He gave out several accounts which belonged to 141. All those who had them, I would like you to give them back to us, as they did not belong to psymple.
Investigating unauthorised changes to shared accounts takes a lot of effort and it can be very hard to determine who is right and wrong.
As a result, the admin team will not get involved in disputes related to shared accounts. If you share your account ID with other people it is your problem if unauthorised changes are made to the account and the admin team will not investigate reports related to shared account access.
If you are not sure about the security of your account, please create a new one and use the /movechar command (see /help for more info).
People really need to learn to be more careful with who they trust with shared accounts. This is starting to happen more and more again. Failure to keep your toys with those you can trust is not an admin problem...
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
People really need to learn to be more careful with who they trust with shared accounts. This is starting to happen more and more again. Failure to keep your toys with those you can trust is not an admin problem...
It seems to be happening quite a lot lately - and if you go by what you say, shareds can't even exist anymore. Because we had this happened with leadership persons. An actual leader even did this once when leaving. Now, tell me, how should a faction work, if even the leadership is not trustworthy?
The people's behaviour really dropped quite low it seems. And having such actions go without being stopped doesn't make it any better.
For the people losing the ships: hope you get them back.
@Aeternus: Yes, I am quite aware of that server rule regarding shared accounts. Reason why I not even considered to file a report about this incident at all, but rather tried to contact those people who received the ships.
Well, there was a time there was no reason for me to NOT trust Psymple. And that was the time had received access to those accounts.
To our luck we were able to get most of the ships back from people that the accounts were given too. For this a big thanks again!
As far I as I heard several other people did not have so much luck, because they also had trusted psymple with some ships.