Planet Stuttgart

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Planet Stuttgart
Rh03 01 base.png
Rheinland Federal Police
E-3, Stuttgart

DIAMETER: 15,209 km.

MASS: 6.12 x 10e24 kg.

TERRAIN: Terrestrial

TEMPERATURE: -11°C to 39°C

ESCAPE VELOCITY: 12.23 km/sec

Stuttgart is a green, almost inconceivably fertile world. It owes this fertility to the rich soils and high concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen in its atmosphere. While the atmosphere makes industrial development infeasible -- one stray spark could set off a massive conflagration -- farming has been hugely successful as many Earth and Sirian plants immediately took to the environment. Stuttgart has been Rheinland’s primary source of Food for centuries, creating aristocratic farming dynasties that became incredibly wealthy on state subsidies. These subsidies abruptly ended in 685 AS with the end of the 80-Years War. In the aftermath, Liberty forced Rheinland to make a number of painful concessions to clear its wartime debts, the most significant being Synth Food access to Stuttgart. Over the following century, Synth acquired most of the planet’s struggling farms, rapidly dominating Rheinland agriculture.

Across the 770s, Synth consolidated its hold on the planet by assuming control of the Stuttgart Growing Association (WVS), clearing the way for the controversial “CO2 enhancement project”. ALG Terraforming Gases were used to adapt the atmosphere to better suit Synth crops. This would spur the creation of the LWB farmers rights group who began a campaign of terrorism against Synth interests. Despite this opposition, Synth’s land ownership of Stuttgart would reach a peak of 89% by 826 AS. Undeterred by attacks, Synth continually scaled up its Synth Paste production, saturating the Rheinland market and exporting surplus to Kusari and Liberty. These operations would be thrown into chaos in 827 AS by the Rheinland Civil War. Pro-Imperial militias launched attacks on the polar spaceports and rapidly took control of Federal government facilities. Following bloody battles across these regions, Federalist forces ultimately retreated, fearing the fighting could spill over into fertile regions and cause mass firestorms and famine.

While remaining independent farmers had hoped the new Imperial government would evict Synth entirely, the actual response was more muted. Due to a military threats from Liberty and a desperate need for funding, Synth operations were permitted to continue, subject to harsher taxation and regulation. This uneasy status quo persisted after the war, with the Federal Empire maintaining many previous Imperial policies. In 834 AS, Synth profits were further damaged by the Treaty of Oerlikon, which abolished tariffs on the import of Gallic Food products. Synth has been forced to drastically cut its prices in Rheinland to fend off this new market competition. This has resulted in many of Stuttgart’s remaining independent farmers going under, fueling outrage and demonstrations against Synth, the Rheinland government and Gallic corporations.

Bribes & Missions Offered



Commodity Price
Robotics 25$
Hessian Tears 105$
Prisoners 205$
Crew 373$
H-Fuel 117$
Pharmaceuticals 34$
Consumer Goods 31$
Cardamine 187$
Consumer Goods 187$
Ageira Gate/Lane Parts 809$
Nox 136$
Consumer Goods 136$
Xeno Relics 219$
Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$
Rheinbier 15$
Oxygen 17$
Water 16$
Synth Paste 4$
Criminals 382$
Luxury Food 43$
Fertilizers 25$
Passengers (Rheinland) 334$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Eagle Very Heavy Fighter 24,079$
Falcon Heavy Fighter 18,778$
Civilian Gunboat Gunboat 855,006$


[834 AS] Demonstrations on Stuttgart over trade deal

PLANET STUTTGART -- 834 -- Demonstrations have blockaded Planet Stuttgart’s spaceport in protest of the Treaty of Oerlikon. Local farmers responded with outrage at the trade deal’s one-sided removal of tariffs on Gallic Food imports. “This last-minute change isn't what was promised,” says farmer Johanna Ostermann, one of Stuttgart’s few remaining independent ranchers. The novelty of Gallic Food has already proven very popular on New Berlin, prompting Synth to slash their own prices in a fierce price war. Few independent farmers are able to compete, and will likely be driven out of business in a matter of months. Synth also announced cuts to its Stuttgart benefits and loyalty programmes as a cost saving measure.

[834 AS] Bundschuh dossier sparks outrage

NEW BERLIN -- 834 -- A dossier of information has been published by the Bundschuh, alleging the Hamburg Blast was caused by an unstable Xeno Relic. The leaks implicate senior Imperial Shipping officers in a years-long plot to direct illegal research that was banned under the Denver Convention. In dawn raids, MND agents arrested Baron Mathias Schnider (Hamburg University’s dean of physics) and Wolfgang Kohler (Imperial Shipping’s Vice President of Academic Investments). Imperial Shipping has disavowed all knowledge of the alleged scheme, blaming ‘rogue elements’ for any wrongdoing. Baron Schnider and Mr Kohler both deny the charges, calling the dossier a ‘terrorist fabrication’.

[834 AS] Catastrophe on Planet Hamburg!

ROTHERBAUM CITY -- 834 -- A massive explosion has rocked Rotherbaum City, annihilating Hamburg University’s physics campus and plunging the northern hemisphere into darkness. Government authorities reacted immediately by deploying the Rheinland Military to the region to coordinate emergency relief; government officials have also confirmed that the MND have taken charge of the federal investigation into the incident. Initial reports have confirmed that the highly sensitive Optronic components used to regulate power networks were destroyed by a large pulse of energy. Kishiro Technologies has reportedly ramped up production in anticipation of increased orders. No group has so far claimed responsibility for the blast.

[834 AS] Synth accuses Rheinland of negligence

STUTTGART -- 834 -- Representatives of Synth Foods have lodged an official complaint with the government of Rheinland following another Farmers Alliance attack. The complaint alleges authorities purposefully delay their response to Alliance raids, and have not adequately prioritized suppressing terrorist activities in Stuttgart. The Rheinland Military and Federal Police responded with a joint statement accusing the Liberty corporation of underfunding its escort service and failing to take adequate anti-piracy precautions. "The Federal Police are not a subsidy for Synth's security division," Inspector Martina Hertz noted.

[834 AS] State visit assassination provokes fury

NEW PARIS -- 834 -- Rheinland's Minister of Trade has been critically injured after his diplomatic liner was destroyed by Maquis terrorists in New Paris orbit. The assassination attempt has provoked fury among the Rhienland delegation, after allegations were raised that New Paris' planetary defense grid had supposedly been disabled for maintenance minutes before. Several hundred are believed to have been killed in the treacherous attack, including many of Rheinland's specialist trade deal negotiators. Reichstag representatives have furiously accused Gallic officials of leaking the convoy's details in advance. The Emperor was unharmed, and successfully descended to New Paris to meet with the Grand Marshall for his state visit.

