This is for all Admins,sirs,the mining went pretty slow before the update what destroyed the mining for everyone,before the modification of the yield,in Tau 23 system,at Niobium Ore i got 15-18 ore/shot ,now i get 1-2/shot,is to slow sirs,to fill up a 5000 cargo Transport Ship i have to wait almost 1 hour if not more,the mining should be the best way to make credits,there are a lot of ships and players who wants to get good ships and the coolest ships,and making credits should be easy,now lets say that i wait 6-8 minutes to get 86 units of ore,calculate that for 5000 units of it,then there are the pirates,after you wait so long to fill up that cargo,comes up a pirate or a hunter and shot down the transport ship or take your cargo,if you don't pay amazing amounts of credits,i started to play freelancer hopping that i get a loan to buy myself a miner,making credits by mining to repay my loan,but with mining going like this...i can't do that! So someone from Administration please respond me and tell us what you will do about this,and tell us if something will be changed or not.Thank you very much,awaiting for your reply.
Everyone say Yes if you think i am right! Let the people get ships that they want and have great battles with the Titans Of Discovery Freelancer!
Tau-23 Niobium, huh? You should average 15-20 per rock. If you're getting low drops, maybe someone was there just a short while ago. If you are alway getting low drops, then maybe there is a problem.
Jarael Wrote:Oh. Hello again. Is this the Coruscant Tourist Information Center?
I mine H-3 with a GMG Miner, ID/IFF, the right ship & everything, yet a trickle of yield comes in for 1/3 of every rock shot. Before this update I could fill my Kamome in roughly 15 minutes or so, but it took me 30 minutes to mine half a hold's worth--and the fields we're not mined out already. Please, for the love of god un-nerf the asteroid fields!
It has been like this for most fields so ive seen. The droprates have been abnormally low everywhere, no matter if you have the correctly repped/ID/IFF'ed ship or not.
Hopefully this will be changed, mining is taking a veerrryy long time to do now at the rates things are at.