"Hydra" Outcast Antimatter Cannon

From Discovery Wiki
Outcast Antimatter Cannon
Equipicon gun bomber heavy.png
Hull Damage 2592
Shield Damage 1944
Hull Damage/s 1296.0
Shield Damage/s 972.0
Refire Rate 0.5
Energy usage/s 1135.3
Projectile Velocity 500
Range 575
Efficiency 2.0
FLStat Rating 221.72

"Hydra" Outcast Antimatter Cannon

Some say they infused it with Liquid Cardamine. Others say they utilized advanced alien technology. Yet others say it is enchanted with ancestor spirits. Whatever the case, Outcast scientists have certainly produced a buzz-worthy weapon in the "Hydra" antimatter cannon. With rumor and speculation circulating throughout the colonies regarding its nature and power, the Hydra has become a significant deterrent in itself for would-be raiders in Omicron Alpha and nearby regions. Experts have noted, however, that it is unlikely to be much different from the familiar "Supernova" antimatter cannon, and that the determination and ferocity of Outcast pilots are the real deterrence.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
Battlecruiser Tercio Outcasts Omicron Beta Edge Worlds 11,677$
Corsica Drydock A Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 11,677$
Dreadnought Basilica Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 11,677$
Corsica Drydock B Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 11,677$
Gibraltar Base Outcasts Newcastle Bretonia 11,677$
Planet Malta Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 11,677$
Ruiz Base Outcasts Omicron Beta Edge Worlds 11,677$
Ibiza Base Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 11,677$
Battlecruiser Bastia Outcasts Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds 11,677$
Cali Base Outcasts Tau-23 Tau Border Worlds 11,677$
Galicia Research Station Outcasts Omicron Beta Edge Worlds 11,677$
Nishiara Base Golden Chrysanthemums Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds 11,677$
Genoa Wreck Outcasts Tau-37 Tau Edge Worlds 11,677$
Corsica Shipyard Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 11,677$

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:57 UTC