Nevers | |
Owner | |
Gallic Navy | |
Location | |
E-3, Burgundy |
DIAMETER: 12,717 km
MASS: 6.07 x 10e24 kg
TERRAIN: Terrestrial
TEMPERATURE: -12°C to 55°C
ESCAPE VELOCITY: 11.47 km/sec
A warm oceanic world placed on a wide orbit around the gas giant Tonnerre, Nevers was the first colonized moon in the Gallic Border Worlds. A high property cost did not provide a sufficient incentive for citizens to move to the planet, and the lack of easily accessible mineral deposits only made Nevers less attractive for further industrial development. In spite of this, unique types of soil on some of the larger islands proved useful for winemaking, that, along with the oceans that are well suited for the introduction of some species of fish from old Earth, among which bluefin tuna and marlin, made Nevers substantial supplier of food for the nearby stations and other colonies. Moreover, conditions on surface were regarded by many as pleasant and thus led to an extensive tourist industry developing, second only to that on planet Marseille.
Protection of Nevers was handed over as the main task of the nearby Avallon Fortress, that, in its many years since construction, has been the home base of a significant garrison of soldiers and pilots -- and it remained so even after the downfall of the monarchy. Though the former regime fell, the Confederacy brought upon Nevers the role of serving as a capital: that of the Duchy of Burgundy. Its role was amply tested during the invasion of Gallia by Kusari, in which the small moon served as a near-frontline staging point for fleets. While not directly attacked, it remained a thorn in the invaders' side during the decisive moments of the battle for Burgundy.
Although it was a regional capital for only a handful of years, the chaos that ensued after the failure of the Royal Navy in Sirius further led to the nobility of Gallia, at large, to resettle on the moon. This trend continues well to this day, and, although it is now facing an influx of tourists rather than disgruntled aristocracy, Nevers remains a prosperous world in Gallia's distant regions -- even as the threat of Maquis raids looms ever-closer, owning in part due to the moon's role as a center for the nobility in the Union.
The population of the planet has swelled in recent years, as the Planet Metz, Lorraine population was relocated to Nevers following the abandonment of the System as it became unviable and a drain on the Gallic economy.
Bribes & Missions Offered
Bribes |
Missions |
ExpandImports |
ExpandExports |
Ships sold
Ship | Class | Price |
Moonbeam | Heavy Fighter | 7,158$ |
Sunbeam | Very Heavy Fighter | 20,679$ |
Eclipse | Bomber | 79,362$ |
Aurochs | Freighter | 24,876$ |
[749 AGS] Versaille's future uncertain |
NEVERS -- 749 -- During a shareholder meeting on Nevers, IDF Shipping officials confirmed that Versailles Station continued to be a concern for the group, posting quarter-on-quarter losses. The former royal palace occupies a prestigious position in orbit of New Paris, and is among the most luxurious and culturally significant Gallic orbitals. IDF is believed to have received several offers from foreign organizations looking to purchase or lease Versailles, including Orbital Spa and Cruise and Rheinland’s Imperial Shipping. It is speculated that IDF plans to make a final funding pitch to Nevers’ elite Gonzaga Society early next year before considering these proposals. |
[749 AGS] Grand Marshal secures economic victory for Union |
NEW PARIS -- 749 AGS -- The Grand Marshal has declared a decisive victory in trade negotiations with Rheinland. Military envoys successfully pressed the Rheinlanders for concessions as recompense for a number of insulting breaches of diplomatic protocol during the recent state visit. As a result, excellent rates on imported minerals have been secured, in addition to the removal of tariffs on Gallic agricultural surplus. The Treaty of Oerlikon will be an enormous boon to rebuilding Gallia's strength and greatness; Bretonia, Kusari and Liberty's furious criticisms of Rheinland for their forward thinking is simply evidence of their weakness and fear. |
[748 AGS] Lorraine Evacuation Nearing Completion |
