» Identification: Aoi Iseijin (See Post #2) » Affiliation: Wild » Tag: Iseijin.
» Nomad War:
Heaven's Gate, also known as "Tohoku Planetary Arch" and later referred to as "Tekagi's Base" was once the pride of Kusari engineering. The base was used as a private retreat and a stronghold for Kusari nobility, and in the course of Nomad war, the Arch was militarized at the request of Governor Tekagi to safeguard the Proteus Tome - An artifact capable of translating Daam K'Vosh scripts and also activating the hypergate located in Omicron Major once activated - and various other critical Daam K'Vosh remains.
Despite the initial plans to ship these artifacts to Rheinland space, the Arch was attacked by a joint strike force consisting of Order and Blood Dragons fighter wings, who managed to push through the heavy defenses and infiltrate the base. What exactly happened on the Arch is unknown to the public even to this date, but rumor has it that during their encounter with Governor Tekagi on the Arch, it was revealed that he is infested and under complete control of the Nomads, acting at their whim, and what was once the ultimate retreat point for Kusari nobility had turned into the center of Nomads control over Kusari.
» Remnants of Tekagi:
After the events of Nomad War, with the extensive damage done to the Heaven's Gate, and the attentions turned toward infestation of Governor Tekagi, the remaining few of his personal guard who - unknown to the public - were also infested retreated to deep within the Nomad wolds, where they took shelter in Omicron Iota, using Altair Research Complex as their temporary hideout and waiting for the right time to resurface and continue fighting toward their goals.
With a decade and a half spent in hiding since the Nomad War, all the suspicions had fade away, presence of Nomads within Kusari space had became a memory and the attention of every faction in the region turned elsewhere, slowly started planing and arranging their comeback to Kusari and resuming their goals for the region. Unknown to the human population of the region and even to the Order, preparations had already been made for return of the remnants, as the main task force assigned to fighting Nomad threat after the war was part of the threat itself, forming the first generation of Aoi Iseijin along with the returning remnants, bringing a new wave of terror into Kusari.
» Hanta-Iseijin:
Just after the Nomad war, the Kusari Naval Forces realized that Kusari needed better form of security against the aliens invading their home. High command soon came up with a simple, yet supposedly effective answer. The Hanta-Iseijin. The Hanta-Iseijin division was commissioned an independent division of the Naval Forces dedicated to combating the alien threat based out of Heaven's gate, Tohoku. It seemed the project was doomed to fail when the Kusari naval high command lost contact with the division for a few days shortly after they arrived, luckily though, contact was reestablished after a short week of silence. The leadership of the Hanta-Iseijin blamed a technological failure for the radio silence and proceeded with executing their previously given orders.
Soon after the reappearance of Nomad infested forces on the northern borders of Kusari space, Hanta-Iseijin was tasked with battling the new threat as well as keeping a close eye on leading figures of Kusari government to assure no further infestations of key figures would take place. The public was led to believe the Hanta-Iseijin division was successful in keeping the new threat at bay, but unknown to them, soon after taking control of the Arch the key figures in Hanta-Iseijin were already infested by Nomads and the infestation had since been spreading through their rank, turning their battle against the Nomads in Kusari borders nothing but a show.
» The Purge:
Over time, with the increased activity of infested forces within Kusari borders, and with the methods employed by the Hanta-Iseijin grew more and more aggressive and radical, after numerous false accusations of infestation aimed at various key figures in Kusari government inevitably resulted in growing suspicions toward the division as a whole. Kusari government reacted with dispatching an undercover task force of Kempeitai operatives to infiltrate the Heaven's Gate and investigate the situation.
With the return of undercover Kempeitai units from their missions, it was revealed that not only the ranking officers of the Hanta-Iseijin, but also few of the leading figures in the Naval Forces ranks have long been infested by Nomads and have been executing a well-planned downfall of Kusari from inside. With the truth revealed and a few commanding members of the Naval Forces, Kempeitai and the Order notified of the results, various infested members of the Hanta-Iseijin and Naval Forces were captured and executed, and a planned assault on Heaven's Gate was put in motion.
