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The Order
C-5/6, Omicron Mu

A mooring fixture is a temporary resting area for idle ships within active shipping zones, allowing transports and other large vessels to be unloaded and passengers transferred. 



Explosive gas field that may ignite on contact with engine plasma.

Bribes & Missions Offered



Commodity Price
Liberty Ale 94$
Medical Equipment 81$
Rum 41$
Food Rations 84$
H-Fuel 184$
Super Alloy 90$
High-Temperature Alloy 68$
Superconductors 81$
Pharmaceuticals 60$
Optronics 123$
Consumer Goods 78$
Bio-Neural Processors 210$
Azurite Gas 24$
Xeno Relics 170$
Nanocapacitors 78$
Quantum Multiplexors 70$
Synth Paste 67$
Xenobiotic Filters 86$
Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$
Energy Field Equipment 10$
Robotics 68$
Crew 607$
Black Market Pharmaceuticals 83$
Counterfeit Computerware 106$
Oxygen 55$
Water 38$
Basic Alloy 79$
Black Market Augments 59$
Scientists 758$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Onuris Light Fighter 19,352$
Bastet Mk II Heavy Fighter 20,858$
Anubis Very Heavy Fighter 27,066$


[834 AS] Nomad threat in Omicron Theta escalates

DABADORU -- 834 -- For many years, the Nomad presence in Omicron Theta has been limited. Our agents have now observed a spike in aggression across the system, with coordinated offensives by the Nomads and their Wild thralls. While it is possible they are simply exploiting the chaos caused by the Corsairs’ occupation of Freeport 9, the timing cannot be a coincidence. It is surely linked to the devolving situation in Omega-58. We have deployed the Cruisers Mafdet and Khonshu to investigate immediately, as it is vital that we establish the alien motive for their renewed focus. Decisive action must be taken to curtail this threat before it can fester; preparations are being made to transfer more forces to the region.

[834 AS] Wild on the move in Galileo

BATTLESHIP ATUM -- 834 -- The Atum has been countering the activities of the Battlecruiser Wyoming for some time, having cornered it somewhere in Galileo. The battlecruiser itself has evaded detection, while its squadrons attempt to enflame tensions between Liberty and Kusari. That changed recently, when the Atum’s sensors detected the vessel moving at high speed through open space towards the Reppu Cloud, indicating its cloak is likely damaged. Following a fierce clash near the Colorado Jump Hole, Order scouts were driven off and the battlecruiser was lost once more. The Atum is now in pursuit, although the Nomads’ motives for re-entering notoriously hostile Liberty territory is presently unknown.

[834 AS] Xeno Relics proliferation an extreme threat

PLANET KNOSSOS -- 834 -- The recent explosion on Planet Hamburg demonstrates exactly how dangerous Xeno Relics are, especially in the hands of those motivated by greed for profit or power. The supply of these live Artifacts stems from the looting of the Knossos ruins in Omicron Pi, primarily by the Corsairs and Core. Interdiction patrols have been forced to open fire on several Corsair freighters that refused to comply with confiscation orders. Diplomatic attempts to dissuade further Corsair looting has been futile, as Crete’s Elders are set on selling these Relics for exorbitant sums to offset the enormous costs of the conflict in Omicron Theta. It is imperative this trade is stopped before the Houses are dragged into a deadly arms race with unknowable consequences.

[834 AS] Imperial Shipping culpable for Hamburg Blast

TENNSTEDT BASE -- 834 -- Bundschuh agents have obtained caches of academic correspondence, research notes and cargo invoices dating back to at least 824 AS. Imperial Shipping funded Scientists to carry out illegal research into Artifacts and Xeno Relics, in a foolish attempt to reverse-engineer technologies that could upend the balance of power in Sirius. This blind pursuit of profit has backfired with fatal consequences for the people of Hamburg. What remains unclear is how the Blast is linked to the simultaneous explosion of the Battleship Kolleda, and the weapon the MND had been meddling with. We will continue to investigate alongside our partners in The Order.

[833 AS] Omicrons at the Crossroads

AKABAT -- 833 AS -- Nearly a year has passed since the Core, the Order's most formidable ideological adversary, successfully seized control of the invaluable planet Gamma. This audacious conquest placed an array of advanced technology firmly within Core hands. What intensifies the concern is the Core's remarkable feat—a takeover bereft of significant losses. This achievement not only consolidates their grip on this vital resource but also casts a long shadow over any prospective Core resurgence into the Delta system. This looming prospect compounds the challenges faced by the Corsairs, who currently grapple with the tenacious Outcasts in Omicron Theta.

Moreover, our potential support for the Corsairs' endeavors in Omicron Theta confronts hurdles of its own. The loss of Lisbon Station in Omicron Beta has rendered our northern border increasingly vulnerable to Outcast intrusions, compared to more secure times. Adding complexity to the equation, the Corsairs' acquisition of Freeport 9, a move perceived by some as indiscriminate, has strained cooperation prospects with certain Order agents and supporters. While the Order maintains no formal allegiance to the Zoners stationed on Freeport 9, these developments have been troubling for those of Zoner origins among our ranks.

As traditional alliances within the Omicrons continue to wane, our age-old nemesis, the Core, shows unmistakable signs of strategic preparations. Though the accuracy of these forewarnings remains uncertain, the Order stands resolute, ready to confront any eventuality that may materialize in the imminent future.

[832 AS] War Returns to Omicron Theta!

FREEPORT 9 -- 832 AS -- Omicron Theta was the site of clashes between the Outcasts and Corsairs for many years, with the Zoners of Freeport 9 surviving in the middle of this uneasy equilibrium. Everything would change late last year when the Outcasts withdrew from the system, and the Corsairs boarded and occupied Freeport 9. Now, the Outcasts have returned in force and the fighting is fiercer than ever as they look to win back lost ground; early clashes saw the loss of the Corsair Battleship Fes and Outcast Destroyer Bella. The Outcasts have been open about their intent to destroy Freeport 9 so long as it remains in Corsair hands, to the dismay of the expelled Zoners who hope to regain the station through diplomatic means. The Core have also been spotted operating in the system, intervening to precisely strike valuable targets and seemingly prevent either side from gaining a decisive edge. Extreme caution is recommended when travelling through the region.

[831 AS] Suspicious Activity in Tau-61

AKABAT -- 831 AS -- The vigilant crew of the battleship Amenta embarked on an investigation prompted by unsettling rumors of Nomadic incursions resulting in the destruction of the Issoudun shipyard within the Orkney system. Their inquiry led to the detection of an enigmatic gravitational anomaly pointing the way to a remote and hitherto uncharted system, tentatively designated as Tau-61.

Initial attempts to explore this mysterious realm via long-range sensors faced a formidable hurdle—intense electromagnetic interference emanating from a local gas giant. Consequently, Order agents were compelled to resort to conventional reconnaissance methods, deploying Onuris-class reconnaissance fighters equipped with interference-resistant short-range sensors.

While conclusive evidence of Nomadic presence within the Tau-61 system remains elusive, the series of vanished patrols and perplexing sensor anomalies persist, necessitating sustained commitment on the part of the battleship Amenta and its diligent crew.

[831 AS] Corsairs Pillage Freeport 9!

CORFU -- 831 AS -- The Corsair occupation of Freeport 9 has sent shockwaves through the Zoner community. The Corsairs had accused the station of allowing their enemies to launch raids into Omicron Gamma, with violent rhetoric escalating after the death of an Elder's son.

As Crete demanded the Zoners of Theta turn over any Hunters aboard their stations and surrender docking control, the Freeport 9 administrators were confident that some kind of compromise could be found. A delegation from Gran Canaria was requested to assist with negotiations, due to the close ties between Zoner and Corsair communities on the planet.

Tragically, the Corsairs interpreted this delay as refusal, and launched a surprise attack while the delegation was en-route. Many of Freeport 9's crew are now being held as hostages while the Corsairs pillage the station. An urgent conclave has been called on Gran Canaria to discuss the Zoner response, while militias on Pygar have taken up arms in case the violence spreads.