ORLEANS -- 748 AGS -- According to the information released by the Ministry of the Interior, the evacuation of the Lorraine system is proceeding ahead of schedule. The final convoy of refugees from Metz has arrived in the Orleanais system, pending resettlement onto Orleans in the coming days. As of now, only EFL staff and a token Navy garrison remain in Lorraine to oversee the deconstruction of the remaining infrastructure. According to official projections, the docking ring and the remaining trade lanes will be dismantled and shipped back to the core worlds by the end of next month, with jump gate shutdown following soon after. Once a beacon of our national ingenuity, Metz was the site of the experimental Metz Mirror Array, more commonly known as the MMA project. The project was intended to assist the terraforming operations through a sophisticated array of orbital mirrors. The array would redirect additional sunlight onto the equatorial band of Metz, further raising local temperatures on the otherwise icy world. Decried by its detractors as a "fool king's endeavour", the ambitious project never had the opportunity to prove its capabilities, as the nearly complete array fell victim to Kusari's invasion of Lorraine. With the array gone and supplies severed, the terraforming project and the biosphere it maintained collapsed during the occupation, leading to widespread famine across Metz. Unfortunately, in the wake of King Charles' gambit in Bretonia and the near complete destruction of Lorraine and Languedoc by Kusari forces, the Union government has declared the system a total loss and ordered a full evacuation of the planet. |
[831 AS/747 AGS] Gate Corps Clash Over 'Blackout'! |
ABBEVILLE -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- EFL's 'Resilience Taskforce' today reported its findings on The Blackout, claiming to have gathered forensic evidence that proved the cause as Ageira negligence. A spokesperson claimed that the destruction of the Dublin jump gate by Molly separatists had created a hyperspace feedback loop that was propagated and amplified through the Ageira gate network. Ageira disputed this finding in their own press release, calling EFL 'fantasists' and countering that their own scientists had narrowed the cause to a rare 'hypernova' stellar event that originated outside the Sirius sector. Both corporations claim that network-wide hardware safeguards have been implemented that would prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Independent researchers have sharply criticized the corporate announcements, accusing both of self-interested misdirection. Professor Sophia Nagel from Heisenberg Research Station called EFL's accusation 'incoherent' and the hypernova explanation 'nonsense' that did not explain the characteristics of the 'Blackout Pulse'. Despite multiple different Pulse recordings being widely disseminated across the neural net, public efforts have so far failed to triangulate its source. |
[831 AS/747 AGS] 'Blackout' Causes Jump Network Fail |
MANHATTAN -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- Two days ago Jump Gates failed simultaneously across Sirius, freezing commerce and neural net access across the sector. When the network resumed 31 hours later, restored communications broke the news of Bretonia's loss of the Dublin system. This twin shock has plunged the market into chaos, prompting fears of sector-wide economic recessions. Interspace estimates indicate that the stoppage alone caused billions of credits in losses. Gallia immediately accused Liberty of culpability for the outage, claiming the destruction of Dublin's jump gate instigated a cascading failure in faulty Ageira infrastructure. Ageira has sharply refuted the allegation, claiming such a systemic effect would be physically impossible. Independent researchers in Cologne and the Edge Worlds have also announced that a hyperspace pulse of unprecedented strength was detected moments before The Blackout, with data about 'The Pulse' being widely shared across the neural net in recent days. House authorities have remained tight lipped, refusing to comment on their own observatories' data. |
[746 AGS] Leaks Reveal Secret Rheinland Negotiations |
OERLIKON -- 746 -- The Sirian neural net is abuzz with news of a potential trade deal between Gallia and Rheinland. An inept Rheinish functionary leaked sensitive details on the talks after losing an unencrypted datapad. The notes include unfounded criticism of our peerless military negotiators, no doubt provoked by feelings of inadequacy after humiliating defeats at the conference table. Our great government has rebuked Rheinland’s attempts to disparage EFL’s work on the Sigma-15 Jump Gate projects, recognising that this is a mere distraction from their own failure to secure the space. Marne’s Governor Courcelle has praised the Grand Marshal's excellent strategy, asking only that he consult with industrial representatives as proceedings progress. |