[833 AS] Rheinland pledges support over Dublin action

HAMBURG -- 833 -- While touring Nanotube production facilities on Altona Station, Trade Minister Baron Tobias von Hueber acknowledged Interspace's recent report on the Gold market. He confirmed Rheinland’s support for any military action Bretonia takes to reassert control over Dublin, condemning calls for a negotiated settlement. He argued that capitulating to terrorists and separatists was "intolerable" and would undermine the territorial sovereignty of all the Houses. Hueber closed his speech by urging Bretonia to take immediate and decisive action to restore the Gold trade, offering Rheinland's industrial services to the Bretonian Armed Forces.

[833 AS] Gold Insecurity Invites Crisis

WATERLOO -- 833 -- Interspace analysts have published a report on the continued volatility of sector-wide Gold supplies, claiming that further instability invites disaster. The reports note the pressures placed on advanced Optronics, Bio-Neural Processor and Quantum Multiplexor manufacturing were already causing spiraling cost increases in adjacent market sectors. Market analysis also indicates that the bulk of Bretonian exports now consist of recycled and in some cases adulterated materials, likely indicating that stockpiles are running low. Interspace has called upon House authorities to collectively find the means of addressing the Dublin question before economic crisis becomes inevitable.

[833 AS] Kishiro and Synth Strike Landmark Deal

DESHIMA -- 833 -- Kishiro Technologies and Synth Foods have announced a landmark cooperation agreement for the distribution of Synth Paste in Kusari. Food prices and inflation have soared across Kusari in the aftermath of devastating storm surges on Planet Kyushu, prompting Kishiro to partner with the Liberty agri-corporation to address the market disruption. Issuing a joint statement, Kishiro’s Mayumi Higa said, “we have taken decisive action to bring down food costs throughout Kusari, and give consumers access to the flavors and nutrition they demand.” The Ministry of Trade pointedly offered no comment on the deal, beyond advising recovery efforts were well underway in Kyushu, and should not adversely affect the next harvest season.

[832 AS] Battleship Strausberg lost in Dresden!

DRESDEN -- 832 AS -- A surprise assault has been conducted by the Military battlegroup spearheaded by Battleship Strausberg, which up until now safeguarded the Dresden's gate into New Berlin. The assault was primarily aimed at taking out the Leipzig Station, a former Daumann station that Red Hessian took a residence in after its abandonment in 818 AS.

While the battlegroup successfully managed to destroy both Leipzig Station, as well as Bundschuh controlled Bautzen Station, the assault ended in a catastrophic loss of the Battleship Strausberg, having been ambushed by a heavy Hessian battlegroup. While the Strausberg itself managed to successfully withdraw from the battle, its engines failed halfway towards the New Berlin Jump Gate, and the order was made to scuttle the ship to avoid it falling into the Hessian hands.

As a result, massive riots are taking place all around Rheinland, demanding Kaiser's resignation from his position due to his reckless actions making Rheinland even less safe than it already is. We have reached out to the Kaiser Cabinet, but were refused any comments at the time of publication.

[832 AS] Kaiser declares war on Red Hessians!

NEW BERLIN -- 832 AS -- Earlier today, the Kaiser announced in a surprise press release that the Rheinland has not been putting nearly enough focus on its internal issues as it should. The Red Hessians, in particular, have been a movement that spiraled out of control many years ago, and needs to be addressed by any means necessary. Kaiser's speech lasted a total of 10 minutes, and notable highlights included belittling of the movement origins, calling the Hessians "Liberty Rogue wannabe's wanting to paint themselves as victims", "skulking rats" and other expletives. The speech ended in a bold statement, claiming that in no more than five years, Hessians would be nothing more but a shameful note in Rheinland's history.

Shortly afterward, a bill mandating a 5%% increase in military spending was passed, along with some minor policies aimed at increased security in the core systems. We will keep you updated as more information becomes available.

[832 AS] Threat of Isolation

NAURU - In light of recent loss of connection of Omicron Delta with Omicron Rho and Omicron Kappa, Public Relation Spokesperson Kenneth Raeman, on behalf of the Core Guildmaster has held a press conference in their Rheinland branch office on Planet Holstein earlier this week to address their shareholders concerns regarding the recent loss of Jump Hole connectivity between the systems.

"Those unfortunate events are indeed less than ideal, but they do not affect our supply lines nearly as much as one would make you think. The main concern, that is the Corsairs, is negligible. While formidable and savage, they are too preoccupied with the Outcast situation in Omicron Theta, allowing our heavily armed convoys to pass back into Sigmas without much difficulty. There is also a secondary source of supplies in the Zoners of Freeport 10, with whom we continue to have cordial relations with."

When questioned about the specifics regarding their operations on newly-conquered Planet Gammu, the spokesperson offered no comment. Following the press conference, the company stocks recovered 25%% from the sudden drop of 40% they suffered when the news of Jump Holes collapse spread, maintaining the heightened level caused by Planet Gammu acquisition.

[832 AS] Core acquires Planet Gammu!

NAURU -- 832 AS -- Planet Gammu, an enigmatic world of alien machine lifeforms has been successfully taken over by the Core in a surprise move!

The announcement was made during a surprise press conference held at the Core Branch Office on Planet Holstein in Frankfurt. Apparently, over the past 4 years, Core's flagship: Battleship Mars has been preparing this operation, eventually springing into action shortly after Omicron Theta has reportedly become a battleground between The Corsairs and The Outcasts.

"We expect many great technologies to be made possible with our findings on Gammu, but I can't provide any specifics at the time.", said Core Public Relation Spokesperson Kenneth Raeman. "We also expect interference from the Corsair Empire, although they currently seem too occupied elsewhere to pay us much attention. Of course, fortifying our position in the system is very much a priority for when that state of things eventually changes. In the meantime, our ground based teams are hard at work excavating the secrets of their former inhabitants while our laboratories on Nauru are studying the first objects brought from the planet."

As a result of these news, Core stocks have seen a record one-day gain of 75%%.

[831 AS/747 AGS] Gate Corps Clash Over 'Blackout'!

ABBEVILLE -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- EFL's 'Resilience Taskforce' today reported its findings on The Blackout, claiming to have gathered forensic evidence that proved the cause as Ageira negligence. A spokesperson claimed that the destruction of the Dublin jump gate by Molly separatists had created a hyperspace feedback loop that was propagated and amplified through the Ageira gate network.

Ageira disputed this finding in their own press release, calling EFL 'fantasists' and countering that their own scientists had narrowed the cause to a rare 'hypernova' stellar event that originated outside the Sirius sector. Both corporations claim that network-wide hardware safeguards have been implemented that would prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Independent researchers have sharply criticized the corporate announcements, accusing both of self-interested misdirection.

Professor Sophia Nagel from Heisenberg Research Station called EFL's accusation 'incoherent' and the hypernova explanation 'nonsense' that did not explain the characteristics of the 'Blackout Pulse'. Despite multiple different Pulse recordings being widely disseminated across the neural net, public efforts have so far failed to triangulate its source.

[831 AS/747 AGS] 'Blackout' Causes Jump Network Fail

MANHATTAN -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- Two days ago Jump Gates failed simultaneously across Sirius, freezing commerce and neural net access across the sector. When the network resumed 31 hours later, restored communications broke the news of Bretonia's loss of the Dublin system. This twin shock has plunged the market into chaos, prompting fears of sector-wide economic recessions. Interspace estimates indicate that the stoppage alone caused billions of credits in losses. Gallia immediately accused Liberty of culpability for the outage, claiming the destruction of Dublin's jump gate instigated a cascading failure in faulty Ageira infrastructure. Ageira has sharply refuted the allegation, claiming such a systemic effect would be physically impossible. Independent researchers in Cologne and the Edge Worlds have also announced that a hyperspace pulse of unprecedented strength was detected moments before The Blackout, with data about 'The Pulse' being widely shared across the neural net in recent days. House authorities have remained tight lipped, refusing to comment on their own observatories' data.

[830 AS] Bessemer Struck by Corsair Raiders!

MAINZ -- 830 AS -- An Ageira Technologies research vessel, the ATS Bessemer, has come under a Corsair attack during its final venture through the Munich Jump Gate. The Bessemer, dispatched on a joint expedition by Ageira and the University of Berlin, was en route from the Raubling junction to the Frankfurt gate when it was waylaid by Corsair raiders on the edge of the Schwarzwald cloud. The RPU Dohna, a police gunboat tasked with overseeing the gate during the expedition, was quick to respond, but not before the raiders dealt significant damage to the unprepared civilian vessel. Anonymous sources report that as many as five Ageira employees lost their lives in the attack.

The incident came as a shock to the public and the law enforcement alike, as pirate activity was believed to have completely died out in the desolate Munich system. The frequency of strikes, from both Corsairs and domestic pirates, have steadily declined ever since the antimatter storm first ravaged the system. While the chaotic evacuation efforts from Nuremberg had initially caused a spike, as the system's population decayed to just skeleton crews and Junker scavengers, the criminal element became nearly absent. Some theorize that the Corsairs were there for the Bessemer specifically, intending for one last taunt at Rheinland's people. Thankfully, the Dohna and her crew were there to thwart their efforts.

The ATS Bessemer was dispatched into the Munich system in order to deploy a network of specially reinforced satellites, meant to monitor the advent of the antimatter storm's core. According to the University of Berlin, the core will wash over Munich around the end of this month, stripping away planetary atmospheres and most likely collapsing all remaining jumphole anomalies. The probes deployed by the Bessemer will provide the scientific community with first-hand data of the storm and its effects, transmitting it back to Berlin through a central relay nested within the safety of Raubling's hulk.

With the task complete, the Bessemer was meant to be the final ship to make the jump from Munich, with the Jump Gate being shut down later the same day. However, due to the damage sustained in the attack, the RPU Dohna did the honours instead, covering the Bessemer's departure to ensure its safe return.

[830 AS] Leaks Reveal Secret Gallic Treaty

OERLIKON -- 830 -- Confidential diplomatic cables have been uploaded to the neural net after a Rheinland official left an unencrypted datapad on a New Berlin shuttle. Included was a mocking assessment of Gallic negotiators working on a previously secret free trade treaty, and penalty threats over EFL’s slow progress on the Omicron Rho Jump Gate. EFL had privately objected that The Core was failing to provide adequate security against Corsair raiders. The internal communications predict large cost overruns, and further delays of over a year. Rheinland has refused to comment on the leaks directly, but has announced the deployment of Rheinland Military squadrons to Sigma-15 for ‘border security’ missions.

[828 AS] Farmer’s Alliance in Rheinland?

STUTTGART -- 828 AS -- It is believed the terrorist LWB organization collapsed due to infighting 4 years ago, granting the Stuttgart system a period of relative calm. As Rheinland now embraces a hard-won peace following the Civil War, it appears these malcontents have taken up arms once more. The traditionally Kusari-based Farmer’s Alliance yesterday destroyed the Synth Transport Abundance as it approached Stuttgart’s New Berlin Jump Gate. Stuttgart system governor Duke von Schmidt condemned the attack, calling the radicals to lay down their arms and respect the political process. RFP sources speculate the Alliance may have absorbed LWB veterans to expand their operations into Rheinland.

[828 AS] Birds of a Feather

STUTTGART -- 828 AS -- Many of the LWB’s remnants took up the Imperial cause during the Civil War, hoping for an isolationist government that would expel Synth Foods from Rheinland. These pilots were left feeling betrayed and enraged when this failed to happen. Lacking funding and resources, they looked abroad to find support. An unexpected benefactor was found in Kusari’s Farmer’s Alliance, who fight a near identical battle against the Liberty corporation. The Alliance has provided leadership, funding and resources to relaunch anti-Synth operations in Rheinland as a wing of their own organization. It remains to be seen how this united Farmers Alliance will impact affairs on the wider stage, with the security forces of both Rheinland and Kusari already strained by internal conflict and crime.

[828 AS] Cologne Aftermath

COLOGNE – 828 AS – The siege of Planet Saarbrucken proved that the reunited might of Rheinland is a force to be reckoned with; the Hessians have largely vacated the system. In preparation for the assault, the miners turned pirate had weaponized the nearby Tholey Station to slow down the advance of the military. In order to bring a swift end to the fighting with minimal casualties the commanding officer ordered the station be neutralized rather than boarded, resulting in its destruction.

Despite the success of the Military, it seems the Hessians flagship; Battleship Kassel, has managed to escape virtually unscathed. Rumors on Heisenberg Research Station speak of Hessian prisoners taken by Corsairs and Unioners alike. It's no secret there is a lot of bad blood between these groups and the Hessians and this reporter shudders to think of what fate awaits those poor deluded criminals.

[828 AS] Bug In The System

NEW BERLIN -- 828 AS -- Rheinland prosecutors have today opened up proceedings against Katarine Waltz of the now Rheinland Shipping company. Waltz was suspended a month ago when police officers notified the corporation of the investigation into the Fleet Manager.

Detective Rüdiger Sachs is credited with the breakthrough in the investigation that has finally allowed the proceedings to take place. When asked for comment he said "Waltz has for many years been feeding information to the criminal elements of our Rheinland. She has lined her pockets with a great deal of wealth and influence in the criminal world through the moniker Mantis. Selling shipment information to these groups is a serious crime, and the court will hear evidence that these attacks also lead to murder."

