please post your evidence for a haydrocarbon ore or gold ore delivery to our storage. The evidence may not be deleted after the integration in the ranking.
For an acceptable evidence there are two screens needed with the following information
1. timestamp, cargohold and current cash
2. Visit at the Fortitudine trader, with empty cargo and cash after the sale
Your deliveries for this month (June) will be updated here with a ranking
thank you for sending the evidence. As I was in the office as you unloaded your cargo I accept these.
But next time please follow the two demands for proper evidences.
"For an acceptable evidence there are two screens needed with the follwing information:
1. timestamp, cargohold and current cash 2. Visit at the Fortitudine trader, with empty cargo and cash after the sale"
The second evidence is missing after unloading at the Fortitudine trade office.
I am sorry to have such extensive requirements, but there is 100.000.000 cash to earn, so you surely will understand that.
And the winner of the May tournament and the winner of the 100.000.000 credits is .... tataaa .... James Fletcher. Thank you sir, the prize was sent to you already!
The repairs at the comrelay of the "sulking Miner", my faithful Hegemon, have been completed.
Not realy a big problem, I could easily revamp the few circuits from my old relay with the power circuits from an unused old weaponsjunktion and the control panel I salvaged from a derelict food synthesizer, but I had to get an Official to verify the ID code for me.
LordMcRae, thank you for you hospitality, and If I can proove myself useful I will. But I think the contact to any Bureaucrat will be something I will try to rely on you for.
The guy kept on telling me he couldn´t verify the papers because of the machine oil...
how can anything function without Oil ?
Fine Quarters, thank you. More than enough for me.
My little *Swiftsure* and the *sulking Miner* are in good shape and ready for any assignment, and Im looking forward to working my shift.
I have to admit you are really doing a very good job sir!
Amazing that your Hegemon is completely repaired and fully operational, it seems that you have good chances to win these months competition if there are no new problems with your ship.
Sir, until the base is not filled completely and as long as BMF can not guarantee a constant storage to all our contract partners, I need you and all other miners every day. Perhaps your brothers are good miners too?