[744 AGS] Union Critisied Over Police Abolishment |
NEW PARIS -- 744 AGS -- With the formation of the Gallic Union, one of the first major acts of the new regime was to abolish the Confederal Police. This came with a range of dissenting voices but primarily from the former Republique territories. Veillantif De La Fontaine claimed that the abolishing of the police was to 'prevent a civilian organisation holding the military to account'. De La Fontaine has been a vocal critic of the Union since its inception, and has managed to gain a strong following on Planet Marne. Captain Emeline Jacques, a Union spokesperson, has suggested that De La Fontaine's claims are ludicrous. Going as far to suggest that "De La Fontaine clearly turned a blind eye to the corruption and ineffectiveness of the Confederal Police." The captain later offered "You do not attempt to put a bowtie on trash and pretend to call it efficient at its job!" - "You throw it out, and make the situation better when you have cleaned out the waste." Removing the police has also seen a sharp rise in the number of unemployed across Gallia. Although the Navy has now taken over the role that the police performed, they already have their own administrators and infrastructure which is now being used instead of the former police ones. On the other hand the Navy has absorbed much of the assets of confederal police including a portion of its personnel. |
[744 AGS] The Rise of the Gallic Union |
NEW PARIS -- 744 AGS -- After much deliberation, the representatives of the Duchy, Republic, Minarchy, and the Enclave emerged on Christmas morning to declare the historic reunion of the disparate Gallic states into the Gallic Union, a military republic. The Gallic Union will be headed by the Maréchal de Gaule, and that Marechal's Seigneurs (Lords) and their appointed governors and those governors' Civilian Council, while the citizenry will elect a Chancellor to advise the Marechal. The inaugural Civilian Council, filled with notable citizens from across Gallia, elected Louis de Varax, decorated Grand Marshal for the Second Gallic War and the Kusari Invasion to the rank of Maréchal de Gaule, the executive of Gallia. The Grand Marshal has appointed navy officers to Seigneurship over each system of Gallia. Together with the Marechal, they now have the noble task of leading Gallia into a prosperous future. The inaugural Civilian Council convened on the 22nd of December to elect former President of Ile-de-France Bastien de Chamborant to the office of Chancellor with an overwhelming mandate of 70 percent of the vote. After his inauguration on the 26th, Chancellor Chamborant issued the following statement from the balcony of the Grand Ministere: "My mission is to work alongside the Maréchal and the Seigneurs for the greater good of our nation. My consultative role will allow our citizens to fully participate in the reconstruction of our House turned towards our core Gallic values." "Our Great House is now entering a new era, on the dawn of the year 744 AGS, and we can now trust that our leaders will impose Gallia as a major house of Sirius!" As the year comes to a close, the newly reunified house looks towards the dawn of a new Gallic era. |
[743 AGS] Gallic-Kusari War Close to Conclusion? |
LODEVE SPACE PORT -- 743 AGS -- An unprecedented loss of life occurred throughout Gallia as Kusari, Confederate and Enclave forces came to a massive confrontation in the early hours of the day. The fighting was most intense in the Languedoc system as several fleets of all sides rained down fire on each other. Several eye witness reports indicate the crossfire was visible from as far as Planet Quillan. In the heat of battle the Confederate forces seemed to be losing to the Kusari invaders, but in their hour of need the Royal Enclave arrived on the scene and jumped to Gallia's aid. Even with their combined forces it was a devastating battle. With significant losses on both sides, the Languedoc system has suddenly become a graveyard of destroyed vessels and their former crew. The struggle was not in vain as the Kusari forces located in the system ended up pulling out of Languedoc and regrouped in the Tau-31 system, giving the locals in Languedoc a much needed reprieve from the ongoing fighting. However distressing unverified messages are coming from the Lorraine system, claiming that the Kusari forces have started pulling out of the system and are applying a scorched earth tactic. Taking down as much of the local infrastructure and bases as they pull back to the Tau-53 system. We are working around the clock to try and verify these messages, as well as the resulting loss of life if it is true. With the Kusari forces pulling out of our house we can finally hope the end of the war is near, however it is clear it has come at a great cost. |