Waltz has been unavailable for comment since being suspended. Her legal team has also declined to comment on the situation as it has been unfolding. A spokesperson for Rheinland Shipping had this to say. "We have complied one-hundred percent with the police in their investigation.. Rheinland Shipping is committed to the safe and secure transportation of goods and this isolated incident will be investigated thoroughly."

With the proceedings going ahead, Waltz possibly faces twenty years to life imprisonment for the crimes they are accused of. Prosecutors are confident that they will get a guilty verdict.

[828 AS] Rheinland dispatches a fleet to Cologne

STUTTGART -- 828 AS -- A combined fleet consisting of Battlegroup Altenburg, reinforcements from the former Karlsruhe brigade, and reserve regiments from both Stuttgart and Thuringia mobilised this morning following a directive issued by the new government to retake Cologne. Fleet Coordinator Otto von Clausewitz addressed the press:

"In the glorious spirit of reunification, we - the people of Rheinland - are reclaiming what we neglected the most in the midst of our civil war - Cologne. With the help of our brothers and sisters who are united under one banner once again, together, we will re-establish and stabilise our trade flow with Gallia by decisively expelling the Red Hessian occupation."

The initiative to re-secure Cologne is the first decisive action of the new constitutional monarchy, and the Rheinland government's debut to the interstellar community. The Gallic Union lauded Rheinland's reclamation of Cologne to re-establish a secure trade artery between the two recently war-torn nations. In response to the news, Rheinland and Gallic exchanges saw a growing increase in the demand for ore and other raw materials, indicating consumer optimism in the re-establishment of trade. Furthermore, the Gallic Navy have deployed a battlegroup to Zurich as a blockade and possibly pincer against the Red Hessians.

Rumours are abound concerning the degree of entrenchment the Hessians have accomplished in Cologne during their year-long period of occupation. Reports have confirmed the presence of Hessian Battleship Kassel in orbit of Planet Saarbrucken and fortifying Tholey Station, in addition to heavy outgoing traffic in what is theorized to be a Hessian evacuation, most likely incited by the Altenburg's movements.

[828 AS] Hessians Flee Under Rheinlands Might!

COLOGNE – 828 AS – Under pressure from both the emperor and elected officials for a quick and decisive resolution to the ongoing Cologne crisis, the Rheinland Ministerium of Defence ordered the Altenburg battlegroup to advance onto the Red Hessian position at Planet Saarbrucken. The Red Hessians recently received additional reinforcements as it became clear the former miners planned to dig-in and would need to be uprooted from their position.

The Siege of Saarbrucken is currently underway and it has been reported that the Red Hessians have begun evacuating from the area. It is speculated however that the Red Hessians intend to make the Rheinland military suffer for every meter they take.

The Rheinland Military has offered a reward for any Red Hessians that are caught fleeing from the siege. The military has also advised caution as they have reported several other pirate groups in the area, with some claiming these groups are striking out at the Hessians. This reporter cannot help but think this situation goes to show, that there is no honour among thieves.

[825 AS] Bochum Refinery destroyed!

Bochum -- 825 -- The Kruger-operated Bochum Refinery in Sigma-15 has been destroyed in a nuclear blast. Initial search and rescue efforts indicate that there were no survivors, resulting in hundreds of casualties. The Rheinland Military has accused the Kusari Office of Intelligence for the terrorist strike, claiming the explosive device was smuggled onto the station aboard a captured Rheinland gunboat. Chancellor Neumann has vowed to seek justice for this appalling war crime, which has outraged Rheinland. Bochum was completed earlier this year and had served as a metals processor, as well as a front line H-Fuel refinery for the Rheinland Military.

[825 AS] Kusari declares war on Rheinland

SAIGON -- 825 -- In a solemn speech, Chancellor Neumann has condemned Kusari's declaration of war as ""a misguided day of sadness for both our Houses"". Kusari asserts that Rheinland destroyed Ibusuki Survey Platform in Sigma-21, killing 61 Kusari citizens. The Battleship Bayern had been ordered to enforce an eviction order removing the staging point for Gas Miners Guild terrorists, but was shocked to discover the station's wreckage upon arriving on the scene. Kusari has since released logs from the station's distress beacon, which it claims incriminates Rheinland forces. Anonymous government sources believe these logs have been fabricated, likely to provide a pretext for Kusari's own territorial ambitions in Sigma-21.

[825 AS] GMG Enemies of the State!

HAMMERSEE -- 825 -- Pilots of the Battleship Altenburg have deployed to counter acts of GMG terrorism in Sigma-15. The Kruger vessel Velbert was brutally destroyed by Guild pirates, killing all aboard. The perpetrators were pursued to a nearby Jump Hole, and are believed to have escaped to Sigma-21. Taking a bold step to secure Rheinland’s interests, Chancellor Neumann has declared a counter-terrorism operation against the GMG. She vowed to pursue all means available to defend Rheinland’s territorial sovereignty and citizens, including the territories of Sigma-15 and 21. The GMG are ordered to withdraw all forces from both systems and surrender the murderers of the Velbert. The arrival of the Battleship Bayern in Sigma-21 will allow Rheinland to directly enforce its demands.

[825 AS] Specter of Conflict in the Sigmas

FULDA -- 825 -- Rheinland has accused the Gas Miners’ Guild (GMG) of an unprovoked attack on Frankfurt, and vowed retaliation over the incident. Released footage appears to show a wing of GMG bombers arriving from Sigma-13 before launching a salvo of torpedoes at Fulda Border Station and nearby transports. The GMG has denied all knowledge, vehemently protesting that none of its ships were involved in the incident. Rheinland Military patrols have deployed into Sigma-13 to secure the space around the Frankfurt Jump Gate for the first time since the Colony Wars. Rheinland reinforcements have also been dispatched to Sigma-15, including the Battleship Altenburg. The GMG has threatened to fire on ships found in breach of the First Treaty of Honshu.

[825 AS] Neckar Supply Station Opens for Business

STUTTGART -- 825 -- Synth Foods and Stuttgart planetary authorities met aboard Supply Station Neckar to celebrate the facility’s opening. The station is designed to manage the increasing quantity of Food exports from Stuttgart and prepare them for shipment to Liberty and Kusari. Synth Foods appears to have left nothing to chance when it came to the ceremony going smoothly, amid rumors of the single largest purchase of Bounty Hunter services in recent history. This investment seems to have paid off, as the LWB were conspicuously missing from the occasion.

[823 AS] Liberty and Rheinland formally end conflict

NEW BERLIN -- 823 -- President Powell and Chancellor Neumann have signed the Treaty of Atka formally ending the state of war between their two Houses. 6 years of devastating conflict has seen tens of thousands killed and both Houses severely economically damaged. The agreement sees Rheinland cede all claims on Planet Atka, while Hudson and Bering are split in half, creating two security zones. The boundary between these two zones remains neutral territory, to be policed by the Bounty Hunters Guild under a joint contract. In return, Liberty has agreed to immediately end all economic sanctions, and fund 85% of the Jump Gate cleanup and reconstruction project.

