1 pilots being junker rep and pirate id ?????????????????
2 pilots who are freelancer rep and id flying in group with with pirates
what really clever person or persons of higher wisdom wrote that RP .....
probly the same guy that gave the best bombers to the least tech capable faction lmao ..
i hope the next version has some major re workings .. or this mod will most likely become the least role play freelancer mod .. due to all the holes in the faction make up
i.e who flys with who
and what they fly
as it stands atm we could all have junkers rep and fly with what ever id we like and demand all other pilots pay what ever and call it role play ...
nice work .... ps
im a corsair if ya dontt like it get a junkers id and come find me .
Because you will then take your Corsair and RP them to death, correct?
Pirate activity is almost always about deception. False IFFs, and such. As for freelancers flying alongside pirates. Perhaps it is because they are freelancers? Hired guns?
Who are you to judge others RP like that? Well, you can judge it, sure. But no need to go all ''lol nice rp'' about it. Everyone does everything their own way. Deal with it.
EDIT: Welcome to the forums. I hope after a while you look back at your first post and have a nice long thought about it.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
so u trying to tell me that freelancers can be hired gunz for pirates ? i suppose it makes it ok but there was or used to be a mercs id or clan i recall what happend to that ? ( im sure i read about it on the wikki )
also thought freelancers could go after bountys if they where able to see the bounty boards .. which means these guys would need to be registered on here ... and i very much dought that as they wernt even flying ships freelancer are aloued to fly ..
As for the first part, the Merc ID, Freelancer ID and Civilian ID were fused into one Freelancer ID, because essentially it was the one and the same ID with one and the same limitations.
As for the second one, I do not really understand what you are asking. You can hire a Freelancer ingame on the spot, just you have to let the enemy know that as per the rules. Freelancers can fulfill bounty contracts, but they have to register on the forums. Again, you can always hire someone on the spot and pay them to cap someone's arse if you cannot be bothered with the paperwork.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Freelancers can be hired guns for anybody except Nomads. All the other generic IDs (Merc, inde trader, slaver) were all merged into the Freelancer ID
And Freelancers can collect bounties, if they're registered on a board. They can also be hired ingame to help in a fight. And Anybody can fly any ship they want, but they will have to deal with RP consequences and a powercore nerf
(03-24-2013, 03:44 PM)robbersdog Wrote: ok whats the deal with .
1 pilots being junker rep and pirate id ?????????????????
2 pilots who are freelancer rep and id flying in group with with pirates
what really clever person or persons of higher wisdom wrote that RP .....
probly the same guy that gave the best bombers to the least tech capable faction lmao ..
i hope the next version has some major re workings .. or this mod will most likely become the least role play freelancer mod .. due to all the holes in the faction make up
i.e who flys with who
and what they fly
as it stands atm we could all have junkers rep and fly with what ever id we like and demand all other pilots pay what ever and call it role play ...
nice work .... ps
im a corsair if ya dontt like it get a junkers id and come find me .
Dude, don't sh[insertotherwords] a brick. You were pirated by a Pirate, and we were there for his safety. You didn't have a bounty, but he gave us cash to protect him instead. Which we did. You started running, we started shooting.
(03-24-2013, 04:00 PM)robbersdog Wrote: so u trying to tell me that freelancers can be hired gunz for pirates ? i suppose it makes it ok but there was or used to be a mercs id or clan i recall what happend to that ? ( im sure i read about it on the wikki )
That's the whole point of being a freelancer in a space shooter game
spot the flaw in this
Dude, don't sh[insertotherwords] a brick. You were pirated by a Pirate, and we were there for his safety. You didn't have a bounty, but he gave us cash to protect him instead. Which we did. You started running, we started shooting.
did you see the flaw ill point it out ... they where there for his safety ... how is running affecting his safety ?
oh wait it is not . and from some one whos been registered a year ..
there u go angels or admin ..
@ safe haven thnx for explaining bud .
@ sindroms no explaning was done that he had a army with him .. not that he needed one ... but when i came back on ( due to being kicked when i died which was wierd as well ) i saw the pirate was in group with the said freelancers . i dont know if they where in group before not that makes any diferance . but thnx for also explaining bud
if the forum admin want to remove this post go ahead .. i think the guys explained enough to me and im glad i understand now .. once again thnx for replies and input ..
@ sycronic what ever if you into that buthurt thing i hope you enjoy it .. the world takes all kinds but thnx for your valued input bud