Bull Dog

From Discovery Wiki

"Bull Dog" Junker Heavy Fighter
Dsy scythe.png
Basic Information
Ship Class Heavy Fighter
Built By Unknown
Tech Column Junkers Ships (Light)
Guns/Turrets 6 / 0
Max Weapon Class 1
Other Equipment
  • 1xCD/T
  • 1xCM
  • 1xM
  • Hull Strength 12,340
    Max Shield Class 2
    Cargo Space 50 units
    Batteries 53
    Nanobots 53
    Speed and Movement
    Max Impulse Speed 80 m/s
    Max Turn Speed 73.05 deg/s
    Max Thrust Speed 200 m/s
    Max Cruise Speed 525 m/s
    Power Output 9,760 u
    Power Recharge 1,345 u/s
    Ship Price 14,180
    Package Price 26,783

    Occasionally a Junker, crawling about the cramped confines of ship hulls with hastily penned and rarely consulted plans donning coveralls soaked in all manner of hydraulic fluids and other chemicals meets, well, an early end due to asphyxiation.

    The maddening cocktail of heady chemicals and single minded focus on the task at hand occasionally leads to the sort of mechanical genius that only a Junker, and those facing them, could appreciate in the form of a ship seemingly designed under the philosophy of 'more power'.

    While slow to the turn, these ships feature a unique torpedo hardpoint and slightly increased combat performance over their smaller counterparts. Disdained by many Junkers as 'flying bombs' they nevertheless find a small following in the madmen who conceive of their construction.



    • 6x Light Fighter Gun
    • 1x Fighter Shield
    • 1x Hyperspace Beacon
    • 1x Cruise Disruptor
    • 1x Thruster
    • 1x Mine
    • 1x Countermeasure

    Purchase Includes

    • PTE-6 Engine Mk I ($1)
    • Corsair Very Heavy Fighter Powerplant ($0)
    • Advanced Deep Scanner ($10,000)
    • Champion H. F. Shield ($2,602)


    NOTE: Page generated on the 15/12/2024 at 15:50:55 UTC