[831 AS/747 AGS] Gate Corps Clash Over 'Blackout'!

ABBEVILLE -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- EFL's 'Resilience Taskforce' today reported its findings on The Blackout, claiming to have gathered forensic evidence that proved the cause as Ageira negligence. A spokesperson claimed that the destruction of the Dublin jump gate by Molly separatists had created a hyperspace feedback loop that was propagated and amplified through the Ageira gate network.

Ageira disputed this finding in their own press release, calling EFL 'fantasists' and countering that their own scientists had narrowed the cause to a rare 'hypernova' stellar event that originated outside the Sirius sector. Both corporations claim that network-wide hardware safeguards have been implemented that would prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Independent researchers have sharply criticized the corporate announcements, accusing both of self-interested misdirection.

Professor Sophia Nagel from Heisenberg Research Station called EFL's accusation 'incoherent' and the hypernova explanation 'nonsense' that did not explain the characteristics of the 'Blackout Pulse'. Despite multiple different Pulse recordings being widely disseminated across the neural net, public efforts have so far failed to triangulate its source.

[831 AS] Jump Hole Upheaval Causes Chaos

HEISENBERG -- 831 AS -- Jump holes across Sirius have become increasingly volatile and chaotic over the last year, with Professor Sophia Nagel from the Heisenberg Research Station linking the unusual phenomena to the Pulse. The Pulse was an unprecedented blast of hyperspace energy that was detected immediately prior to last year's jump gate Blackout.

Professor Nagel and her team are certain the Pulse originated from outside Sirius, but are otherwise no closer to identifying its source or mitigating a future Blackout event. "Following the Blackout, we began to see immediate signs of jump hole destabilization in multiple different regions, with many ultimately falling out of phase alignment altogether", she commented. The dramatic upending of Sirius' jump hole network has already prompted many groups to abandon stations and withdraw from systems that appear to risk being cut off.

While months-long trips between the stars are possible thanks to the Liberty Engine and many centuries of innovation, few ships are designed or provisioned to make such arduous journeys. Those who were displaced by Sirius' redrawn map hope that system connections will return, while adventurers and explorers rush to discover new routes.

[831 AS/747 AGS] 'Blackout' Causes Jump Network Fail

MANHATTAN -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- Two days ago Jump Gates failed simultaneously across Sirius, freezing commerce and neural net access across the sector. When the network resumed 31 hours later, restored communications broke the news of Bretonia's loss of the Dublin system. This twin shock has plunged the market into chaos, prompting fears of sector-wide economic recessions. Interspace estimates indicate that the stoppage alone caused billions of credits in losses. Gallia immediately accused Liberty of culpability for the outage, claiming the destruction of Dublin's jump gate instigated a cascading failure in faulty Ageira infrastructure. Ageira has sharply refuted the allegation, claiming such a systemic effect would be physically impossible. Independent researchers in Cologne and the Edge Worlds have also announced that a hyperspace pulse of unprecedented strength was detected moments before The Blackout, with data about 'The Pulse' being widely shared across the neural net in recent days. House authorities have remained tight lipped, refusing to comment on their own observatories' data.

[830 AS] Tempers Flare over Pygar Colony!

PYGAR -- 830 AS -- The Zoners have seen many trials over recent years, with the Bretonian invasion of Gran Canaria being one among many. It was this occupation that forced many settlers off-world, with some braving the deadly storms of Pygar to eke out a difficult existence under the barren planet's surface. The arrival of Zoner colonists in Omicron Theta has not been met with warmth by all, however.

The Corsairs see the Pygar colony as a direct competitor for the region's scarce resources, with Elder Garcia warning that there would be "dire consequences" should Freeport 9's biodomes reduce or divert their exports to Planet Crete. Whispers of alien ruins and Artifacts discovered below Pygar's surface may also antagonize the Corsairs, who rely on the Artifact trade as a source of wealth. The hardship of Pygar's extreme conditions and the uneasy relationship with the Corsairs has already led many colonists to consider a return to the now liberated Gran Canaria.

[830 AS] Battleship Horus Requires Further Testing

AKABAT -- 831 AS -- In a noteworthy engagement, the experimental battleship Horus, commanded by Admiral Aulikki Karkkainen and operating under the vigilant oversight of the battleship Thebes, successfully obliterated a Nomadic Leviathan within the Omicron Minor system. The Horus showcased its cutting-edge weaponry, delivering a staggering blow to the Nomad threat, surpassing even the loftiest expectations set by Order scientists.

However, this triumph was not without its share of setbacks. During the battle, critical issues surfaced concerning the Horus's system reliability. These problems reached their zenith when the Horus's primary weapons systems inadvertently disabled its primary drive during a combat engagement with a formidable Core patrol in the Omicron Minor system. In a daring rescue mission, the battleship Thebes swooped in to save the imperiled Horus.

While the primary power supply was eventually restored, the Horus was recalled to the shipyard for a comprehensive examination and necessary repairs. In light of these reliability concerns, the decision has been made to withhold the deployment of this advanced, yet temperamental technology for the time being.

[806 AS] MND director dismissed

NEW BERLIN -- 806 -- Anonymous government sources allege Director Von Claussen of the MND has been dismissed over an unspecified "fatal conflict of interest". The decorated war hero was appointed as the fledgling agency's first leader and given a mandate to purge Rheinland of the traitors who facilitated the Colony Wars. It is believed that this work led to a severe breakdown in relations with the Rheinland Military, who bore the brunt of the resulting purges. The Rheinland government have refused to comment on the situation; Director Von Claussen himself was unavailable for comment.

[806 AS] Rheinland cooperation collapses

WEIMAR -- 806 -- Despite extreme casualties, the Rheinlanders were successful in clearing Weimar’s tunnels of Nomad forces -- revealing the ancient Daam-K'Vosh ruins they had been guarding. MND informants reported that the site housed a live Artifact of immense potential power. Such a device could not be allowed to remain in Rheinland while the threat of Infiltrators persists. Allowing such an item to be weaponized by the Houses would be nearly as disastrous. Regrettably, we were forced to take direct action to address the matter, and rapprochement with the MND now seems unlikely. The Osiris will return the Artifact to the protective vaults on Toledo.

[808 AS] Successful strike eliminates Nomad parasite

BRUSCHAL -- 808 -- Our friends in The Order again provided intelligence about a Nomad Infiltrator -- this time Republican Shipping CEO Klaus Schulze. The MND had uncharacteristically taken Schulze alive after raiding his Planet Nuremberg bunker -- something the Nomads would not allow unless it furthered their plans. Our own sources provided the dates and times for the convoy that would ship Schulze to a government facility in Thuringia. Following a surgical strike by Bundschuh squadrons, the Armored Transport and its escorts were destroyed. We have protected the MND from their own worst impulses - the Nomads are an influence they do not understand and cannot be trusted to contain. Leaving Schulze in their custody could only have ended in disaster.

[803 AS] Bundschuh strike the Nomad menace

BADEN BADEN -- 803 -- Our forces today struck another blow against the Nomad threat in Rheinland. We had long suspected that their puppets were not limited to senior government and military officials, but extended to corporate facilitators too. Exhaustive investigations traced CEO Wolfgang Daumann to an isolated compound on Baden Baden. Our strike team successfully infiltrated the facility, confirming Daumann's infection. Shortly before the team was wiped out, Commander Dietrich detonated a bomb, destroying all present. These heroes of Rheinland will be forever remembered for their sacrifice.

[803 AS] Purge of Thuringia captures Weimar orbit

WEIMAR -- 803 -- MND and Order agents have defeated the Nomads in Weimar orbit. The Battleship Osiris is securing the area, as the bulk of the missing Rheinland Northern Fleet remains unaccounted for; no sightings of the battleships that withdrew from Honshu have been reported. Hostiles still hold positions on Weimar in old Imperial bunkers, with breaching actions revealing extensive traps and ambush points. Already we have discovered significant new excavations that are not recorded in Rheinland archives. It’s unclear what the Nomads are trying to uncover. Infected forces continue to launch raids from the nebula, and seem intent on regaining the planet.

