After seeing rediculous amounts of this I think we should restrict people from mounting BS shields on cruisers and gunboats. and cruiser shields restricted from being on gunboats. It is impossible for anything smaller than a BS to destroy a gunboat with BS shields as it is smaller and harder to hit, and has much more agility than a BS. Either we need to ban people from doing that or make 3 new shield type mounts for BS, cruisers, and gunboats.
i really dont see the problem bs's crusiers and the like (ok maybey not gun boats) are cap ships and cap ships shouldent be able to be taken out by fighters anyways.
if u want to pick on a cap u should be in a cap then a good weapons layout makes light work of there sheilds anyways.
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Dab,Mar 25 2006, 03:29 PM Wrote:After seeing rediculous amounts of this I think we should restrict people from mounting BS shields on cruisers and gunboats. and cruiser shields restricted from being on gunboats. It is impossible for anything smaller than a BS to destroy a gunboat with BS shields as it is smaller and harder to hit, and has much more agility than a BS. Either we need to ban people from doing that or make 3 new shield type mounts for BS, cruisers, and gunboats.
I agree, but only the part of no BS/Cruiser Shields to gunboats. Those things are too maneuverable. If Equiped with BS/Cruiser shields they are almost imposible to take down by anything smaller than a BS. Even for a BS it poses a problem because the GB can evade Inferno shoots, which is the only wep strong enough to take down those shields fast enough.
So Swapping Shields between Cruiser and BS is ok. But using them in freighters/gunboat... That unbalances things too much. :rtfm:
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )
Dab,Mar 25 2006, 06:29 PM Wrote:After seeing rediculous amounts of this I think we should restrict people from mounting BS shields on cruisers and gunboats. and cruiser shields restricted from being on gunboats. It is impossible for anything smaller than a BS to destroy a gunboat with BS shields as it is smaller and harder to hit, and has much more agility than a BS. Either we need to ban people from doing that or make 3 new shield type mounts for BS, cruisers, and gunboats.
Dab, I agree here. 3 different types of balanced shields would make complete sense.
Cruisers and Gunboats are really escort ships and would normally be the first cannon
fodder in a cap ship exchange. Though it should be possible for good GB and cruiser
pilots to inflict some damage.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Maneuverable? It handles as bad as a cruiser and if you never noticed, i'm not going to be stuck escorting a BS every time i wanna have fun in my fave ship. :angry:
Well you have to follow the rules. You want it to be more maneuverable put in a request. I might test the gunboats on the beta server to see if it is not maneuverable enough. But you have to admit they were way too maneuverable in that last version. I think the earlier idea of a torpedo gunship was a good idea. Make extra light mortars or some other name reduce damage and power output and make the gunboat start with one. Make it chew up 1/2 of the energy or else people could have 6 of them and then it would be too powerful.