[743 AGS] Upheavals within the Gallic Assembly |
MARSEILLE -- 743 AGS -- For several weeks, tensions have been rising between the Duchy and Minarchist deputies. Both states are being confronted with the Kusari invaders; and every state has been asking for more resources to be allocated to their own front lines. The Duchy has been particularly expressive in their requests as the Kusari Forces have captured Lorraine, and are currently executing a bloody siege on Nevers. Meanwhile the République has been trying to monitor the two rivaling states, and the military has been tasked with coordinating their strategic plan with the assistance of the Parisian Assembly. The situation was not resolved with the Minarchy supporting a vote of no confidence in the current leadership; later causing the resignation of Jean Besson, the President of the Parisian Assembly, on the 15th of October. Elections to renew the Assembly were held on the same day of Jean Besson's resignation, and the results were revealed on the 18th of October. To the surprise of many, the Militarists were victorious; with considerable support of the Defense Forces, and thanks to their alliance with moderates and independents within the other parties. The new President of the Assembly, Dorian Lasalle made a short but resolute announcement after his nomination to President, the most important role in the Assembly: "My new government and I will immediately start to solve the internal affairs and a solution with the conflict against Kusari will soon be found. Then, a new era for Gallia will rise." Overall elections have opened many doors for the Militarists and closed some for divisionist representatives at the Parisian Assembly. The recent conflicts have shown an increase in unity among the states, confronted to their most difficult challenge since their creation in 742 A.G.S. The final seat count sets the Gallic Defense Guard Party (GDG) as the single largest party with 52 percent of the seats, followed by the Union for Tradition Party (UT) with 25 percent, the Democratic Federation of the Liberals Party (DFL) with 11 percent, the Gallic Commerce Guild (GCG) with 9 percent, and the Pacifists of Paris Party (PP) with only 3 percent of the seats. The GDG, an authoritarian right leaning party of ex-officers from the Defense Forces, is arguably the biggest victor in these elections with their impressive 52 percent of the total seats available in the Assembly. The surprise and confusion is shared among all parties, but is overall explainable with the rapidly increasing popularity of militant views since the start of the invasion by the Kusari Empire. Nevertheless, the rest of the deputies have accepted to collaborate with the GDG for the greater good of Gallia, solving the internal conflicts and finding a favorable outcome to the war with the Empire. Many citizens within every state have shown their hopes and concerns regarding the unexpected push of the GDG in the Assembly but President Lasalle reassured them saying "Every state will be listened to and we will work with all the parties for the greater good of Gallia". |
[743 AGS] Epinal Heroism |
NEVERS -- 743 AGS -- The war against aggressive Kusari invaders reached a new level of intensity with their forces now back into Languedoc, but with large reinforcements this time. The information has shocked the Gallic citizens, especially those in the Minarchy, who were hoping not to see further bloody battles in their system. Nevertheless, the saddest news comes with the sacrifice of the battleship Epinal in Burgundy. In one last heroic move, the battleship, already damaged during the earliest battles of the very first days of the conflict, saved Avallon from destruction after Kusari battleship Ueda suddenly charged the station under a creeping barrage from the Kusari lines. To engage and halt the Ueda required the Epinal to press its reactors into overwhelming overload and while she was able to disable the Ueda and redirect her from ramming the station, she fell to the Matsumoto's long range guns. The Capitaine of the Epinal, Martin Charbonneau managed to send a last message to its forces in the very last minutes of the intense confrontation: "My crew and I have retreated enough. We have the chance to stop them and we'll seize it. Epinal, your hour has come, it is time to show everyone how a true Gallic soldier fights for his house. May our sacrifice not be vain. Longue vie à Gallia!" Epinal was an honorable veteran of the Second Gallic War, having participated in many battles against the former Council in Champagne and Lorraine, where she remained since, before the Kusari invasion. The crew was highly disciplined and experienced and its loss will be greatly felt in the weeks to come. However, the Duchy forces, far from being demoralized by this event, clearly express their intentions to avenge their fallen brothers. The Defense Forces leadership in Burgundy say the morale among the crews is very high not just thanks to the heroic action of Epinal, but also due to the express arrival of the newly constructed battleship Hossegor, along with her escort ship Vaxoncourt, which have absorbed former Epinal escort Les Vosges into their cohort. The good fortune didn't stop as the legendary Cassard and her battlegroup arrived from Languedoc to reinforce the front. Outnumbered almost two to one in this theater, it is expected that Kusari will suffer a crushing defeat in the days to come. In response to the heroic actions of Epinal throughout the Second Kusari-Gallic War, the Grand Duke Valentin Trintignant asked the Chancellery of the Gallic Rewards and Values for the honor of being the person to posthumously award La Légion des Valeurs Gauloises to the Capitaine of the Epinal and her crew, one of the highest decoration in Gallia. Nevertheless, despite the optimism of the Defense Forces in Burgundy, the situation is worsening in Languedoc and the Parisian Assembly has refused to comment on the new offensive of Kusari in this sector for the moment. According to some deputies, the Assembly has been facing internal legitimacy issues since the recent redeployment of forces, with major factions losing confidence that the Assembly is willing to defend them. |
[743 AGS] Confederate Defense Forces Make Gains in Languedoc |
FOURCHAMBAULT SHIPYARD -- 743 AGS -- With the arrival of the Cassard fleet, redeployed from Gallia's Rheinland border in Zurich, CDF Admiral Armelle De Verley proudly reports driving the invaders in Languedoc beyond reach of Gap Station. The Admiral suggests that through the honor and bravery of her forces and the resolute support of the Gallic people that the defenders of Languedoc were able to inflict two to one losses on the Kusari fleet. The admiral's staff expects that breaking the advance at Gap station, though expensive, ought be instrumental in driving the Kusari Navy back to Tau, and are sure that relieving Zurich of Cassard is a weakness that Gallia can weather for the time being. Fourchambalt's hospital and morgue have both been expanded, as the long job of rescue, cleanup, and last rites for the dead will be administered from the station. Despite the losses, seeing Tokogawas retreat before them has raised the morale of the men and women of the Confederal Defense Force. So many gifts of flowers, chocolates, and other sweet and savory favors have arrived for the wounded fleet personnel being treated in the expanded sickbay with gifts of that station administration has been forced to open cargo-freight bays to contain the gifts of well wishers. |
[743 AGS] Confederal leaders speak out |
NEW PARIS -- 743 AGS -- Following the surprise attack launched by the Kusari State against Gallia, the leaders of the Confederation have each released a public statement about the state of war. President Orianne Castaignède of the Republic condemned the attack on the Duchy and the Minarchy, expressing that such a move in search of justice is a disgrace to the idea of justice. Going as far as stating that 'concerns over those responsible for the war should have been brought to them directly'; not 'Lashing out with past grievances'. The Grand Duke of Burgundy, Valentin Trintignant, has declared his commitment to the total repulsion of the Kusari fleet, saying; "This attack is completely unprovoked, and misguided. The Kusari state should be ashamed of themselves - The forces of the Duchy will crush these invaders and the Kusari vandals will be brought to justice!" The leaders of the Minarchy also came out to condemn the actions of Kusari. Stating that the attack on their territory is unwarranted and besides the stated goal. One prominent member, Patron Mathéo Dufresne commented with "[swearing] - What did we do?" when asked for his thoughts on the war. The reaction among the general population of New Paris has been of shock and bewilderment. Many of those interviewed had believed we were past conflicts