At twenty years of age, Bernard Fokke, callsign: King, was a young wing leader of the Outcasts covert operations squad, the "Apparitions". He quickly rose through the ranks to become a lt. commander. After a childhood like he had... it was all he could ever do, relentless moving up. Not much of a past to hunt him. Ever in movement from place to place, his childhood a blur. Fokke, an odd name for an Outcast...
"Funny how these things come to you on boring 'walk the beat' missions like this one" he thought while scanning the instruments... nothing but the rocks and the gasses of the Malvadas Cloud...
"Apparition 3 to Apparition Leader, all green here!" they were flying a broad formation, 5k apart... four unmarked Sabre VHFs.
"Apparition 2 to Apparition Leader, same walk here!" continued the regular report at one minute intervals as they were patroling deep into enemy teritory.
"Apparition 1 to Apparition Leader, nothing to report!"
"Apparition Leader to Apparition Group, we have nine more Ks to the next waipoint!"... "... yeah an odd name!" He remembered his mother dying when he was five - the only thing he remembers clearly from those days.
He inherited some powers from his mother's side of the family, "Battle Meditation" his Mentor Lo-Gon called it, "A rare ability only a few had, great warriors, like Bastila Shan". "Battle Meditation was a manifestation of the Force which instilled in the meditator's allies a greater morale in battle and reduced the enemy's will to fight. Using the Force, one could coordinate entire fleets of ships, allowing them to perform at maximum efficiency, acting as one to counter every enemy move quickly and effectively." (Quote taken from Star Wars Wikipedia, more about Battle meditation here). His mentor was a Jedi master who mysteriously appeared in Omicron Alpha and settled there. He had a few apprentices throughout Sirius. Bernard was one of his favorite padawans...
"Apparition 3 to Apparition Leader, area is Omega!"
"Apparition 2 to Apparition Leader, we're clean at your port side!"
"Apparition 1 to... ALERT! Two Nomad Battlegroups decloaking at 10 o' clock! One more at five! We're being swarmed! Aaaaaaarghh! ... static ..."
"Engage the fighters!" Bernard issued the order.
The three remaining Sabre VHFs killed their engines and went for a coordinated attack on the bogies firing blazes of Wyrm rays taking three nomad fighters with the first salvos. All their skill was to no avail as a broad beam from one of the nomad battleships swept over them.
King saw to the port side Apparition 3 being desintegrated. Seconds after that, Apparition 2 went down in a blaze of light. He hit the reverse thrusters to avoid the beam but was hit partially, leaving his ship disabled, floating in the direction which it was going...
Not long after he saw the green and red of the jumphole "that's where they came from" he saw the corsair fighter graveyard, he scanned the fighters "Artifacts... all seem to point towards the jump..." he thought and he felt the presence of Death nearing "a corsair fighter graveyard... much like back home in Alpha - a good place to die". He knew he wouldn't last forever, even though his ship's life support systems worked at 100%, his supply of cardamine was not endless. He would die if no one found him quickly...
Bernard looked around the cockpit. "Well, let's see what we can do about this, I'm not done yet! As for my wingmen, no time for grief, they were good men, excelent pilots and all died with honor!". The homing beacon was among the disabled systems. Comm systems worked perfectly. If he kept talking, maybe someone would intercept the transmission and come to rescue. Even if it's the Corsairs, or the Bounty Hunters, he would have a chance of escaping from prison... that is if they take prisoners... and then again, they have this graveyard - like the Outcasts.
"This is Bernard Fokke, my ship is disabled by a nomad battlegroup near the Unknown jumphole..." he started talking on all frequencies...
No replies. The comms were silent...