[822 AS] Schulte removed through no confidence vote

NEW BERLIN -- 822 -- Chancellor Schulte has been ejected from office after the Reichstag passed a constructive vote of no confidence. The motion is believed to have been tabled after sensitive private correspondence was leaked from his office; it is alleged these documents detailed Schulte's plans to sabotage peace negotiations with Liberty, supposedly as a means of extending his wartime powers. Former Trade and Industry Minister Luisa Neumann has received the necessary votes from Reichstag representatives to be appointed Chancellor. She has vowed to end the war, while securing reasonable concessions from Liberty.

[821 AS] Chancellor resigns over health concerns

NEW BERLIN -- 821 -- Chancellor Rheinhardt has resigned from office, stating that deteriorating health has prevented him from fulfilling his duties. The Reichstag thanked the outgoing Chancellor for his service, before nominating Maximilian Schulte through a majority vote. Chancellor Schulte served in Rheinhardt’s administration as the Minister of Defense; he has vowed to uphold Chancellor Rheinhardt’s policies, stressing his own unwavering resolve to achieving Liberty’s military defeat for their unjust aggression. Schulte’s inaugural speech hailed members of the Rheinland Military as heroes, whose sacrifice had secured Rheinland’s greatness.

[820 AS] Liberty sabotages ceasefire talks

PLANET CAMBRIDGE -- 820 -- While fighting has largely ground to a halt in Bering and Hudson following the destruction of the Hamburg Jump Gates, Liberty and Rheinland remain locked in a state of cold war. Rheinland officials have confirmed for the first time that mediation with Liberty has been attempted over recent months in Bretonia. This good faith negotiation has been impeded by the Liberty aggressors’ bad faith conduct and attempts to impose laughable conditions. During these talks Liberty has continued to launch terrorist strikes at Hamburg civilians, intended to coerce Rheinland into capitulation. As a result, no common ground could be found, with Chancellor Rheinhardt vowing to fight on until Liberty’s criminal ambitions are defeated.

[820 AS] Wartime powers delay elections

NEW BERLIN -- 820 -- Relying on wartime powers, the Chancellor has announced that elections will be indefinitely postponed until the current time of crisis has passed. In a solemn speech to the Reichstag, Chancellor Reinhardt announced the formation of a wartime coalition government to tackle the looming threats of Liberty aggression and Red Hessian terrorism. A number of opposition representatives will join the Chancellor’s government as ministers, most senior being Maximilian Schulte of the Rheinland Conservative Bloc who will serve as Defense Minister. The Reichstag passed an uncharacteristically united motion providing support for the move.

[819 AS] Liberty invasion thwarted by bold action

BERING -- 819 -- Owing to the deteriorating situation in the Independent Worlds, Rheinland has been forced to withdraw all remaining Military units from Bering and Hudson. Intercepted intelligence on a planned Liberty invasion of Hamburg sadly proved true, forcing the execution of an unspeakable contingency plan. As the Liberty fleets began docking with the Jump Gates, charges were detonated, crippling the connection. Rheinland engineers then triggered the anti-tamper devices on Hamburg’s gates to prevent a connection from being re-established. Chancellor Reinhardt expressed his sincere regret for the move, but maintained it was necessary to repel Liberty imperialism. The destruction of the Gate connections also severs any hope for a quick post-war resumption of trade.

[819 AS] Liberty invasion plans leaked

HAMBURG -- 819 -- An anonymous Rheinland source has leaked detailed intelligence intercepts of a Liberty Navy plan to force a ""knockout blow"" in Hamburg. The plot involves massed Liberty battleships simultaneously breaching Hamburg’s Bering and Hudson Jump Gates, followed by Marines landing on the planet and seizing key infrastructure. This marks a significant escalation of the conflict, which had previously been confined to the Independent World border systems. As the news spread, scenes of chaos erupted on Planet Hamburg as citizens swarmed the spaceports in an attempt to flee off-world. Chancellor Rheinhart has called for calm in this grave time, promising his administration were “examining all options, no matter how severe” to protect Rheinland’s citizens.

[818 AS] Liberty corporations face uneasy future in Rheinland

NEW BERLIN -- 818 AS -- Chancellor Reinhardt has vetoed a motion from the Reichstag to expel Liberty corporations from Rheinland, in retaliation for Liberty's expulsion of Daumann, Kruger and Republican Shipping. The demands included the immediate nationalization of Planet Stuttgart and for sanctions to be leveled against Ageira Technologies, DSE, OS&C, and Interspace Commerce. The Chancellor’s Office explained that such actions would have far-reaching consequences, scaring away investors and driving Rheinland back to the financial ruin last seen in the days following the Colony Wars. Synth Foods is the single largest tax contributor in Rheinland, while other Liberty corporations provide essential services around freight insurance and Jump Gate maintenance.

[817 AS] War with Liberty!

HUDSON -- In response to Liberty’s encroachment in Hudson, state sponsored terrorism in Hamburg and attacks on classified research stations, Chancellor Reinhardt has taken decisive steps to secure Rheinland’s interests. Military patrols have been deployed in force to Hudson and Bering; Liberty responded to these reasonable steps by intercepting forward elements and attacking. Several are believed to have been killed in the clash. Liberty has feigned ignorance of their aggression, using the incident as a pretext to declare a formal state of war. Rheinland does not relish such a return to conflict, but we will do whatever is necessary to safeguard our House and people. Our proud Military will ensure the sovereignty of Rheinland, and the autonomy of the Independent Worlds.

[817 AS] Rheinland shocked by Gallic discovery

NEW BERLIN -- 817 AS -- Shocking reports from Bretonia have revealed the existence of the previously unknown House Gallia beyond the Taus. Jump Holes into Gallia were apparently intentionally hidden within vast mine fields, and only recently breached by a Gallic dissident group named The Council. They describe a House commanded by an isolationist and militaristic absolute monarchy, with whom they are locked into a bloody civil war. The revelation that a French Sleeper Ship arrived in Sirius in 84 AS has sent shockwaves through Rheinland, with many calling for immediate diplomatic contact to be established with the Gallic state. The star cluster settled by Gallia is believed to be the most remote part of the Sirius sector colonized by humanity.