Soon as the Iseijin scouts detected Kusari forces emerging from Hokkaido and Order forces emerging from Omicron-92, their plan was more than obvious to the defending force of the Arch. Dispatching every defense wing at their disposal, reactivating the Nomad hybrid defense turrets installed on the base exteriors left unused since the Nomad War, and enabling the newly constructed Nomad energy shield similar to the one used by Governor Tekagi, Iseijin forces succeeded in pushing back the human forces, but at a great cost.
» The New Era:
With their cover blown and their greatest advantage lost, now with their existence known to the public Iseijin forces spent the following months focused on defending the Arch and holding their ground in Tohoku system against the frequent assaults of Kusari, Dragons and Order forces. With the aid of Nomad, utilizing their advanced hybrid technology and a higher understanding of group tactics through the mindnode, after months of battle Aoi Iseijin finally managed to once again secure the Heaven's Gate to be used as the group's home base and safe haven.
Ever since the purge, Aoi Iseijin - Severely weakened, and with no more influence within the Kusari government - have struggled to regain their lost strength, staying in the shadows and rebuilding their fleet. With the attempt to bring down Kusari from the inside failing with Hanta-Iseijin, it is now obvious that attempting any major takeover of the Kusari from inside would be a lost cause, and much like their Rheinland counterparts, the Iseijin now resort to guerrilla warfare within the boundaries of the house, and also causing havoc in the bordering regions to weaken the house from outside.
During the recent months, more and more sightings of Aoi Iseijin ships have been reported within Kusari space as well as Tau and Sigma sectors.
» Home Systems: Tohoku, Omicron-92
As their home system, Iseijin focus on keeping humans out of Tohoku and away from the Arch. With the recently increased activity of Naval Forces within the system, this task has earned a higher priority than before. Omicron-92 also holds a significance for the Iseijin, and preventing any research done on the Nomad ruins located in the center of the system often causes conflict between Iseijin and various foreign human groups such as the Order.
» Kusari Space: Shikoku, Kyushu, Honshu, New Tokyo, Hokkaido, Chugoku, Rishiri, Nagano
Kusari space is the center of Iseijin activity. Having lost their most critical advantage and their true identity and intentions revealed, they resort to guerrilla warfare within the house. Locating and eliminating targets of opportunity within Kusari space, be it a high ranking member of the Naval Forces or a corporate convoy carrying a valuable cargo. With their strength lessened, Iseijin forces now avoid detection and any sort of conflict within the core systems of Kusari unless absolutely necessary.
» Kusari Borders: Kepler, Galileo
Even though not a main focus of Iseijin, sighting of these infested pilots have not been unheard of in the independent systems linking Kusari to Liberty. Only entering the system if an opportunity presents itself, Iseijin forces use these systems to add to the already-escalating tension between the two houses.
Despite not being the main focus of Iseijin activity, due to their importance to Kusari factions both sectors are considered an important part if Iseijin zone of influence. Iseijin ships are often sighted within these systems, attempting to increase tension in the region to both disrupt the trade and also reduce the trust of neighboring factions in Kusari government by making the borders unsecured.
Outcasts' stance toward Nomads have made them the only group of humans tolerated by the Iseijin. Even though the relations between the two groups is not close, Iseijin ships are occasionally sighted within the Outcast core space, mainly when in need of repair materials or spaceship supplies during their missions in Tau or Sigma systems. Holding no interest in Outcasts or their territory, Iseijin mainly use Omicron-81, Omicron Alpha and Omicron Beta as a transit route between Taus and Sigma systems.
» Restricted Systems:
Mainly consisting of guard systems, these systems are either heavily defended or do not hold an importance for Iseijin, and at either case will not be subject to direct assaults from Iseijin forces. Aoi Iseijin pilots generally stay out of these systems unless in pursuit of a fleeing target.