[802 AS] Rheinland Chancellor an ally against the Nomads

OSIRIS -- 802 -- Agents have made contact with the newly elected Rheinland government, and appraised them of the Nomad threat. The new Chancellor has agreed that publicizing the matter would cause uncontrollable panic, and promised to covertly pledge significant resources to rooting out any remaining infiltrators. Bundschuh intelligence reports that the Nomad Thralls responsible for invading Kusari have retreated to Thuringia, a secretive 80-Years War stronghold. We have deployed the Osiris to investigate, and will be cooperating with the MND, a newly formed Federal task force under the command of proven ally Director Von Claussen.

[801 AS] New understanding of Nomad infiltration

TOLEDO -- 801 -- Despite the recovery of suspected Nomad infectees, recent developments in Kusari have revealed the Nomad threat persists. It is now our belief that only a small minority of individuals -- such as Chancellor Niemann -- were directly infested with the “Incubi” parasite. These Infiltrators appear to have created networks of suggestible, contaminated individuals through a presently unknown mechanism. Reports from Rheinland Military personnel indicate that this influence was broken with the activation of the Daam-K’vosh Hypergate, leaving only hazy recollections of the period they were dominated. Our agents are currently collecting the medical records of affected individuals for urgent study so defensive countermeasures can be developed.

[801 AS] Nomads not yet vanquished

KYOTO -- 801 -- Following the abrupt end of Rheinland’s attack on Planet New Tokyo, Blood Dragon strike squadrons have continued to harass retreating Military units. During these operations, the Gunboat Brüssow was found drifting in Honshu. A boarding team discovered that the crew had been massacred by the captain, who they successfully vanquished after incurring heavy casualties. An autopsy revealed the Rheinland officer had been the host of a Nomad parasite -- the creature had not been killed following The Order’s recent victory, as we had previously believed. It is possible other Nomad infiltrators may remain intact, with dire consequences if they are allowed to reestablish themselves.

[801 AS] Mass amnesia sweeps Rheinland Military

BATTLESHIP WESTFALEN -- 801 -- Thousands of personnel recently released from the Rheinland Military are reporting symptoms of amnesia in what is coming to be known as “Colony War Syndrome”. It is currently unclear what is causing the affliction but many say they have little recollection of their time in service, describing a “hazy” or “dreamlike” fugue state that ended with the collapse of the Niemann regime. Psychologists remain baffled by the unprecedented situation, but suspect the consistent symptoms may be a form of mass hysteria provoked by feelings of shame or guilt over the unjustified war.

Arrival of Freeport 7 Survivors

Just moments ago, the survivors of the Freeport 7 disaster arrived here in Manhattan. After two days of intense travel, several of the survivors required immediate medical attention. Requests by the LSF to conduct interviews concerning the attack have been declined by the medical commissioner. Meanwhile, the official death toll has risen to 2,600, making it the most devastating disaster in recent history.

Rheinland Admiral in Manhattan

Rheinland Admiral Otto Schultzky arrives in Manhattan today to meet with President Jacobi. Though they plan to discuss a new trade proposal, the President says that a heightened cooperative security measure will be on their agenda as well in light of the recent Freeport 7 tragedy. The admiral's flagship, the RNC Donau, will arrive in Manhattan today under heavy guard.

Jacobi Hopeful about Meeting

The President was candid today when asked about her upcoming meeting with Admiral Schultzky. She said that despite recently strained diplomatic ties, this is a positive gesture from Chancellor Niemann. Jacobi and Schultzky have met on several occasions before his formal diplomatic appointment, and she has previously described him as "a man of reason, committed to peace."

Freeport 7 Public Reaction

Citizens everywhere are still in shock at the news of Freeport 7's destruction. The station, operated by the Zoners, served as a neutral trading facility for all walks of life from around the galaxy. In the face of the catastrophic loss of life and the growing consensus that this was most likely a deliberate attack, people are struggling to grasp the motive behind this senseless act of violence.

Market Holds Trades

In Manhattan, the center of galactic trade, all orders were held for one minute in honor of those lost on Freeport 7. The market remains more sluggish than usual at this time. However, analysts expect a full recovery.

Liberty Mediates BW Talks

Negotiations slowed to a crawl yesterday as delegates from Kusari and Rheinland heatedly debated acquisitions in the Border Worlds. Kusari had proposed a "full disclosure" initiative, which was protested and then effectively blocked by Rheinland. Recent territorial disputes in the Border Worlds, largely driven by the discovery of a wealth of new resources and Artifacts, have sparked these talks between the colonies, with Liberty acting as mediator. However, with the delegates now polarized over this issue, it is unclear how effective these talks will be.

Military to Investigate FP7

Government sources say that because of The Order's potential involvement, President Jacobi has put the investigation of Freeport 7 into the hands of a special unit within the Liberty Military. This corps of investigators will be charged with securing the wreckage, gathering evidence, and coordinating with forensic teams in the solemn task of recovering and identifying human remains.

Doctors Hold Off LSF Inquiry

A group of Freeport 7 survivors, many of whom were critically injured, were taken to the Williams-Creek Medical Center for treatment. There they were triaged, and some underwent emergency, life-saving procedures. Agents of the LSF were also on hand to question those who could talk, but doctors insisted that they be allowed to recover before being subjected to the added stress. The LSF acquiesced but insisted that these patients be kept in a secure location within the medical center. Doctors have set aside Ward 13 for their convalescence.

Schultzky Killed in Manhattan

Rheinland Admiral Otto Schultzky has been assassinated by members of The Order! The President was visibly shaken when she heard that the ship carrying the Admiral was totally destroyed on its final approach to Newark Station. After extending her condolences to Rheinland, she ordered a full inquest, immediately charging the LSF to pursue The Order as its number one priority.

Reaction to FP7 Investigation

Other voices in Sirius have begun to question Liberty's move to place military forces in what has always been an apolitical, neutral zone. Some have said that this investigation should be an open, pan-colonial undertaking and that the stationing of military forces in Sigma-17 violates charter settlement agreements between the Houses and other factions. To assuage these concerns, President Jacobi spoke, insisting that the recent movement of The Order required immediate action. She also stated that our forces were there to prevent further contamination of the area and to execute a thorough investigation -- nothing more. Jacobi went on to stress that our formal presence at the Freeport 7 site would be exclusive and temporary, and that the sum of the findings would be shared with all affected government agencies.

New York Crime Wave on the Rise?

Are we at greater risk at home now more than ever? That's the question. When The Order penetrated our defenses to kill Otto Schultzky nearly on the very steps of the presidential palace, many of our illusions about our own security were affected. Add to this the destruction of Freeport 7 and the sharp increase of attacks by the Liberty Rogues in New York, and we begin to feel anxiety and uneasiness about our personal and economic security. The President and the LSF say that they are addressing these concerns, but without concrete results we are still left asking the questions, "Are these events related? And what can we do about The Order?"

Niemann Blames Liberty for Death

Chancellor Niemann of Rheinland spoke out bitterly today, citing lax security and blaming Liberty for the recent death of Admiral Schultzky during his visit. Niemann went on to say that he would personally punish those responsible, regardless of where they hide.

FP7 Survivors to Talk

Manhattan -- Doctors at the WCMC have given the go ahead for Special LSF investigators to interview many of the Freeport 7 survivors. Despite an earlier recommendation against this course of action, we are told that government pressures have motivated physicians to allow at least a conditional line of questioning of select patients. It is hoped that their eyewitness testimony will help to shed some light on who truly is responsible.

