::: Establishing Video Feed :::
::: Sender: CMDR. Miyagi Akira :::
::: Target ID: Arranmore Command :::
::: Subject: A Special Sort of Quality :::
::: Location: Zvezdny Gorodok ::::
My dearest Mollies,
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but as I understand things, our people enjoy an alliance of sorts. Consequently, it comes as a surprise to have a Molly Cruiser threatening my life on a scouting mission in Leeds. Now, while I wouldn't dream of holding you accountable for the actions of one Captain with rocks for brains, the situation would no doubt be better for both of us if his brains made contact with those rocks in a more... Immediate fashion.
Amusingly enough, the ship flies under the designation Rock_Star. I understand fighting the Bretonians keeps you sufficiently occupied, so I ask for no action on your part here, save this; allow me to bring about the destruction of this moronic Captain's ship, and end an insult to both our groups.
As always, it has been a pleasure. I've attached the appropriate documentation to this message.