[816 AS] Terrorist attacks rising in Omega-3

FREEPORT 1 -- 816 AS -- Omega-3 has a long and turbulent history of being a lawless space. In recent days there have been a particularly brutal spate of killings, with several BMM and Bowex convoys massacred. The Bretonia Armed Forces has been on the case for weeks, and yesterday successfully intercepted the mysterious attackers mid-ambush. Major Helen Hardy identified the assailants as Rheinland Military vessels, commenting that, “it was like 800 all over again” -- referring to Rheinland’s assault on Omega-3 during the Colony Wars. Following a complaint to the Rheinland government, defense officials were quick to deny responsibility for the attacks, pointing instead to the Military deserters-turned-terrorist group commonly known as The Wild.

[816 AS] Houses clash over Hudson terraforming

PLANET ATKA -- 816 AS -- Rheinland has reacted with outrage at the discovery of Cold Bay Depot, a Planetform terraforming outpost recently constructed in orbit of Planet Atka. Hudson’s status has been the subject of friction between Liberty and Rheinland for decades, however Liberty appears to have grown tired with the impasse and unilaterally commissioned further terraforming surveys and ground preparation. Rheinland has set an ultimatum for the “illegal” station to be dismantled within one month, threatening to do so by force if the neutrality of the contested Independent World is not respected. Liberty has rejected the demand, and declared that it is prepared to defend its intrinsic economic interests in the region.

[816 AS] Journalists assassinated in arson attack

PLANET HAMBURG -- 816 -- Hamburg’s spaceport has been locked down after a masked assailant entered the media offices of WahrheitBericht, gunning down many staff and setting fire to the building. RFP counter-terrorism officers immediately responded, pursuing the gunman to a nearby abandoned hab-block. In the resulting firefight, several officers were killed before the attacker detonated an explosive device, killing himself in the blast. WahrheitBericht had recently published groundbreaking claims about illegal Liberty research programmes. Chancellor Reinhardt has furiously condemned the murders as “political assassination”; the MND have taken control of the investigation.

[816 AS] Rheinland media alleges illegal Liberty research

PLANET HAMBURG -- 816 -- The Hamburg investigative outlet WahrheitsBericht has leveled explosive accusations at Liberty, claiming illegal research activities. Citing anonymous sources, the report alleges the existence of a previously unknown star system code-named “Alaska”, where the Liberty Security Force has recently been authorized to carry out human experimentation and Artifact research prohibited by the Denver Convention. Liberty has responded furiously to the broadcast, with President Powell dismissing it during Congressional questions as “baseless, lurid conspiracy theories”. WahrheitBericht has promised more “bombshell” revelations in the coming days, advertising a full length documentary they will self-publish next week.

[815 AS] Ehrengarde movement outlawed

PLANET STUTTGART -- 815 -- Known as the Honor Guards of Niemann, Ehrengarde conspiracy theorists assert the disgraced Chancellor was forced into hiding during the Colony Wars, while the Federal Republic was replaced by an “unconstitutional fictional state” in the aftermath. The movement first came to authorities’ attention after several members attempted to carry out arson attacks on Stuttgart municipal government buildings. An MND spokesperson confirmed the agency became involved after intelligence sources warned the extremists sought to collaborate with Wild terrorists, believing them to be a vanguard force of "Niemann restorationists".

[814 AS] Reinhardt vows to restore Rheinland’s pride

HAMBURG -- 814 AS -- Following recent Reichstag elections, Nikolaus Reinhardt has secured the office of Chancellor and formed a new government. He campaigned relentlessly on a platform of restoring Rheinland’s military independence and industrial health, pointing to the recession and lawlessness that marked the last decade as evidence of the failure of Chancellor Steller’s platform and policies. Reinhardt first pulled ahead in the polls after his high profile intervention protesting the Battleship Westfalen’s scrappage, before going on to lead the public campaign for its preservation as a memorial to Rheinland’s war dead. Rheinland corporate stocks rose as the election result was declared.

[812 AS] Rheinland warns about “Wild” attacks

FREISTADT -- 812 -- For many years rumors have spread about attacks on Omega shipping by a group known as The Wild. Now their ships have been sighted marauding across Stuttgart and New Berlin. Rheinland has announced that MND intelligence has identified these menaces as traitorous Colony War deserters and war criminals, who stole Military hardware and vanished into the border worlds to enrich themselves. It is unclear what prompted the renegades to extend their attacks into Rheinland core space, however it is speculated that they may have been driven out of their old hunting grounds by other pirate organizations such as the Red Hessians or Corsairs.

[808 AS] Schweizer Commission reports to the Reichstag

NEW BERLIN -- 808 -- Otto Schweizer has delivered his damning report to the Reichstag. The 1,400-page document accuses Daumann and Republican of colluding to create a "cartel-like structure" to defraud public funds in the lead-up to the Colony Wars. The Commission describes "inexplicable" and "self-destructive" financial irregularities that were signed off by Chancellor Niemann and senior officials during this period. Schweizer is believed to have passed on recommendations to the Public Prosecutor General for behavior rising to the standard of criminal conduct. Bipartisan legislation has already been tabled in the Reichstag to begin the process of clawing funds back from both corporations.

[807 AS] Colony War Demilitarization Complete

ODER SHIPYARD -- 807 -- With the deconstruction of the Battleship Goethe, the Rheinland Government has announced that the post-Colony War process of demilitarization has been completed. The Federal Audit Office has also provided a damning report to the Schweizer Commission, indicating that the bulk of the hulls examined were built to cheap, 80-Years War grade, rather than the modernized standards billed for by Daumann and Republican. Opposition politicians have called for the corporations to be charged with fraud. Addressing the Reichstag, Councillor Stellar announced that the day "closed a door on a dark period of Rheinland’s history".

[804 AS] Treaty of Honshu eases Colony War wounds

HONSHU -- 804 -- Dignitaries from Rheinland and Kusari today ratified the Second Treaty of Honshu, officially normalizing relations between the two Houses and ending Kusari’s embargo. Rheinland has formally accepted sole culpability for the Colony Wars and agreed to a 20 year reparations package. This includes preferential rates for Kusari corporations on military goods and resources needed to rebuild the Kusari Naval Forces, and financial compensation for the damages inflicted in Honshu itself. Chancellor Steller offered his sincere condolences to Kusari over the war, and promised a brighter future of mutual prosperity.

[803 AS] Daumann CEO assassinated

BADEN BADEN -- 803 -- Police sources have confirmed that CEO Wolfgang Daumann has been killed in an apparent terrorist attack. Daumann had been a vocal supporter of Chancellor Niemann’s re-militarization drive, overseeing the construction of the new fleet. Surprisingly, Daumann also lent DHC specialists to competitor Alster Shipyards across the late 790s, allowing the civilian facility to contribute to military contracts. Daumann went into seclusion three years ago, with his office citing ‘health concerns’. Federal Police say initial evidence points to Bundschuh involvement in the killing.

