I have a few questions regarding the Freelancer tag, please only reply if you have an answer and you know it's true. Quick and easy, no 5 pages discussion please. Thank you.
1) In the emphaty.ini it states that the freelancer has a certain emphaty level towards Bounty Hunters:
"empathy_rate = gd_bh_grp, 0.100000"
Does this mean, that if I do 10 Bounty Hunter missions, will I then get 1 Bar in Freelancer Reputation?
I'm basicly thinking math here: 0.10 x 10 = 1
0.10 (Emphaty rate) x 10 (Missions) = 1 (FL bar)
2) If I kill Bounty Hunter Guards, will it then affect Freelancer reputation? Since killing Bounty Hunter Guards will lower the normal Bounty Hunter faction.
3) Does the amount of money on the missions you do count as factor in reputation rate? For example: I do one 10k mission and then a 100k mission for Bounty Hunters. Will the 100k mission give me more reputation rate for the Freelancer faction?
4) I have also read that the Zoners gives a certain emphaty towards Freelancers:
"empathy_rate = gd_z_grp, 0.200000"
But the problem with the Zoner method is that there isn't any missions offered by them. Therefore you can't lower their rep via failing missions in order to get new bribes. So I heard one way is to kill Zoner Guards, though that brings me back to the question 2).
I think it's very hard however to kill Zoner Guards so I even refrain from doing that.
Now with all this in mind, heres the question number 4): Since Zoners are allied to GMG, if you kill GMG NPC's to lower the Zoner reputation (in order to buy more bribes to boost Freelancer rep.) will it lower the Freelancer rep?
Like this: Kill GMG - Lower Zoner reputation - Will this method lower reputation of Freelancer? Since you lower regular Zoner faction by killing GMG.
Thank you for reading this. And once again, only reply if you know for certain the answer. Please.
That is interesting so Freelancers could be made neutral towards pirates by changing that bounty hunter line in the next mod version.
As for you're question I'm not really sure but it becomes obvious in game when you shoot bounty hunters slowly the freelancers become hostile to you so yes I would presume your correct in your assumptions.