Local Crime Ring Smashed

Seemingly in answer to growing security concerns, LSF forces took action and delivered a crushing blow to Liberty Rogues operating secretly near Pittsburgh. Following up on details from an ongoing investigation, the well-hidden base was rooted out and surgically eliminated by agents who acted under tactical LSF authority. Aemon Bonnerille of the LSF promises that this is just the beginning, as he intends to "tighten the noose around the neck of organized crime."

Local Prison Ship Rescued

Just before LSF fighters closed in on a secret Rogue base near Pittsburgh, they were instrumental in fighting off a coordinated attack on a local prison ship. Prison Ship XT-19 is generally used as a staging area for prisoners being shuttled between processing stations and more permanent lockdowns in Texas. It was during such a transfer that the Rogues suddenly attacked and overran its defenses. Authorities believe that the Rogues were attempting to liberate a group of its own members being interrogated onboard. Fortunately, however, the LSF arrived just in time to repel the pirates and avert disaster. Though XT-19 sustained heavy damage, we are told that the ship was successfully towed to Baltimore Shipyard for repairs.

Liberty Imposes Artifact Ban

President Jacobi announced today that, based on the appearance of new, unstudied, and potentially dangerous classes of Artifacts in Liberty, she is temporarily suspending all Artifact trading, pending further investigation. Despite initial protests, she has assured trade union reps that they will be adequately compensated and that, once evaluated, regulated trading will resume. Authorities have asked all citizens to comply with this temporary precaution until more can be learned.

Big Guns Stand Vigil at our Gates

Responding to the public outcry on security issues, the government has now placed battleships at all Jump Gates on Liberty's borders. Though some citizens are comforted by Liberty's actions for better protection from both foreign attack and domestic smuggling and crime, others are concerned over the freedoms we might be sacrificing as we resort to potentially harsher military involvement to maintain security.

Trouble in Zone 21?

Civilian listening posts reported an unusual disturbance coming from Zone 21. Despite its exaggerated reputation among conspiracy buffs as an area for so-called "secret research," navy officials say that Zone 21 is only used for legitimate weapons testing and strategic training. They had no comment at this time about the disturbance.

Evidence pointing to The Order

The LSF today has said that between the material retrieved from the Freeport 7 site and the weight of survivor testimony, there is sufficient evidence to support allegations that The Order did in fact participate in the Freeport 7 attack. Though officials have yet to ascribe a motive to The Order's actions, or the exact weapons used, this new evidence has caused them to narrow their focus to establish an "operative presence" onboard the station prior to its destruction. They are now 100 percent confident that at least one Order member was on Freeport 7 hours before it was destroyed.

Some FP7 Survivors Dead, Missing

Doctors at the Williams-Creek Medical Center have reported several deaths in Ward 13, the sealed treatment facility for the survivors of Freeport 7. "These deaths are regrettable," they say, but not surprising due to their extensive injuries. However, we've also learned that at least one patient appears to be unaccounted for at this time. Though doctors and LSF officials refused to comment, we understand that hospital security is looking into the matter.

FP7 Manifest Sought

As investigators search the Freeport 7 wreckage for clues, the one missing piece of the puzzle appears to be the station's manifest. Once the manifest has been found and analyzed, authorities believe they will be able to accurately depict the final hours of the station right down to who was present on it, what ships were docked, and perhaps even how it might have been destroyed.

Explosion in Zone 21 Was Attack

After avoiding questions earlier, the Liberty Military has confirmed the sabotage of a Liberty cruiser in Zone 21. They also said that a coded transmission coming from within the cruiser just prior to its destruction was intercepted and deciphered. Based on the contents of the message, military authorities suspect operatives working for The Order. However, they do not know yet how saboteurs could have penetrated security to board the ship. The antimatter bomb that was detonated inside created a blast zone large enough to consume three cruisers and damage several nearby ships. There were no survivors in the suicide bombing, and the names of the ships and crewmen are being withheld at this time.

Orillion Named as Order leader

Today the President announced two contributions that advanced the exposure of The Order's leadership infrastructure: evidence provided by the LSF, and the decoded transmission from Zone 21. Jacobi says that there are repeated references to a single individual known only as "Orillion." LSF analysts believe this to be a codename. The President says that now it is only a matter of time before The Order will be rooted out and brought to justice.

Pueblo Station Nearly Destroyed

Reports have come in that Pueblo Station was viciously attacked by a well-organized band of smugglers under the direction of the notorious Sean Ashcroft. Even though rescue vehicles, medics, and LSF reinforcements arrived at the scene, damage to the station was nearly total, and Pueblo suffered many casualties. Ashcroft, a known Artifact smuggler, was subsequently apprehended by LSF agents and is being held in an unnamed LSF facility for questioning.

LSF Tightens Criminal Noose

LSF Director Aemon Bonnerille announced that his organization is continuing to tighten its grasp on piracy, smuggling, and all other illegal activities. Though some minor detractors claim that the methods being used are a violation of rights, others are relieved that the government is finally taking a more active role in domestic security.

Kusari - Rheinland Anxiety Grows

Despite repeated attempts by the President to smooth relations, Chancellor Niemann of Rheinland continues to insist that Kusari is guilty of theft, espionage, and now even conspiracy with The Order. Kusari has flatly denied these allegations, calling the Chancellor's actions "slanderous," and accusing Rheinland of taking armed action against Kusari ships in the Border Worlds.

Rheinland Station Attacked

More trouble in Rheinland -- this time in the Hamburg system. Sources there report that a scientific research station was looted by marauders and left severely damaged. Investigators deny speculation that The Order might be involved, saying that evidence points instead to a small group of pirates allegedly backed by Kusari interests.

Is Orillion Operating in Liberty?

Sources say that there may be a relationship between organized crime and the movements of The Order. Moreover, there is a remote possibility that its leader, Orillion, may be operating within the confines of Liberty under criminal "protection." Though the LSF has officially downplayed this idea, they say that they are following up on every legitimate lead to expose Orillion, The Order, and whatever ties they may have.

Rogue Attack on Ft. Bush

Reports of an unprovoked Rogue attack on Ft. Bush surfaced today. Witnesses say that the Liberty Rogues suddenly appeared and began to attack several ships and the large station. This kind of attack is historically very unusual for them, say analysts, but consistent with recent Rogue behavior. Though the pirates were repelled and there was only minor damage reported by the station, this does raise some concern for the ongoing security issues in Liberty right now.

Radicals Commit Suicide

The Liberty Military reports that several subversives and radical sympathizers of The Order have recently committed suicide rather than face arrest. Although the names of these suspects are being withheld at this time, authorities say that they are still part of an ongoing investigation.

LSF Conducts Internal Meetings

With Liberty's security in the balance, Aemon Bonnerille said that the LSF was developing a new internal plan for dealing with security issues. Though he declined to share the details of his new initiative, he has scheduled meetings with all key LSF control personnel.

Kusari, Rheinland Square off

Shogun Edo of Kusari is said to have taken great umbrage towards recent remarks made by Chancellor Niemann. Edo bitterly dismissed the accusations of conspiracy and espionage, accusing the Chancellor of clouding the issues of his illegal operations in the Border Worlds and his infringement of the Boorman Treaty, which forbids armed aggression between the major Houses.

Orillion Death Yields Few Answers

Aemon Bonnerille, Director of the LSF, said, "I hope that with the death of Orillion, information about The Order's operations in Liberty and elsewhere will be quickly discovered." However, with more questions than answers right now, some people feel that the only man who could have shed light on Freeport 7 and other criminal acts was silenced by the LSF.

Rheinland Foreign Minister Dead

Karl Ettinger, Foreign Minister of Rheinland, was reportedly killed in a bomb blast earlier today. Ettinger was en route to inspect the remains of the Hamburg Station when a fusion bomb, apparently hidden in one of his attending ships, detonated, killing everyone. Rheinland authorities say they are investigating the site of the incident, but since the destruction was so utterly complete, they have little to go on at this time.

Rheinland ships in Liberty?