[803 AS] Rheinland recession bites deep

BONN STATION -- 803 -- Interspace has officially confirmed that Rheinland's economy has entered a sharp recession. This is largely a consequence of the devastating Colony Wars, Kusari's trade boycott, and the gradual tapering of the 'lifeline' loans Liberty had used to sustain the Provisional Rheinland Government. Anonymous government sources also commented that audits of Niemann-era records were revealing bizarre patterns of extreme short-term borrowing and expenditure that amounted to ‘financial sabotage'. Chancellor Steller has announced a raft of measures intended to address the economic crisis, including renewed negotiations with Kusari and targeted state investments.

[802 AS] New task force hunts war criminals

NEW BERLIN -- 802 -- NEW BERLIN -- 802 -- Chancellor Steller has announced the formation of the Marinenachrichtendienst, an autonomous Federal taskforce with a mandate to investigate all echelons of the Rheinland Military. Steller has decried his predecessor, Niemann, as a traitor whose insane wars of aggression were enabled by an insidious, revanchist rot at the highest levels of civil and military leadership. In a fiery speech, Steller ordered the MND's newly appointed Director Von Claussen to 'root out' these 'war criminals' and bring them to justice. Rheinland officials are now believed to have ended the Liberty Security Force’s involvement with the investigation, describing it as an 'internal security matter'.

[802 AS] Chancellor Steller elected to office

NEW BERLIN -- 802 -- Following emergency elections, the Provisional Rheinland Government has been dissolved and Chancellor Alfred Steller voted into office by the newly seated Reichstag. Steller has vowed to return Rheinland to a state of normalcy, and undo the damage inflicted by the traitor Niemann and his enablers. Steller has promised to uphold the Provisional Government's policy of demilitarization, and has committed to make amends with Kusari and the other Houses for the unprovoked aggression of the Colony Wars. President Jacobi offered her congratulations and Liberty's support to Chancellor Stellar's new administration.

[801 AS] Rheinland High Command missing?

NEW BERLIN -- 801 -- As the smoke clears following the cessation of recent hostilities, citizens across the Colonies have two simple questions: what happened, and why? As the Rheinland Provisional Government looks to answer those questions, it has become apparent that the House’s senior military leadership has vanished. According to anonymous sources, the whereabouts of the Military High Command is unknown, with numerous Admirals disappearing along with their flagships. The Rheinland Federal Police and Liberty Security Force have posted bounties for the missing officers after formal desertion charges were pressed.

[801 AS] Provisional Rheinland Government demilitarizes

POTSDAM -- 801 -- The Provisional Rheinland Government has begun urgent and immediate demilitarization. PRG representatives advised this was an absolute necessity to prevent Rheinland’s imminent financial collapse, and had been a requirement for both Bretonia and Liberty to drop heavy reparation demands. It is expected that these cuts will reduce the Rheinland Military’s headcount by over 80%%, leaving tens of thousands unemployed. This will reduce the force to levels last seen in 794 AS, prior to Chancellor Niemann’s build-up programme. Already huge formations of capital ships have been mothballed in orbit of Potsdam, awaiting shipyard space for deconstruction.

[801 AS] Kusari imposes embargo on Rheinland

NEW TOKYO -- 801 -- Shogun Edo has announced that a full economic embargo of Rheinland will be imposed by Kusari due to the outrages of the Colony Wars. Liberty’s President Jacobi has taken a leading role in mediation between Rheinland and the other Houses, with the Provisional Rheinland Government offering a message of condolence to the Kusari people for the actions of the toppled previous regime. Despite this, Kusari has remained resolute that no normalization of relations will be considered until full reparations are made for the devastation in Honshu and New Tokyo, and the many crimes Kusari alleges were perpetrated there.

[801 AS] Colonies Rebuild, Chancellor MIA


MANHATTAN -- It's been nearly two weeks since hostilities between Rheinland and the other Houses came to an abrupt end, and peace has settled over the colonies. Despite many lingering questions, government officials remain tight-lipped about what has triggered this sudden change. President Jacobi pardoned the leaders of the military coup against her, who are all recovering from what has been officially called "encephalitic viral infections." Insiders speculate that these infections may be linked to recently discovered evidence of a bizarre mind-control plan initiated by the Chancellor to bring down the major Houses.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor and several of his staff are still missing at this time and together face a long list of charges. Newly appointed government officials in Rheinland are now looking into recent events and are said to be enlisting even Liberty's help in their investigation.

In other news, LSF Commander Jun'ko Zane and freelancer, Edison Trent, both former enemies of the state, have been granted full pardons and have received the Lone Star for bravery, the highest decoration any individual in the colonies can receive. Though the details of their heroism have been sealed by executive order, they were honored today in a ceremony by President Jacobi, who said, "I, Liberty and the rest of the colonies owe you both a debt of gratitude. It is through your efforts, and people like you, that Sirius will embrace the future. We salute you."

[801 AS] Rheinland ends all hostilities

FULDA -- 801 -- With the disappearance of Chancellor Niemann and the installation of the Liberty-backed Provisional Rheinland Government, an immediate cessation of all hostilities has been ordered. Rheinland forces have begun withdrawals on all fronts. Reports from Kusari have confirmed that the Northern Fleet has retreated from New Tokyo and Honshu, however it has not returned to Rheinland or recognized the authority of the PRG. Government sources believe the fleet may have deserted, with Rheinland's remaining loyalist security forces being ordered to high-alert as a precaution against pro-Niemann coup attempts.


ALG Waste Disposal
  • We have contracts with Synth Foods to ship this planet Terraforming Gases. From Dortmund we bring the gases in and try not to think about what they will do to the lovely climate of Stuttgart.

  • Since we are a corporation the bottom line is the most important thing to consider. Our board was hard pressed when it came time to decide on selling Terraforming Gases to Synth Foods. What they do now will affect the planet for thousands of years, and all they care about is breeding that sickly gray weed from which they mill their disgusting paste.

  • Much of the money that we earn from selling Terraforming Gases to Synth Foods will be secretly funneled to the LWB. ALG's chairman is a large supporter of the displaced farmers of Stuttgart. Her own plantation has been growing blue jillies for centuries.

Bounty Hunters Guild
  • I was hired by Synth Foods to protect them against LWB terrorist attacks. Unexplained fires still sweep across the fields here from time to time. We are paid to make the arsonists sorry.

  • I came here once as a child; it was a lush and green planet with a warm golden sun. This is not like it was; the rolling green fields and prismatic growing tents that dotted the horizons are gone. Look as far as you can see in any direction and only the gray Synth Foods plants are seen spilling their way to the edges of the land.

  • The LWB base is located near the Jump Hole to Dresden. Do you know where that is? Aye, it's in the Ostnebel. The LWB conduct operations from that are. Mostly they run attacks on the lanes between here and the New Berlin Jump Gate.