with Sirius, and many curse the aggression. The most common responses followed themes of colourful patriotic pan-gallic support, while other sizable portions of the population are still worried that La Vieille Garde are being deployed too far from home. Lionel Balzac, a prominent politician on New Paris, has came out to assure the confederacy that there 'are no plans to withdraw the La Vieille Garde from the front-lines' as they continue to mount a united defence against the Kusari invaders. Going as far to express 'total commitment for the good of Gallia' in his public address. Since the institution of the Confederacy, Lionel Balzac has been seen as one of the guiding voices of Ile-De-France, and his support had reassured many across the sector. |
[742 AGS] Second Gallic War has Ended! |
NEW PARIS -- 742 AGS -- The Second Gallic War ended in a ceasefire last Saturday, as Royalist forces under command of Rear Admiral Bastien Savatier de Fontenoy received the order to surrender from the Grand Duchy of Burgundy, a royalist secessionist polity formed in a state of emergency by the Duke of Burgundy. In the absence of the King or any heirs, Valentin Trintignant, Duke of Burgundy, gathered the support of the nobility of Burgundy, the Marquise de Vandoevres and Marquis de Roanne in Lorraine, while offering the Vicomptesse Allos de Metz, Grande Maitresse de l'Office Royal des Eaux et Forets the financial support needed to continue their terraforming operation in Lorraine. The Duke initiated talks last week to discuss the glassing of Leeds and the Crown's imminent defeat at the hands of Allied forces in Bretonia. Only minutes after the Council's Fleet moved on Planet New Paris, Trintignant declared himself Grand Duke of The Grand Duchy of Burgundy and authorized the surrender of the Royal Navy. His haste in calling for a ceasefire likely saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Gallic citizens threatened by collateral damage from battle over Planet New Paris. While most Royalist ships in Gallia's core systems recognized and surrendered to the authority of the Duchy, Admiral Savatier did not, and slipped the Rocroi away from the site of the battle in the confusion. Battleship Rocroi and her cohort remain at large, but have not been seen or heard from since the battle. The Council reciprocated not only the ceasefire but also with the formation of a new governing body. The systems of Champagne, Picardy, and Orleanais declared their independence as the Republique of Gallia, a decision which appears to have been in the works for some time. Unlike the ad hoc vassalage of the Duchy, the Republique presented itself with a fully fledged constitution and complete governing body, led by President Orianne Castaignède, the former Governor of Marne. The systems of Languedoc and Languedoc both formed provisional governments following the fall of the Monarchy, however both declined invitations to join the Republique. This decision could be linked to the significant losses both systems incurred on account of the Council's direct and indirect interference during the Second Gallic War. Officials from Gap and Quillan are rumored be engaged in preliminary talks with the Minarchy of Provence, who have extended offers of free trade and protection to the two war torn systems, which seem reluctant to view both the Duchy and Republique as having the best interests of the historically poor region in mind. Ile de France, possessing no noteworthy standing military of its own following the mass exodus of nobles to the Gallic Hebrides, has declared itself a neutral, autonomous territory. This decision was grudgingly accepted by the Republique, aware of its low reputation among Parisians owing to decades of royal propaganda. Such a move was seen as the best way to demonstrate the fall of the Monarchy and secure the former seat of royal power without bloodshed. In response political instability after the Exodus of the King, the Acting Viceroy of Ile de France, a former low ranking regional official who now speaks for the political associations on New Paris, has called for the Republique, Duchy, and Minarchy to send diplomatic representatives to the negotiating table, where it seems the future of Gallia will be decided in the weeks to come. |
[742 AGS] Grim Times for the Gallic Crown |