» Primary Equipment:
Kusari Naval Forces Ships
Kusari Naval Forces Weaponry
Wild & Nomad Equipment
As their primary line of technology, Iseijin is focused on Kusari Naval Forces ships along with the equipment available on Heaven's Gate. Due to having access to blueprints and design details of Naval Forces technology, Iseijin can run and maintain their Naval Forces gear efficiently and easily replace them if extensively damaged or even destroyed during a fight.
» Secondary Equipment:
Civilian & Renzu Ships
Civilian & Codename Weaponry
Civilian & Kusari Equipment
Having access to black market through Outcasts as well as unaware groups and individuals, Iseijin pilots are occasionally seen using ships and equipment freely available on civilian market. These ships may be seen used by pilots wishing to avoid attracting unnecessary attention or those who've used these ships before their infestation, however, due to having a limited access to maintenance and repair materials for Civilian ships, Iseijin pilots mainly treat these ships as disposable alternatives to Naval Forces technology and are not often seen utilizing such combinations.
» Limited Access:
Blood Dragon & Chrysanthemums
Farmers Alliance & Hogosha
Gas Miners Guild
These ships and gear can only be used in pure tech combinations (With the exception of Nomad & Wild equipment) and only for characters belonging to either of these factions before infestation. Since the Aoi Iseijin lack facilities and spare parts required for maintaining and/or repairing these technologies, characters with an appropriate backgrounds will only be granted a one-time use of their pre-infestation gear, and would be required to switch to Naval Forces technology once their ship is destroyed.
Furthermore, these equipments will only be used if the character's background makes it absolutely necessary and would always be considered the last option, and if an official faction or an active unofficial group of the owning faction exists, the player would be required to earn their permission before using the tech for their character.
Aoi Iseijin will not restart its open recruitment process, and instead will be focusing on recruiting characters ingame based on the quality of their roleplay and the effort put into the character's background. As it currently stands, we will not be taking in any more members until/if we are granted official status, however, we'll be keeping track of possible future members until then.
Iseijin currently has 6 main members active ingame and 2 additional members acting as faction advisors, monitoring the faction progress and roleplay.
Aoi Iseijin, operates on a set of guidelines specific to its own region and background, which is why despite being a Wild faction, the current Wild ID does not suit the faction's needs. Even though the general terms and allowances of the proposed ID is similar to those of the Wild ID, certain advantages as well as restrictions have been put into Wild ID to balance out their Sirius-wide zone of influence. Since Iseijin will be operating under a specific zone of influence, we'd like to give up some of the allowances and in return operate under a slightly less strict ID.
If Aoi Iseijin is granted official status, we'd like to request the following to be granted as our primary ID instead of the Wild ID:
Quote:Aoi Iseijin ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a member of the Aoi Iseijin who:
May demand cargo.
Can freely engage any ship within their zone of influence.
; dsy_license_pf_07_grp
Aoi Iseijin ID
; dsy_license_pf_07_grp
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Aoi Iseijin</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this ID is a member of the Aoi Iseijin who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- May demand cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can freely engage any ship within their zone of influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot land anywhere except Nomad or Wild bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Gunboats, Transports, Cruisers.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
To address a few concerns raised regarding the proposed ID:
Ship class allowances? Iseijin members are limited to snubcrafts for their personal ships due to internal policies. Any larger ship class will be used in limited numbers and in form of shared ships and used only if absolutely necessary. Access to cruisers is only there to allow us usage of one destroyer and one battlecruiser for Arch defense.
Not having access to Scorpion? Scorpion is somewhat of a Das Wilde toy, neither old Iseijin nor the new one see any reasons why should that ship be used by our faction, and that's why Scorp is not included in our ID tech nerf.
Access to unlawful technology? It's thoroughly explained in the related part of the first post.
This section will be updated in a FAQ-like style for future references. 1.0