I was discussing some issues about the Outcasts a few days before,Then suddenly a thought flashed into my head..
Why can't Outcasts and Corsairs (For Example) have trade lanes,Let's face it..They are two of the most developed factions in Sirius. I can't understand why do they have extremely powerful military and still they can't get lanes to their houses.
Some people may say that they lack the tech....Well,I don't think that factions who could build both of the best ships lack the tech,even if they do they should be able to steal it or something....
Other people would say that trade lanes were invented for transports and freighters to use.......Again,have you ever heard of the age of speed!! I f you can't be fast, you'll lose the race top,every second counts these times.
That was just a small idea to make the game better,more realistic and more fun!!
They don't need them. They hardly trade, and I don't see any use of lanes without much trading.
I also don't see in which way would it be realistic, nor fun if we gave trade lanes to the Corsairs and to the Outcasts. Maybe it could be better, but who knows for what.
I would argue that lanes are for trade only, and unless the outcast/corsair nations go "legit" they won't have lanes ( especialy when they don't have that much bases in 1 system ). Remember, its called "Trade lane" for a reason.
A: Because they are NOT two of the most developed factions in sirius, they have one barely habital planet each and some bases. They DONT have an extremely powerful military compared to houses, they have an extremely powerful navy compared to normal criminal groups.
B: Because only Agiera, and Gallia who stole it from them, know the tech to make tradelanes/JGs.
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(06-04-2013, 12:44 PM)Knjaz Wrote: Because only Liberty and Gallia have a monopoly on it's construction and maintenance?
Nommies... They have their own, so they may be can give tech to outcasts...
The Nomads didn't invent their own Gate/Lane tech per se; they adapted it from DK tech, the original inventors. However, given the obscure nature with which Nomads "think", it's likley that translating those plans in a way that humans could understand would be very difficult to nearly impossible.
The other key lore points as to why Hispania factions don't have Gate or Lane tech is already covered.
(06-04-2013, 12:44 PM)Knjaz Wrote: Because only Liberty and Gallia have a monopoly on it's construction and maintenance?
Nommies... They have their own, so they may be can give tech to outcasts...
The Nomads are fundamentally incapable of developing infrastructure-related technology. The "Nomad" Trade Lanes are Daam K'vosh tech.
Both theirs and Ageira (and consequentially Gallia) are based off Daam K'Vosh tech. Nomads can and they do build both gates and lanes as it is, they're different too. And they are experimenting with that technology pushing envelope further, the evidence is all there, a prime example would be main research conducted by Das Wilde. You don't expand that tech without knowing how it works. They may not know its full potential but they know some and they are learning to get more out of it.
'fundamentally incapable'... They have their own infrastructure and quite obviously able to make it and put into use, unless you mean to say that none of their systems exist and they never built any bases. That's just ridiculous. You may as well just go and deny existence of Gallia and whole bunch of other factions and all the new systems in Discovery.
(06-04-2013, 04:01 PM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: There's also the issue of communication, as Nomad to human telepathy is largely conceptual (to my knowledge) so would be nigh on impossible to communicate the sort of technical details required to translate such technology. This is aside from the fact the Nomads probably don't "know" how DK tech works, just how to utilise it in their own context.
Nomads were able to utilize Dyson sphere to their own needs, just to name a few significant ones. You don't use this kind of thing without knowing how it works, and they sure know how it works, what it does, and how campaign artifact key was related to it and why it was so important. You don't build lairs and those energy sources without knowing how it works. Now if you just want to make Nomads look dumb... What for, may I ask? What is the purpose? Are you going to tell me now those lanes in Iota were built by DK? Naah, I think I know well enough what I put in there in the first place. :-) And I know well enough how it and several other systems nearby will look like some time later.
Still they are highly unlikely to build lanes for Outcasts, there is no reason for them to do so, regardless of communication. But hypothetically would Outcasts need lanes? Not sure. But not for me to tell either. Actually I don't recall Outcasts being interested in that technology, may be I have missed something about it? But assuming they would it comes with uneasy notion that there would be alien-built lanes around. I'm not sure that's something Outcasts would actually want.
I just wish you'd stop making false claims that are pretty clear contradictory to what is already there.