I am not the person who keeps a lot of lawful characters in mind, so do tell. How do we deal with transports, which are not trading? Pirating transports, code dealers and so on.
Quote:6.6 Aggressors are not allowed to destroy a trade vessel prior to issuing a demand, in system or local chat, and allowing sufficient time to respond. Demands may be cargo, credits or an RP demand, such as leaving the system. "Halt" is not a demand. You must say more than this to ask a ship to stop however you may destroy them if they attempt escape.
So does this mean that a pirate in a transport has the ability to leave the lane unmolested, when caught by lawfuls if he pays a fine or leaves the system? Isn't that a bit...odd?
Even more so, how does this affect code dealers? Shouldn't they be treated as regular ships, since they do not use transports to trade goods? Does the pirate really have to demand cargo or credits, allowed to engage the target only after a sufficient time is given to respond and only if the dealer refuses the demand (During which he has already quickdocked, made some 5min noodles and found that one song he likes on youtube)?
Just wat.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
I guess it depends on how you interpret it (Which is unfortunatly a problem with some rules). But going the way I would regarding pirateing transports:
6.6 is as you've quoted it, but on the same section it says at the bottom
Quote:Note: IDs may contain restrictions/allowances which conflict with the rules. In these cases, the ID overrides the rules.
Most if not all Lawful ID's (atleast the ones I checked) have atleast something along the lines of
Quote:Can hunt pirates and terrorists within (Own House) and the Independent Systems directly bordering (Own House).
Which I would interpret as over-ruleing 6.6, since the note states ID's do. So pirate transports would be free targets.
But like I said, it depends on how you interpret it yourself, but thats how I see it. Its definatly something Admin clarification would be useful on.
As for Code Dealers I have no idea, or if it would even make any difference. Second you give an engagement notice hes going to have quick docked, so unless you make it so Code Dealers can be silently engaged (Which I'm pretty sure would never happen) its not going to make much difference.
A code dealer is kind of a trader - 'xept the goods being dealt in are trade goods. That said, code dealers that ply their trade with a few dozen codes aboard a lousy freighter are kinda asking to be blown out of the sky... If you trade in high value goods, make sure you've got a suitable ship to back that.
Pirates at the lane... yea, toughy one. How can you rulewise discern a smuggler from a pirate?
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
Well, if there is a pirate transport actually using the lane to go from A to B and I was in my LABC near the lane, I wouldn't bother them.
Why? Because they are, despite the fact that they will be RED to me, just traveling on the the lane from point A to point B, just like any other 'civilian'.
Even the Piratetransport deserves a demand. And... what is hard about it?
"Halt! Cease all hostilities, lower your shields, surrender. You are arrested!" is something like in RL : "Police! drop the gun! Do it now!" They won't gun you down with "ENGAGIBUGBN!"
If the Ptrans runs, you gun him down. Same as in normal piracy.
If he complies, you either made a cool demand that triggers roleplay (like arrest and trial) or if you wanted pews, you made the wrong demand. In any case, you have to let him go then, sure.
Aaaaand... especially irp Code dealers deserve that "protection" mechanism because they have to be admired for the risk they take. They could also trade in conn, without any risk at all, well-protected by Conn rules of "no engagement without consent".
Really, you just ignore them if they're not actively doing anything. Scan them, uncloak next to them, whatever you need to, to make them run off. If they're actively shooting a trader, normal engagement rules apply.
If they're a smuggler, give 'em a single warning to stop moving, and then waste 'em if they don't stop after 5-8 seconds.
Sindroms grow a brain and pirate the heck out of them no shit sherlock they are vialbe targets
I am not a native English Speaker, so i make grammar errors.
But it annoys me when people make silly comments about that... especially brits who for the most part can't speak their own language let alone anyone elses!
I refuse to grow a brain. If I did, I might stop playing this damn game.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502