  • I can sympathize with the LWB, I'm a Rheinlander. I don't like those Synth Foods Liberty vultures coming here and despoiling the most beautiful planet in our space, but it comes down to the money. The fools in New Berlin sold Stuttgart away fighting the GMG, and I sold my allegiance to who had the most cash.

  • Where there's LWB you are probably going to find Red Hessians nearby. Those two groups seem to get along pretty well, of course the Hessians are far more dangerous. Though, the LWB pilots are becoming better and better pilots, don't forget they all used to be simple farmers.

  • The Red Hessians come into this system through the Jump Hole leading to Omega 11. The hole is tucked away in the southern side of the Westnebel. Hessians use this system to get to Dresden and for resupply at the LWB base on the eastern side of Stuttgart.

Daumann Heavy Construction
  • We are not safe from the Red Hessians anywhere in all of Rheinland. They have grown so numerous and widespread there is not a single Trade Lane where one of our shipments have not fallen victim to a Hessian attack.

  • The LWB are sensible enough not to harass Daumann too much; that is why we do not pay to have them killed by Bounty Hunters. We leave that to the Synth Foods invaders. Personally, I hope all their damn cellulose crops burn.

  • Our Border World operations in Solarius, are supplied to a great degree by this planet. All the basic supplies make their way there from here.

Rheinland Federal Police
  • The WVS was the Stuttgart growing association that all farmers paid their dues to. The dues paid for lobbying in New Berlin and many other things that kept life good here. The WVS was a powerful voice in the old empire's parliament. Now the WVS is an entity controlled by Synth Foods.

  • It took some time to safeguard the populace of this planet from the risks of fire. This much Oxygen makes the air flammable, but we learned to deal with it. Almost everything here is made from plastics, ships land and take off at the poles where the cold reduces the Oxygen amount and combustion engines aren't used, everything is battery powered.

  • Several days ago, the Belknap was traversing the Trade Lane from Stuttgart to the Berlin Gate when it was hijacked by LWB pirates. They flew the ship into the Ostnebel, where it is likely stationed for use as a temporary food supply.

  • Synth Foods' cellulose plant was bred to survive in less than perfect growing conditions. That is what I don't understand. Why did Synth Foods wish to take Stuttgart? They changed a garden planet capable of growing the most exotic and delicate flora into a factory for their tasteless weed.

  • My ancestors moved here centuries ago and began growing roses. Stuttgart is where people moved when they had made their fortunes and wished to retire. Originally, my family were freelancers who made their money running Luxury Goods. We lost everything when the subsidies came to a halt.

  • Even now, the finest foods found in all of Sirius are grown or raised here. My family was able to hold onto their farm, they weren't over extended like many others when the subsidies came to a screeching halt. But now Synth Foods is dumping Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere, and adding rough Fertilizers to the soil. These changes are making it difficult to cultivate the more delicate crops.

  • In the midst of the Eighty Years War the Rheinland government bankrupted itself fighting the GMG. With no other avenue left, they indebted themselves to Liberty, that was the beginning of the end for Stuttgart. At the war's finish, the debts needed to be settled.

  • When fires began breaking out on Synth Foods farms, an investigation was launched. No one was able to discover who was at fault but, as the fires raged, the WVS fire trucks stayed in their garages. Synth Foods cried out for the WVS to be punished and of course New Berlin complied. The leaders of WVS; the master growers, were replaced with Synth Foods cronies.

  • Once Synth Foods moved into Stuttgart they destroyed a way of life that had been going on for centuries. Mighty growing dynasties were torn apart overnight. Only the strongest families were able to keep their plantations, the rest were thrown free of the land by their own government.

  • The Oxygen content is very high on this planet. A man can work twice as hard without tiring when he has that much more Oxygen to breathe. And that euphoria you are feeling...also caused by the Oxygen concentration, the human body loves Oxygen.

Orbital Spa & Cruise
  • I can appreciate nationalism and pride, but I'd say these Rheinlanders are a bit over sensitive. They should welcome the influx of money and jobs that Liberty corporations bring with them into the system. All I ever hear from these people are complaints about Liberty scum this, and foreign money that, they are worse than the Kusari.

  • Orbital Spa's resort on Baden-Baden needs basic supplies like any other station in Sirius. We get the majority of our goods from this planet. Too bad Synth Foods has despoiled Stuttgart in so many ways, but perhaps that will force more people to use Orbital Spa's facilities.

  • The Foods and Luxury Foods that the clientele aboard our luxuriant resort enjoys, come exclusively from Stuttgart. We wouldn't think of bringing food in from another locale, though the quality of the Luxury Food has diminished recently, which may cause things to change in the future.

Imperial Shipping
  • From The Ring in New Berlin, Republican ships Sidearms and Construction Machinery to Stuttgart proper. We also bring Consumer Goods from the capitol planet. At Republican, we've got you covered.

  • Republican ships basic supplies to all the other legitimate bases in this system. Whatever anyone needs in Stuttgart, you can bet that Republican is shipping it for them.

  • Next time you go to Hamburg, remember that Republican Shipping makes a good profit taking food to the Alster Shipyards. On your way back it would be easy enough to bring in Pharmaceuticals.

Synth Foods, Inc.
  • Synth Foods, pumping paste into the heart of Rheinland. That's right, you can take Foods and Luxury Foods to New Berlin from Stuttgart.

  • Synth Foods brings in our own specially prepared Fertilizers from Houston and Bonn. If you are going to Bonn to pick up Fertilizers, you can take a shipment of paste with you.

  • Synth Foods earns more money shipping our yummy pastes to the LPI Huntsville and Sugarland in Houston, than supplying all of Frankfurt. The truth is we prefer to ship our pastes to people who will pay what they are worth. These silly Rheinlanders are too poor to deserve our pastes.

  • The Rheinland government is composed entirely of fools. The economy of Stuttgart and of Rheinland for that matter were interwoven with the subsidies they had been pumping into Stuttgart for generations. When the government realized what a drain the subsidies were, they cut them overnight. Immediately the entire economy bottomed out, as bankruptcies and foreclosures skyrocketed. Then we came in and bought almost everyone out.

  • Several days ago, the Belknap was traversing the Trade Lane from Stuttgart to the Berlin Gate when it was hijacked by LWB pirates. They flew the ship into the Ostnebel, where it is likely stationed for use as a temporary food supply.

  • Damn farmers are cooperating, it was bad enough that Rheinland tried and failed to give us the boot. Now just when business is starting to look up, these desperate imbeciles who couldn't compete show their faces again. Can't they see that our product is just better?

  • There is a lucrative market for Luxury Foods in Manhattan. If you are willing to make the trip, I'm sure the markets there will pay well for Stuttgart's finest.

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:47 UTC