T-94-I Takumi Engine

From Discovery Wiki
T-94-I Takumi Engine
Equipicon engine.png
Price 200,000$
Max. Cruise Speed 550
Cruise Charge Time 5

T-94-I "Takumina" GMG Engine

Guild snubcraft rely often on speed and agility to enable them to strike at great pace and melt away back into the Crow Nebula as quickly as they emerged from it, sidestepping any substantial retribution from their prey before it might be fully mustered. The Takumi, or Deft, fighter engine is almost an extension of the swirling clouds of the Sigmas themselves, blending into the Gas Miners Guild's natural habitat to ensure snubcraft superiority throughout the Sigma Systems.

Top Speed (theoretical): 550

Cargo Space Occupied: 100


Base Owner System Region Price
Gas Miner Naha Gas Miners Guild Sigma-13 Sigma Border Worlds 200,000$
Battleship Daishouri Gas Miners Guild Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds 200,000$
Planet Kurile Gas Miners Guild Sigma-17 Sigma Border Worlds 200,000$
Niigata Star Yards Gas Miners Guild Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds 200,000$
Gas Miner Ogashawa Gas Miners Guild Sigma-19 Sigma Border Worlds 200,000$
Helgoland Station Gas Miners Guild Sigma-13 Sigma Border Worlds 200,000$
Niigata Star City Gas Miners Guild Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds 200,000$
Planet Miura Planetform, Inc. Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds 200,000$
Aomori Station Gas Miners Guild Honshu Kusari 200,000$