Well, I'm sure it isn't the first time someone's come up with this kind of idea. I am curious, however, if people are currently interested.
== Proposal ==
Strength in numbers, as they say. Individuals flying alone take greater risks, and also find it harder to secure good prices for goods and services. By banding together, a group of traders can not only travel together, but also get better terms on commodity prices, loans, and the like.
For simplicity's sake, call the group the Independent Traders Guild for now.
Traders from across the houses, not tied to any one house, come together for security and profit. They do NOT mine, and have very few combat craft amongst them. They are traders.
Having members from several houses, there are, therefore, many profitable trade route which are made known. As such, members have greater choice when choosing what route to embark on next. Hear tell of pirates in Liberty? Head to Kusari instead.
Freelancer IFF
Modifications to the ID:
NO piracy
May not use ships with more than 4,300 cargo space.
Ships allowed:
All. If you can RP it, you can fly it.
Faction objectives:
RP > making money. Flying inRP routes > flying money-making routes. Go for broke. Write up as crazy a story as you can. Fly an unarmed Dromedary. With no thruster. Stuff. Get an unarmed dread and fly it as a cargo ship for all I care. If you can RP it, then why not? Just try to get permission from the house govts of the areas you plan to fly in first... RP all the way.
== End of proposal ==
My questions would be:
Can I have an IMG ID mounted and not be an IMG member inRP?
Is there a better alternative for an ID?
Is anyone interested in coming together and trading/convoying? Normal commodities mostly, from NPC base to NPC base.
I would use an FL ID, but that means no btrans, and we all know how traders love btrans.