Rheinland Military ships allegedly entered Liberty space today and opened fire without warning. The President immediately contacted Chancellor Niemann, who denied that there were any official military units in the area. Military officials had no immediate comment but said that the incident is under investigation.

Rheinland Allegations

Chancellor Niemann is said to have spoken directly with both President Jacobi and Queen Carina of Bretonia about the allegations he has raised against Kusari. Niemann has accused Kusari of backing The Order in its attacks against Rheinland and Liberty, and has now added the assassination of Karl Ettinger to his list of charges.

Freeport 7 Manifest Found!

The Freeport 7 data manifest has been found, according to the LSF. Agents finally discovered the sought-after module in a palette of wreckage reportedly salvaged by the Junkers. The data manifest, we are told, was acquired and immediately taken to the LSF labs for analysis. Based on the extracted data, investigators are certain that Orillion was indeed on Freeport 7 just prior to its destruction.

Rheinland Fortifies KU Border

There is what can only be described as a Rheinland Military buildup on their side of the shared border with Kusari. Chancellor Niemann says he will defend Rheinland against any more Kusari-based incursions even if it means taking matters into his own hands. Kusari, denying any wrongdoing, has deployed ships as well and adopted a defensive stance of its own in response to this action.

Liberty, Bretonia Propose Summit

Recent action on the Rheinland/Kusari border has caused other colonies great concern. In answer to this, President Jacobi and Lord Quigley of Bretonia have jointly proposed an emergency summit meeting to bring about a peaceful settlement. Lord Quigley, who has had a long career in successful diplomatic negotiations, is said to be acting under the direct wishes of his cousin, Queen Carina. There is no word yet on the Chancellor's response to this proposal.

Manifest Exposes Orillion

Based on its most current evidence and testimony, the LSF believes that Orillion, a.k.a. Sam Lonnigan, came to Freeport 7 to steal several large shipments of unusually expensive goods and Artifacts that were in its bays. Once his agents took control of the shipments and presumably eliminated its rightful owners, it is believed that he ordered the ships to take off and to destroy the station to cover their tracks. Lonnigan was likely to have been the last to leave. However, for whatever reason, he was caught in his own trap and was injured in the blast. Lonnigan was brought to Liberty by rescue ship and was admitted to the WCMC. Local Order operatives liberated him from Ward 13, and after his quick recovery, they implemented a wave of terror using Manhattan as a new base of operations. The LSF now says that it has all it needs to identify Lonnigan's accomplices, who may still be at large.

Boorman Treaty Violated?

Shogun Edo now insists that Rheinland's continued military actions show them to be in complete violation of the Boorman Treaty. Edo's tone was almost accusatory in itself, as he asked why Liberty refused to help the Kusari people. The President, in fact, did speak to both powers today, asking them to reduce the buildup at their borders and to present their respective issues at the proposed summit meeting.

Curacao Summit is Now Set

With Rheinland finally agreeing to attend, the summit meeting is now moving forward. Delegates, including our own Secretary Ballenshine representing Liberty, are to attend the meeting on Curacao sometime in the coming week.

Ballenshine Pronounced Dead

Liberty Secretary James Ballenshine collapsed today and was evacuated to a government medical unit, where he was pronounced dead of natural causes. President Jacobi said that his sudden passing will not diminish Liberty's commitment to peace and stability in the colonies. She will now be attending the summit meeting on Curacao in his place.

Rheinland Blockade in Omega

In an unprovoked move, Rheinland has imposed blockades on Jump Gates in Omega-7. Officials have called this "an outrageous breach of trust and protocol that we cannot stand for." Queen Carina and her cabinet have called for the Chancellor to immediately withdraw his forces, now impinging on Bretonian interests in that area. "Though we have been tolerant thus far," the Queen said, "this hostile act casts a dark shadow on our relationship and will be met with equal force if need be."

Lord Quigley Gunned Down

We are stunned by the news that Lord Arnold Benson Quigley, Foreign Minister to the Crown of Bretonia, has been found brutally murdered in his home. The Queen was informed and has firmly charged investigators to find those responsible. This is a duty, we are assured, they have solemnly accepted. Thus far there are no official suspects. However, an off-the-record source did say that they are not ruling out the work of The Order, who may be trying to derail the frail peace process in Sirius.

Shots Fired on Bretonian Soil

Conflict broke out in Omega today as Rheinland ships, becoming ever bolder, opened fire on a nearby Bretonian patrol in the area. The Chancellor has said that the Rheinland blockade is only looking after Rheinland's interests in the area and claimed that they were provoked by Bretonian fighters. As tempers flair and peace hangs in the balance, Queen Carina contemplates her next move with her advisors.

Are There Changes in Rheinland?

News from the Foreign Office indicates that things may be heating up in Rheinland. Reports from the inside say that Rheinland citizens are being stirred up against Kusari by what are being described as "agitator groups." Meanwhile, the Chancellor has just announced that the military is now activating its reserve fighters to bolster homeland defense. Royal analysts have reported this information to the Queen and have advised her that Rheinland may be preparing for war.

Who Killed Lord Quigley?

As national mourning continues for Lord Quigley, so does the manhunt for those responsible for his murder. Authorities, still tight-lipped about their investigation, have recently ruled out the involvement of many domestic suspects. This only further fuels local speculation that The Order may be directly responsible for Quigley's death. However, we are told that this might not necessarily be the case. Based on new evidence, investigators are examining a host of foreign leads in an effort to find Quigley's killers before they can act again.

Queen to Attend Summit

Despite Rheinland's recent aggressive stance and the assassination of Lord Quigley, the Curacao summit meeting is still set to proceed. In a surprise move, Queen Carina will now join President Jacobi and other representatives at the table, taking her cousin's place.

Disappearances Trouble HO

Today in the Home Office, a report stated that missing persons cases are at their highest in years. Compared to other population centers in the galaxy, Bretonia has often been considered one of the more peaceful, and so these numbers are thought to be erroneous. The Home Office has asked for a recount and more information before it officially publishes its statistics.

Ballenshine Was Murdered

Despite Liberty's official statement that James Ballenshine died of "natural causes," several entries in his sealed autopsy report detail certain anomalies. In information leaked to our press, it was noted that for a man who reportedly died of a heart attack, Mr. Ballenshine was in fact missing his heart altogether, as well as his eyes and his brain. These gruesome details were apparently omitted from Liberty's records. However, they now indicate that Mr. Ballenshine was just another unfortunate victim in a wave of recent high-profile murders.

Contact Lost with Remote Team

Communication was lost today with a Cambridge University-sponsored archeological dig in the Border Worlds. University officials showed some concern, but in the absence of an emergency broadcast, they believe that the older communication equipment at the site must have failed. A repair crew will be dispatched to repair the problem.

Shooting at Curacao, Queen Safe

In breaking news, shots rang out at the summit meeting on Curacao, leaving one security officer dead. Fortunately, the delegates were safely evacuated, and the lone gunman was taken alive before further lives were lost. Authorities believe that his intended target was Gunther Obst, the Rheinland representative. Though the assassin's identity has not been released, authorities have confirmed his ties to The Order. The Queen was unharmed in this altercation and remains under tight security.

Rheinland Defectors?

Reportedly, two individuals claiming to have information about the radical and sudden changes inside the Rheinland political machine have approached Bretonian authorities here at home. Requesting asylum and political protection, these people, whose names have been withheld, claim to have barely escaped a Rheinland death squad. As farfetched as it may sound, it seems our government has taken these individuals very seriously. They are currently being held in a secure location and have been granted an audience with the Home Secretary.

Rheinland Leaves Negotiations

The summit on Curacao was brought back into session only to have it halt abruptly as Gunther Obst from Rheinland refused to re-enter the grand hall. Instead, Obst went into a closed-door, coded meeting with Chancellor Niemann, where he still remains.

Summit Ends in Conflict

Chancellor Niemann spoke today, insisting on the immediate departure of Gunther Obst from the Curacao summit and dispatching several wings of fighters to escort him home. The Chancellor repeated earlier accusations against Kusari and all but accused Liberty of participating in a conspiracy to weaken Rheinland. He then declared Rheinland borders closed to all Kusari citizens traveling in or out.

