Well, I've been meaning to do this for some time now, and today I've finally gone to the task of it. The Man With No Name, that gigantic mystery leviathan, has been converted into an easy to read format in the Stories forum, and each chapter has been given it's own thread.
From this, I'm hoping to get more interest, as the old version likely scared away readers by it's extreme density of text and the difficulty in reading it. So, tell me what you think, your theories on the identity of the man with no name or the plot itself, your questions regarding the plot or characters, and I'll be happy to read or answer them.
I will be releasing Chapter 3 soon, probably within 2 weeks to a month. That particular one will continue to follow the story of Arthur Whymper and explore more of the military side of the Empire of Kusari.
If you want to have quick links to the new chapters, my signature now indexes them for easy browsing. Enjoy!
Now that the story has been made into bitesized chunks my television aged mind can be arsed to process these micro chunks of information for easy consumption by my adolescent mind! Huzzah!
My initial reaction was that the part of the Corsair felt... rather un-Corsairish. I was reminded more of a characature of an American agent in his manner of speech and conduct than a Hispanic one.
Furthermore, I had a little trouble getting into the initial combat sequences. I could see that action was taking place, but rather than finding myself wondering whom was under attack and by whom (as I obviously have had no interaction with the characters and haven't yet developed any empathy for them) I found myself simply carrying along reading about one interaction following the next.
All that being said, I am intrigued by these initial developments and am looking forward to seeing how they unfold!
Thank you.. my primary intent with the Corsair scenes was to present a false protagonist who later disappears early on, initially making it appear like a "Corsair tough guy pseudo-Western" kind of fiction, then revealing something else.
The Corsair in question (I'm assuming you are talking about Kristatos) is highly professional, though brutal in his job, and as such he communicates more professionally than some Corsairs. He wouldn't hesitate to break your leg and shove your head into a pool of acid, but he also wouldn't have much of an issue impersonating a waiter or waitress, as he did at a high-level Outcast party.
Nah Patrick, people may read, but it doesnt mean they'll give feedback. I'm used to it. Most of the feedback I get is either "how the hell do you write so much so fast", or pointing out typos as they read.