NEW PARIS -- 742 AGS -- The situation in the Core Worlds has grown increasingly dire, as a large fleet of Council warships has been spotted amassing near the Orleanais Jump Gate in Ile de France this morning. The insurgents have been quick to capitalize on the Crayterian victory in the Barrier last week, seizing Planet Amiens and rallying with forces from Provence at the edge of the Chevreuse field. News from the Bretonian front is not much better. The fighting over New London remains fierce, and though the Bretonian blockade of the planet has been breached and preparations are underway to deploy Triumphs into New London's atmosphere, reports indicate the battle damaged or destroyed over 60%% of the material of those fleets and that the death toll is in the tens of thousands. Front line forces are unable to retreat without risking total defeat at the hands of the Sirians. The Epinal, Rocroi, and Venissieux have been recalled to New Paris, but odds appear grim, and military analysts have thus far declined to comment on whether or not the ad hoc defense will be able to defend the capital. En masse evacuation from the Core Worlds has begun, with standing orders from the Crown for all loyal citizens to proceed to Bordeaux and Toulouse post-haste, where they will be provided for. A GRI asset who asked that we did not disclose their identity has claimed that the King's transport, flying under civilian flag, came under fire from Maquis terrorists while en route to the Brittany jump corridor. Though the transport survived the attack, King Charles is allegedly comatose. Our source could not provide any further comment on the state of the King or who was heading the state in the absence of a monarch. |
[735 AGS] Solar Engineering's Political Clout Pays Off |
NEW PARIS -- 735 AGS -- Solar Engineering won a major victory when the Gallic government criminalized the transportation or possession of so-called Hypnotainment Bands, the hacked version of the company's highly successful Holotainment Band product line. Despite Solar's campaign to make possession of even one Hypno Band illegal, the government heeded expert testimony from addiction experts who claimed that Hypno Band users should be given addiction treatment rather than imprisoned as criminals. Even without the total criminalization of possession of a Hypno Band, Solar is well positioned to pursue a crackdown on what it calls "the subversive elements" in Gallia that are exploiting its products to ensnare innocent people. Despite the claims of some consumer groups that Hypno Bands are really nothing more than Holotainment Bands that are freed from their safety protocols, Solar claims that Hypno Bands are dangerously modified versions of their proprietary technology, which they claim is perfectly safe. Consumer groups point out that Holo Band use can result in addictive behavior similar to Hypno Band use, and that Solar's interest is primarily in removing a commercial rival to its product rather than public safety. Regardless, Solar is expected to use the new law as justification for an accelerated campaign of bounties and interdictions against Hypno Band dealers and suppliers. |
[735 AGS] Sirian Campaign Picking Up Steam |
NEW PARIS -- 735 AGS -- The Royal Navy is claiming victory after victory in the Bretonian colonies. After successfully flushing out what appears to have been local pirate forces, our forces took the sparsely inhabited "Edinburgh" system with only token resistance. The first real test of our forces against the enemy came in the toxic wasteland called Leeds, where the first heavily inhabited planet lays. Enemy resistance was stiff, but our forces have managed to gain the upper hand in virtually the entire system. This puts the Gallic Expeditionary Forces in a position to strike at New London, and the heart of Bretonia. Military analysts predict that all organised Bretonian resistance will falter if New London falls, and that taking London itself would mean a quick end to to the war, avoiding needless bloodshed. |
[734 AGS] The Reconquest Begins |
NEW PARIS -- 734 AGS -- King Charles XI addressed the nation today to announce the beginning of the Great Reconquest, the reclamation of the rich and fertile regions of Sirius stolen from the rightful control of Gallia by the Libertonian and Bretonian traitors. "My faithful subjects! We have stood by long enough while the ravenous remnants of the Alliance feasted upon the lands they have eyed for themselves from long before the landing! We know what they did to assure themselves domination, we know that they led Coalition forces to our sleeper launch site so that they may escape like the rats that they are, and take the best of this region for themselves. All their actions must have consequences! Starting from today, they will be running once again. They will run, or they will be included into the rightful control of House Gallia! Hail the reconquest!" The crowd gathered at Ile du Palais cheered throughout the speech. The first Royal Navy units are expected to reach and pacify Tau-23 within days, officially marking the first step on the road to victory. |
