[font=Times New Roman][align=center]Ok so this complaint is manly toward a player named uninstall baddie and his friend u madbro. lemme say why, but first please note that, if i am killed in battle, im cool with it. i do not go around crying. but if i am killed unfairly, as i am about to explain, i get seriously mad. Story goes like this:
So i was just chillin in mah BH Bomber, looking for my next kill. then i see uninstall baddie in NY. His friend, umadbro cruises off and im left with him. he sais to meh, wolf you are mine then he shoots ful emps and snac before i can say " there is bounty on your head. SEE!!!!!!!! *ahem* So the after wards i talk to him in Private chat, and hes an even bigger Di** than ingame. he says that he knows what hes doing and that i cant report him because hes been here since 2007. then i talk to his friend in private chat and all they BOTH tell me is to go away and not to be in NY anymore.