Snac nor Torpedo on it, even though there is an extra slot which says "Torpedo/Disruptor". I am thus forced to put 2 CDs (which is practically senseless) instead of a CD and Nova (or whichever Torpedo).
Could anyone solve the mystery?
SNAC and Nova are only for bombers. Werewolf as a SHF can't use them. Instead it can mount fighter torpedos (Starkiller and Sunslayer torpedos) in that slot, or you could mount a Mini Razor or Tartarus cannon, which is what Werewolf pilots usually do.