More Violence in Omega

Rheinland forces again lashed out against Bretonian patrols. This time our ships fired back, crippling several Rheinland vessels. Chancellor Niemann decried the altercation as an act of hostility against the Rheinland state.

Curacao Delegates Return Home

In light of recent events, all remaining delegates of the Curacao summit have been recalled to their respective Houses. The Queen reaffirmed her support for the summit proceedings, hoping that when it resumes, it will act as an instrument to reestablish better understanding and a lasting peace.

Assassin Commits Suicide

DNA samples taken from the would-be "Order assassin" match those of a Bretonian man reported missing in the Border Worlds five months ago. Hollings O'Keefe, who was apprehended after he opened fire on the Curacao delegates, apparently died from a Cardamine overdose in his cell. O'Keefe, who had no criminal record before this incident, leaves a legacy of questions, since he died before authorities could learn any details about his disappearance or his subsequent connection to The Order.

Kusari Citizens Arrested

Reports indicate that soon after the Chancellor's recent address, many Kusari citizens in Rheinland were placed under arrest "for their own safety." Shogun Edo of Kusari was reportedly outraged at this news and demanded their immediate release. There has been no response yet from the Chancellor on this matter, but Queen Carina is also appealing for their release.

Surge in Local Artifact Sales

Local Artifact dealers report a marked increase in Artifact sales in recent weeks. Some of this, they say, can be attributed directly to Liberty's imposed ban on their trade. However, they have also noticed an unusual number of foreign buyers, particularly from Rheinland. Sales topped at a record high again this week.

Jacobi Addresses Rheinland

President Jacobi responded to Rheinland's recent closure of its borders with stateswoman-like aplomb. In her address she asked Chancellor Niemann to reconsider this decision, to cease all hostile activities, and to release all Kusari citizens who are being held against their will. There has been no reaction yet from Rheinland.

Kusari Convoy Attacked

A Kusari convoy near the Kusari/Rheinland border fell to a Rheinland attack wing earlier, eliciting a blistering rebuke from Shogun Edo. The ships, which were on the Kusari side of the border, are said to have been carrying Food and medical supplies to one of Kusari's outposts when the attack occurred.

Carina Decries Actions

Queen Carina spoke out against the recent attack of a Kusari medical convoy. In her statement she appealed to Chancellor Niemann to end his aggression with Kusari and to work with the other colonies to find a more peaceful solution to their differences.

Niemann Defends Actions

Chancellor Niemann finally addressed the issue of Rheinland's recent attack of a Kusari medical convoy. In his statement he said that the Kusari convoy was operating under direct orders from the Kusari government to implant a "weapon of mass destruction" near an unspecified target in Rheinland space. Therefore, he said, this defensive attack was deemed necessary to preserve Rheinland lives.

Edo Denies Allegations

Shogun Edo dismissed the Chancellor's statement that one of Kusari's own medical convoys was being used to transport an explosive device into Rheinland territory. He warned Niemann that he could not allow this "wanton slaughter" to continue and insisted that Rheinland release the Kusari citizens that they were holding hostage.

Device found in Convoy Wreck

Rheinland officials have presented evidence in support of their claims that the Kusari medical convoy, recently destroyed by Rheinland ships, was actually on a covert "seek and destroy mission." In their analysis they discovered that a device, based on a fusion-bomb design, had been cleverly modified using Kusari components to be even more thorough in its destructive power. Meanwhile, Kusari officials demanded to inspect this so-called evidence, denouncing it as a feeble attempt by Rheinland to justify its war-like actions.

Edo Asks for Support

Kusari has appealed to the governments of Liberty and Bretonia in their dealings with Rheinland. Shogun Edo says that his principal concern is the welfare of his people still within Rheinland's borders. He said that he is receiving enormous pressure to act militarily, but is still seeking a peaceful resolution.

Rheinland Military Buildup

In breaking news, large numbers of military ships have been reported on the move in Rheinland and have taken up position along the remainder of their borders. The Queen has taken issue with this action and is being kept apprised of things as they unfold. Despite the atmosphere of apprehension, commercial and civilian traffic on our side of the Gates continues.

Travel Advisory for Bretonians

Eyewitnesses in the Border Worlds say that Rheinland forces have intensified their presence and activities there, largely targeting the pirate population. In light of recent events, the Foreign Office has issued an advisory to all Bretonian subjects to use extreme caution when traveling outside of our systems.

Jacobi Warns Rheinland

In response to the arrival of more heavy-class Rheinland ships at Liberty's border, President Jacobi has called for the Chancellor to immediately pull his forces back. Jacobi has also deployed her own defensive units and has warned the Chancellor not to enter Liberty space.

Market Falters Amid Uncertainty

Merchants at home and abroad are beginning to feel the economic hardships of our current political situation. With rising domestic strife and increased foreign threats, spending and trade have decreased in many areas, leaving us in something of a slump. Royal analysts say they are studying the problem and plan to offer a list of recommendations by week's end.

Jacobi Proposes Meeting

In a formal address, President Jacobi said that matters with Rheinland had progressed to a level that she felt required more direct methods. She asked for representatives from Kusari and Bretonia to meet with her on Manhattan to discuss an initiative that she believes will defuse the situation with Rheinland while also allowing for the safe return of Kusari citizens.

Kusari Citizens Still Held Hostage

There is still no news on the fate of thousands of Kusari citizens being held captive by the Rheinland government. Though the Shogun has been successful in persuading Liberty and Bretonia to apply additional economic and political pressure on the Chancellor, the Shogun is also considering more direct military action.

Tekagi Meets with Shogun Edo

Governor Tekagi briefly met today with Shogun Edo to discuss the Rheinland conflict and Liberty's proposed meeting. After the short, private discussion, the Governor said that he has been ordered to Liberty to ""organize the release of our people through our allies." Tekagi will leave at once to meet with President Jacobi.

Liberty to Receive Tekagi

Amid assurances of heightened security, President Jacobi prepares to receive our Governor Tekagi in the Presidential residence at an undisclosed time. Tensions remain high around Kusari, but the Governor says he is cautiously optimistic, particularly because Queen Carina of Bretonia will also be in attendance.

Some Citizens Moved to Bremen

We have just received word that many lawful Kusari citizens, wrongfully accused of espionage, have been rounded up and sent to a makeshift detention facility in Bremen. Officials are looking into this disturbing report.

Tekagi Arrives in Liberty

Governor Tekagi arrived in Manhattan today under well-armed escort. There he met with President Jacobi and Queen Carina, of Bretonia, in the hopes of establishing a joint resolution aimed at pressuring Rheinland to release its hostages and negotiate a peaceful settlement.

Increased Tensions in Kusari

Patrols have been increased around the Rheinland border in answer to the Chancellor's recent actions. However, several civilian ships have reported unusual conditions around the area, including "radar ghosting" and other false readings. Some have speculated that Rheinland is attempting to jam early warning systems, but local officials dismiss these reports as the result of instrument malfunctions.

Ban on Artifacts to Spread?

Today Liberty unveiled what some have seen as an ulterior motive to negotiations on Manhattan: a potential ban on Artifacts throughout the colonies. Local Artifact dealers reacted negatively, particularly when learning that this ban would be administered by a separate, though still Liberty-run, agency.

Speculation on Artifact Ban

Authorities say that the President wants to extend the Liberty Artifact ban to the other colonies to better control the black market. Meanwhile, it appears that the Artifact market has shown signs of slowing slightly, thanks in part to Liberty's resolutions and political lobbying. Sources inside Liberty say that shipment after shipment of confiscated Artifacts appear to be going into Zone 21 under military watch.

Niemann Requests Tekagi

Governor Tekagi's mission in Liberty has reportedly gone well, yielding a series of directives for Rheinland. Interestingly though, once these directives were transmitted, word came back that the Chancellor would not accept them unless they were personally hand delivered by the Governor. Despite being advised otherwise, Governor Tekagi has agreed to go.