"Silence..." he thought. Then he remembered a poem by William Butler Yates, a poet from the old Terra "L?ricas sin sue?o" (Sleepless Lyrics in Outcast's language). He didn't realise he was speaking it out loud:
El reloj en la pared
Paradas en incredulidad
Ninguna hora puede pasar
Cuando no puedo dormir
Tiempo sobre las torres
Todav?a congelado
Silencio que se mueve adentro
Para una matanza silenciosa
La noche ha ca?do
Y las estrellas abundan
Cielo negro con la guarnici?n de plata
Todo alrededor
Se roban los sue?os
Oh un qu? presagio
En el alambique
No se habla NINGUNAS palabras
At that moment, an Asgard Warriors patrol warped in from the Unknown system jumphole. He didn't notice it...
The Asgards heard the transmission:
"La noche ha ca?do
Y las estrellas abundan"
"This is Asgard Warrior Delta wing Leader, pilot, identify yourself!"
Later on, he joined the AW as he found out his mother was a born Zoner since he didn't have any recolection of his father, but he kept an allegiance to his roots as an Outcast. He quickly rose through the ranks in the AW to become what he is now, ten years later - Asgard Warriors' Vice Admiral Nightfall. Bernard Fokke founded the Suicide Kings Surgical Strike Squadron and trains his hand picked pilots in the ways of the Force. Nightfall also commands three AW battleships, The BSA-Maul (which he sacrificed in the Great Battle of Gamma Unknown read "Twilight of Peace") the BSS-TARJA, an AW Nomad hunter and the latest in AW technology - the RBS-RAVAGER command of which he was personaly awarded by Lord-Captain Dab for heroic achievements in the Battle of Gamma Unknown and as a replacement for the loss of the Maul. He privately travels in an Osiris class battleship with an Outcast tag - The Ampoliros that he reffers to as "My private yacht"... His callsign, Nightfall, he was given by the pilots who found him, they translated the first thing they heard from him - "La noche ha ca?do" (The Night has Fallen) - Nightfall.
t h e | e n d
special thanks: my brother Nosferatu (I know how this sounds :crazy: so I won't explain anything) - I gave him a few points, he gave me back two sentences with a general idea I liked. Thanx Bro! Wookieepedia - the Star Wars Wikipedia - for the info I found there - May the Force be with you! W. B. Yates - for "Sleepless Lyrics" - a perfect poem for this. God rest his soul! (Igiss, can you do something about it, pls?) Igiss - for creating this mod which keeps me stuck in front of the monitor for more than it's healthy. Wolfpack98 - for hosting the server (Wolf, now you know why I so badly want an Outcast tag for the AMPOLIROS :don't be mad at me when I ask the impossible) Discovery Gaming Comunity - YOU boys and girls and creatuers of all ages, for existing and reading this :)
The Discovery 24/7 server for not comming back after the maintainance, as I would have played FL, not writing this :)
*sorry for the spanish, I used google to translate*
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
Well, if anyone is interrested in what was Nightfall babbling about in (probably) bad spanish (it starts about the second half, with "The clock on the wall..."), here's the english original by W. B. Yates:
Sleepless Lyrics
The night has fallen
And the stars abound
Black sky with silver lining
All around
The clock on the wall
Stops in disbelief
No hour may pass
When I cannot sleep
Time above the towers
Frozen still
Silence moving in
For a silent kill
Oh I cannot sleep
For all the secrets
That I keep
Darkness calls
But I'm in too deep
My dreams have let me down
I'm losing sleep
The night has fallen
And the stars abound
Black sky with silver lining
All around
Dreams are stolen
Oh what an omen
In the still
NO words are spoken
The night has fallen
And the stars abound
Oh I cannot sleep
For all the secrets
That I keep
Darkness calls
But I'm in too deep
My dreams have let me down
I'm losing sleep
The clock on the wall
Stops in disbelief
No hour may pass
When I cannot sleep
Time above the towers
Frozen still
Silence moving in
For a silent kill
The night has fallen
And the stars abound
Black sky with silver lining
All around
Dreams are stolen
Oh what an omen
In the still
NO words are spoken
The night has fallen
And the stars abound
*now, you're all invited to post critics, flames, praises, some more flames... c if I care :crazy:*
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor