ID: Quartermaster John Aryn Current Location: Police Plaza Priority:High Encryption:High Subject: Proposal for a trade deal
We certainly hope this transmission finds you well.
We, as a corporation, are always looking to expand, and trading might just be the way. What we request is simply a permission to buy commodities from bases of yours, mostly MOX, for our needs. In exchange, we can haul in any needed or requested commodity we can purchase in Liberty space.
Looking forward to your response.
We're interested in pursuing a corporate involvement with the LPI and are glad to offer our business. In relation to any dealings of MOX I presume your corporation will pass required security and ship radiation safety requirements, and so the only question remains of what opportunities you could offer our corporation.
So long as you pay a good price for the MOX we'll already be in fair receipt of your business. Having said that, I'd be liable for treason if I didn't ask what you could contribute to the cause regarding our present duress. If I'm not incorrect, the Boron that Liberty has to offer could be of great use to us. I'd suggest asking the manager of the station when you arrive though on what you'd best bring the next time. The man's quite unwilling to ask for help I can tell you, so you'd best insist.
Thank you for your business and godspeed in Leeds.
ID: Quartermaster John Aryn Current Location: Police Plaza Priority:High Encryption:High Subject: Trade deal
First of all, thank you for the prompt response. Your decision is most appreciated.
Our ships indeed pass all security requirements and it is just a matter of time before they head to Leeds. As for the opportunity, we will stick to hauling Boron for the time being. Any other requests we may take from the mentioned station manager - looking forward to meeting him soon.
If you have any other requirements, feel free to contact us in this channel.