Amended Artifact Ban Signed

Governor Tekagi left Manhattan, but not before endorsing an amended version of the controversial, joint ban on Artifact trading proposed by Liberty. After spending several hours in a secure-link conference with the Shogun, the two agreed to the ban in concept, but only as a temporary measure, and specifically as a means to better lawfully regulate the trade coming out of the Rheinland Border Worlds.

Artifact Ban Limits Liberty

As we learn more about the recent Artifact ban, we understand that this agreement also now limits Liberty's access to the temporarily impounded Artifacts and now allows for the individual House to retain them within their own borders. This was good news to many merchants, as was the generous government subsidy. Meanwhile, Governor Tekagi heads back to Kusari briefly and then on to New Berlin.

Carina Signs Artifact Ban

On the heels of Governor Tekagi's departure, Bretonia formalized its agreement with Liberty and Kusari by also signing the Artifact ban. It is hoped that this initiative will continue to put pressure on Rheinland and put much needed government credits into the pockets of local merchants.

Search for Kusari Transport

The arrival of a special transport and her escorts from the Border Worlds is reportedly long overdue. Several patrols have been dispatched along the intended route, and though hopes of a rescue are high, there has been no discovery of wreckage. The disappearance of the single vessel, carrying a cargo of new Artifacts bound for a museum in Kusari, is ironic since it falls on the cusp of the signing of the colony-wide Artifact ban.

Tekagi Departs for Rheinland

Concern is high for the Governor's safety as he journeys to meet with Chancellor Niemann over the issue of the illegal detention of our people. President Jacobi says that she has confidence that a settlement will be reached with Rheinland, cautioning that any action taken against the visiting Governor would be met with swift retaliation from both Liberty and Bretonia.

Special Guard Escorts Tekagi

Governor Tekagi is meeting with Chancellor Niemann under the protection of the Shogun's own Imperial Guard, who accompanied him through the blockade and to the Rheinland capitol of New Berlin. The Governor was greeted with unusual warmth by the Rheinland Chancellor, who was himself surrounded by his own well-armed bodyguards. The two reportedly are going to meet privately to discuss the peace settlement and the safe release of the Kusari hostages. Today, all eyes are on Rheinland.

Tekagi Returns in Triumph

Governor Tekagi returned home after an extended meeting with Chancellor Niemann on New Berlin. While the fatigue of the journey appears to have taken its toll on the usually animated Governor, the meeting itself was reportedly a success. As a goodwill gesture, the Governor returned with 150 Kusari citizens who had been held hostage in Rheinland. The rest, we are told, will be returned in stages.

Hostages Being Debriefed

Governor Tekagi met privately with Shogun Edo immediately upon his return from New Berlin. There is no formal word yet from this meeting. Meanwhile, Intelligence officials have reportedly begun the process of debriefing the recently returned hostages. It is hoped that they will be reunited with their families and co-workers in the very near future.

Kusari Transport Lost

With no clues to its disappearance, officials have classified the transport that recently failed to report in from the Border Worlds as lost. The ships and crew names are being withheld until the families can be notified.

Tekagi Exhausted from Trip

After his return from Rheinland, Governor Tekagi is said to have refused food and sleep and might be ill. Though there is some speculation that he might have been exposed to something on the journey to or from Rheinland, sources close to the Governor say that he needs to rest.

Chancellor wants Peace

Advance word from the Shogun and Governor Tekagi is that Chancellor Niemann is willing to follow all of the directives outlined by Kusari, Liberty, and Bretonia if he is allowed more rights to territories in the Border Worlds. This is being considered by the Shogun, who has called a meeting with several of his top generals to review security concerns.

Blood Dragons on the Move?

Local authorities have reported that the Blood Dragons may be on the move again. Informants and intercepted communications alerted them to this possibility. However, there is no concrete evidence to support this assumption. The Shogunate has said that the Blood Dragons do not represent a significant threat to our security at this time.


Even as Shogun Edo considered Chancellor Niemann's peace proposal and tensions along the Rheinland border appeared to ease, several Rheinland heavy cruisers and ships suddenly attacked Kusari forces, destroying at least one ship and killing over 100 soldiers. As a result of this unprovoked act, Shogun Edo has declared an open state of hostility with Rheinland -- a precursor to war.

Kusari Border Fortified

With the escape of the attacking Rheinland ships back over the border, the Shogun has ordered immediate reinforcements to prevent any further assaults as offensive forces begin to mass. The Shogunate cautions that all ships passing through Kusari space are now subject to search and seizure. Travel outside of Kusari-controlled zones is not advised at this time for citizens.

Liberty's Bonnerille Dead?

Word has surfaced here that Aemon Bonnerille, Director of the LSF, is missing and feared dead. There is no further information available at this time.


In what has been described as an "intolerable act of open aggression," warships from Rheinland attacked targets deep within the New York system today. Shortly thereafter, President Jacobi announced that she now had no choice but to declare war on Rheinland. Though she declined to answer specific questions, she did confirm that some Liberty military interests may have been affected by the attacks.

Zone 21 Target of Attack

Intelligence sources have confirmed that the Rheinland attack on Liberty centered around a military installation deep within the restricted area of Zone 21 in the New York system. In response, Liberty deployed a significant defensive perimeter around New York, including many heavy military vessels that are patrolling the perimeter of Zone 21.

Bretonia Remains Vigilant

Bretonian news feeds are reporting that the government is preparing for any movement against them by Rheinland forces, but as of yet, no attacks have occurred. However, tensions are mounting as several thousand anti-war demonstrators protest outside the Queen's estate. No one was seriously hurt when riot police finally dispersed the demonstration.

Missing Ship's Last Message

Sources say an Artifact-laden Bretonian ship, reported lost, was apparently attacked somewhere near Leeds. Bretonian investigators have reportedly discovered a weak transmission fragment that is believed to be the ship's last message. What appears to disturb authorities the most about this fragment is the mention of "unmarked ships" that had come into range just prior to losing contact. As Bretonia continues to investigate, speculation here at home rises over recent ship disappearances.


The Kusari people are in mourning today for one of the few great men of our time: Governor Yoshinobu Tekagi. Upon hearing of his murder by armed assassins, Shogun Edo was enraged and shouted for vengeance. An Imperial taskforce has been called in to investigate what is left of the Governor's retreat.

Tekagi Investigation

As investigators speculate on the identity of the killers who took the life of the greatly beloved Governor Tekagi, they say that there is no concrete evidence to support The Order in the list of suspects. Despite suggestions that operatives from the Blood Dragons or even a Rheinland strike force may have played a role, Shogun Edo insists that The Order must be to blame.

Bonnerille Alive and Well

Director Aemon Bonnerille of the Liberty Security Force, who was previously thought to be missing, resurfaced today. In a press conference he said that rumors of his disappearance were simply that -- rumors. He blamed an irresponsible media for the controversy and confirmed that he had been sequestered in a secure location following a possible threat to his personal security.

Dissension in Liberty?

Unconfirmed reports state that several high-ranking admirals and government officials have started to criticize President Jacobi's recent actions. There is even a rumor of some calling for her impeachment.

Kusari Prepares for Invasion!

Before being destroyed, probes from the Ministry of Strategic Information revealed that the Kusari government has been assembling a massive attack force behind the Honshu Jump Gate, a clear precursor to invasion. The Chancellor himself urged his people to remain united, and he pledged to seek out our enemies wherever they may be hiding. So let us support the Chancellor to assure a peaceful and united Rheinland.

A Word of Truth

The Ministry of Truth wishes to remind Rheinland citizens that all of the news and information coming through the official channels is personally viewed by our Chancellor. If he watches, shouldn't you?

Jacobi a Traitor?