[733 AGS] The 2nd Gallic War: True Goals of the Council |
BRIANCON -- 733 AGS -- The so-called Second Gallic War that was inspired by the Council two decades ago is nowhere near its ending. The Council, the powerful and wealthy group formed mainly by Royal Navy and Royal Police deserters, and financed by semi-legal businesses and criminal cartels of the Core Worlds, is sometimes described as a revolutionary movement. Yet, through the course of the war the Gallic media collected evidence that Council is nowadays more like a state within a state, having its own bureaucracy, enforcement agencies, and even newly established oligarchy that came into fortune due to the war. The Council leaders claim that their goal is to change the government of Gallia and overthrow the monarchy, in addition to breaking the isolation of Gallia from the rest of Sirius worlds. According to our today's expert Robert Broussard, Doctor of Economy and senior consultant of Solar Engineering and Ile-de-France Shipping, the Council never had an intention to overthrow the New Paris monarchy. "Our information on the Council agenda is mainly based on their own public announcements and press releases. Yet, New Paris is so far from the Gallic Border Worlds that the Council will not be able to overtake the Core Worlds by force, even if all Border Worlds fall under their supreme rule," - Broussard says, - "On New Paris and other prominent worlds of Gallia, public support for the warlike actions of the Council is relatively low, and the Council is aware that the chances to inspire revolts in the heart of our nation are very slim." Independent analysts estimate black market operations in Gallia rising by 150%% during the last 30 years. At the same time, frequency of pirate attacks had risen twice in the Core Worlds, and more than three times in the Border Worlds. This unprecedented wave of piracy occured mainly because of the demand for various smuggled goods that the Council generates, and because of the overall chaos caused by the war. Royal Police was caught unprepared by this new dangerous tendency, unable to defend corporate and civilian shipments. The pirate groups are expected to grow even larger now that the path to Sirius was breached by the Council in Languedoc. Being able to take advantage of this new development, pirate groups like the Unione Corse, Gallic Brigands, and Maquis now plan their expansion into Sirius, searching for new markets and recruiting more pilots. The Council supports those pirate groups almost openly, in return for their help against the Royal Navy. Sporadic raids of Brigands and Maquis never cause significant losses, but play a crucial role in delaying Navy operations against the Council. Almost every asteroid field and nebula in Gallia is now swarmed with ships of various unlawful groups. It remains unknown for how much longer the Council resistance will continue, but it is already evident that there are forces within the Council and within the pirate groups interested in using the war as a source of income. For the Council leadership, political struggle and the well being of their own people appears to be less important than gaining personal wealth and power. This is the reason why the Council would never support any peace negotiation initiatives. |
[735 AGS] Cardamine the New Scourge of Gallia? |
NEW PARIS -- 819 AS -- Royal Police spokesmen dismiss media reports of widespread abuse of the new drug Cardamine within Gallic society, but arrests for drug related offenses seem to be on the rise. Cardamine, which has an unknown origin, seems to have spread throughout the upper tiers of Gallic society quietly, and has only received media attention after becoming a dominant force in street level crime. Some blame contact with Sirius as the source of the problem, pointing to a conspiracy among the Sirius Houses to afflict Gallia with degenerate addictions. One prominent politician called for investigation of the Junkers as the likely culprits who introduced Cardamine to Gallia, but so far his allegations have been seemingly ignored by the Royal Police. Inquiries to the Royal Navy about whether Cardamine has shown up in cargo interdictions on Gallia's borders have gone unanswered. |
NOTE: Page generated on the 15/12/2024 at 15:50:59 UTC