Sources inside the Chancellor's office indicate that the power-hungry President of Liberty has severed all diplomatic ties with Rheinland -- obviously in preparation for war. However, political unrest troubles her own government, as several high-ranking officers have publicly expressed their feelings that the President is working against the best interests of her people. Some allege that she could be guilty of corruption, possibly even treason.

Liberty Suppresses Media!

Elsewhere in the colonies, news of the Liberty President's political troubles has been utterly suppressed by the "iron fist of the Liberty media machine." We are grateful to the Chancellor and the Ministry of Truth for their tireless commitment to the freedom of information that we enjoy here in Rheinland.

Heroic Chancellor Stands Firm

In the latest threat from Liberty, President Jacobi has issued an ultimatum to our beloved Chancellor stating that we will be invaded unless we immediately disarm. The Chancellor defiantly declared that he will never let Kusari sap our vitality nor capitulate to Liberty's bullying and self-serving tactics.

Bretonia Still an Ally

As Liberty continues to support the Kusari-backed criminals, guilty of terrorist activities against the sovereign state of Rheinland, and as Jacobi amasses her own invasion force, Bretonia appears to have come to her senses. The Chancellor, a long-time ally, is reportedly now reaching out to Queen Carina for her support in standing against Liberty's empty threats.

Jacobi Found Guilty

The chief conspirator herself, President Barbara Jacobi, appears to be losing control, as pressure is being applied by the Liberty Navy and other leaders who want to remove her from office. Recent information shows that she may be guilty of treason and conspiracy with The Order. Perhaps it is time for the military to take control and initiate formal charges in the name of peace.


With our destiny before us, we march on. The Chancellor has struck the first blow for the Rheinland state by crossing into Honshu and engaging the Kusari enemy. With our loyal support, our Chancellor will guide us to victory.


IT'S WAR! Rheinland ships penetrated the Honshu defensive perimeter and are now in Kusari space. Our military forces have rallied, led by the Shogun and his Generals, and are successfully defending our cities. Soldiers, police, civilians, and even the unlawful have gathered together to fight the Rheinland invaders.

Rheinland Crushes Criminals

Today Rheinland peacekeepers met resistance from a weak and poorly organized criminal group. They were immediately neutralized and disarmed, and the survivors were captured for re-education and rehabilitation. Praise to the Chancellor for his mercy!

Liberty President Missing

Liberty feeds are buzzing with news that President Jacobi may be missing. Local LPI and LSF authorities were called to her residence where a violent struggle appears to have occurred shortly before dawn. Despite concerns that The Order may be involved, LSF Director Aemon Bonnerille says that he will do everything in his power to find the President.

Coup in Liberty Reported

Officials inside the Ministry of Truth say that there is every reason to believe that President Jacobi has fallen victim to a coup. The military leadership that is acting in her absence has full control of the government and is considering action against Kusari.

Shogun's Reaction

In a carefully worded statement, the Shogun voiced his concerns that even "temporary military leadership" in Liberty might signal rough changes for Kusari. Reports indicate that several military leaders have echoed what could be construed as pro-Rheinland sympathies, which could shift the balance of power in the already tense conflict.

President Jacobi Dead?

President Jacobi of Liberty is missing and presumed dead. Calling it a "national emergency," forces of the Liberty Navy have stepped in and taken control of all vital government and communication centers. Admiral Bill Baldwin has assumed leadership and established a temporary military government to oversee Liberty's bureaucracy. No official statements have been issued at this time. However, we will keep you up to date as this story unfolds.

Rheinland Rebels Take Out Base

In a brief statement to Kusari news agencies, the Bundschuh rebels in Rheinland claim that they have assaulted and destroyed a high-security installation that housed illegal secret weapons built by the Chancellery. Naturally this cannot be verified as of yet. However, a long-range scan does show a sizeable amount of irregular debris and radiation in that area.

Kusari Fleet Destroyed

In what has been described as the largest battle ever fought in the colonies, a massive Rheinland attack force completely destroyed the Kusari Fleet stationed in the Honshu system. Led by a group of over 40 Rheinland battleships, the Chancellor's onslaught on Kusari seems unstoppable. The Shogun has mobilized all reserves, and the Kusari Naval Forces are now desperately attempting to establish a defensive ring around New Tokyo.

Explosions in New York

Incoming reports state that several large explosions have occurred near Zone 21. Although an official statement has yet to be issued by Admiral Baldwin's new government, conflicting Intelligence reports have Kusari officials openly speculating that Liberty may be in the grip of an internal power struggle. Meanwhile in related news, there is still no word regarding President Jacobi's whereabouts or status.

Renegade Killed

In one of the very few official statements so far from the Baldwin regime, the Liberty Navy reports that the dangerous renegade Marcus Walker has finally been killed. Walker, previously a navy Captain and leader of the former Liberty Attack Group South, had turned traitor and openly fought against the Liberty government for some time with his crew. According to the brief report, Walker's cruiser was destroyed while he attempted to sabotage a naval installation at the southern edge of the New York system in Zone 21.

Rheinland Takes New Tokyo

The decisive battle in the war between Rheinland and Kusari ended in the total destruction of the Kusari Naval Forces near New Tokyo. Rheinland has erected a blockade around the planet and has made clear that only an unconditional surrender from the Shogun can prevent a devastating planetary bombardment.


The Order
  • These Nomads who have infested people...these "Wild", as people refer to them as...they seem to be operating somewhat beyond the normal levels of autonomy of Nomads as we understand it. Perhaps it is prolonged integration with a human host, I don't know, but they certainly seem to be able to function better on their own and for longer periods and distances from the rest of this telepathic network that they appear to have. Don't ask me what the telepathic network is exactly, because it's very difficult to explain, and I'd have to use a lot of language that you wouldn't understand.

  • My colleagues here on Toledo tell me that Tekagi's Arch has been inhabited once again by the infested humans known as the "Wild", but at this present time we do not have the available forces to mount any kind of attack against it. The Blood Dragons and the Golden Chrysanthemums have been alerted to the nature of the threat, and I can only hope that they are capable of keeping them in check for the time being.

  • I hate the fact that the Order are so badly misrepresented by all the Sirius Houses, especially with all the work that has been done to keep them safe from the Nomads. I have been trying to use my contacts back on planet Cambridge to get the Queen to acknowledge their sacrifices for the good of humanity, and we seem to have some progress. The problem is actually getting someone close to the Queen to actually listen to us, before we can even consider getting an audience with the Queen herself.

  • Nauru? Oh yes, in the Omicron Delta system. Those ruins are quite impressive, and all the more so for not even knowing who built them. It definitely wasn't the Daam-K'Vosh or the Slomon K'Hara, and although some artifacts discovered match with technology used by the Phantom terrorist organisation, they did not create it and they did not build the ruins either. Quite a mystery, eh?

  • Hey man, I lost a lot of buddies out in Omicron Minor during the battle. I reckon at least some of their ships are still out there, or bits of them, maybe. Either way, if you find any of them, can you return their bodies to the nearest Order outpost? It'd be a personal favour to the families of those killed. You can keep whatever you salvage if you must, but please return the bodies. The last thing I want is to leave them out there drifting through space, alone in the dark.

  • Go away...I really don't want to talk to anyone, and that especially includes you. I lost a lot of good friends out in Omicron Minor. Not that I'd expect you to understand. You look like the fistful of credits type, if you ask me, so how about you go bother the Bounty Hunters over in Delta? I'm sure they'll be more accomodating.

  • After the end of the Nomad War, I decided that my skills and knowledge would be better served with the Order. Besides, I wanted to learn more about the Daam-K'Vosh! Oh, if only my peers at the Cambridge Institute could see me now! They'd die of envy.

  • Yes, I remember Edison Trent. He was a bit too mercenary for my tastes, but he came through in the end for humanity. Whatever else that could be said about him, humanity owes him a great debt, as we couldn't have defeated the Nomads without all his help. As for where he is now? I have no idea. The last I heard he was in Liberty, working on something for the Order, but he could be anywhere now.

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