From: Captain Jacob Forge
To: The SCRA
Priority: MEDUM
[Message Begins]
It has been too long since the International has flown under my command. Almost a year, in fact. Retirement was good. But then someone decided they needed to mess up my paperwork. But when duty calls, one must leave the family behind to fight. That is, if any of you pilots have a family. Gives you something more to fight for then words. Maybe some of you should try that.
Forge clears his throat/
The International has returned, Comrades. Let the rivers of blood soak into the new path the Coalition has taken, and let Sirius again quake when we pass.
Jacob Forge, Out. And if anyone tries to give my daughter vodka, I will kill you, despite Garcia telling me I can't do that anymore.
From: Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
To: The SCRA
Priority: LOW
[Message Begins]
Captain Forge,
It is a pleasure to see you reactivated after so long. Granted, it was not by choice but we must all play with the hand we're dealt. It's good to have the International returned to active duty as well with your return.
As you may have already inferred, the SCRA is a very different organization from the one you remember. You will learn in time what that means exactly.
I expect you to return to the field with renewed vigor and I expect to hear about your exploits in the coming weeks.
Field Marshal Joseph Garcia Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
From: Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
To: The SCRA
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]
Pilots of the SCRA,
As some of you already know, several days ago we undertook an expedition to Tau-29 in order to secure and escort a TAZ Cruiser commanded by Pope Brettonias that was bound for Omega-52 with precious cargo.
This cargo was precious enough to field the Havana along with the Radek, International and two Storm gunboats in order to escort the vessel back home. The Lithuania also joined in the escort part-way through the return trip to Omega-52.
What was this cargo, some of you may ask? Information. The contents of which are nothing short of incredible. Through winning some sort of "bet" with the Vagrant Raiders, the Pope managed to obtain technical information and a cross-section of the Vagrant Raider flagship the Metropolis. Needless to say, this information is of incredible value and I see great potential in it for our future development of the XKR-EV-TWO "Tempest" Carrier.
You will find attached to this message images of the escort fleet as well as audio logs of what was discussed. Needless to say, cooperation with the TAZ is now our utmost priority as is operational security. Comrades, the information I have just given you is to be shared with no one, not even any TAZ apart from Pope Brettonias and certainly never to be mentioned to the Vagrant Raiders.
Things are looking up for the Sirius Coalition Comrades and it is our duty to ensure that things only get better from here.
That is all for now Comrades.
Field Marshal Joseph Garcia Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Greetings Comrades! I have come back from my trip to the Hispania Memorial, and I can say with certainty that I have come back with more motivation than ever. While the trip was rather uneventful (save for a few Corsairs, but they were dispatched easily enough) I did have a chance to take a tour of the surrounding space.
COMM ID: His Watchful Eye
LOCATION: *Classified*
TARGET ID: S.C.R.A. Assets
"Today we remember our origins, where our ancestors came from. On a doomed dingy in the vast ocean of outer space we came here, we grew, we prepared, we prospered.
However despite our ever-growing successes both on the battlefield and in the political arena we must NEVER forget the sacrifices our people have made, past, present and what must be sacrificed in the future to ensure our freedoms, our way of life, even our very lives are kept in our keeping.
Comrade Stanislav has paid his respects to our glorious new beginning by visiting the Sleeper Ship Hispania. He has uploaded yet another name that shall be remembered by those who will undertake the great journey once again.
Thus it is my greatest honour to award our comrade, our brother, the Hispania Memorium. Remember our origins Comrade. Remember those who sacrificed as we march towards the Red Dawn. "
Remember the Fallen! Remember the Hispania Heroes!
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
From: Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
To: The SCRA
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]
Pilots of the SCRA,
I have a task for you all that is of the utmost importance.
We need Prisoners of War. Corsairs, Bounty Hunters, their origins do not matter so long as they are our enemies. Any you capture are to be brought back to Omega-52 where they will be turned over to the Ministry of Truth. This can be accomplished during the regular course of your flights and operations.
The reasons for this are classified at the highest level but rest assured that in doing so you will contribute to the future greatness and glory of the SCRA.
I trust you will all do your best to ensure the capture of these POW's.
Field Marshal Joseph Garcia Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
The victory is ours once more today.
Our glorious Field Marshall Joseph Garcia did lead a strike force into the Omicron Gamma system. The stinking pit that the Corsairs call their home was under attack by a large fleet of Outcasts so we used the situation to hit them both.
As their forces were weakend and most of their ships damaged we did sneak in and engaged the remaining forces of both sides. We blew them to smithereens in the shortest amount of time while only suffering 2 losses on our side in that forward strike against two of our worst enemies. They wont forget that one.
We also took prisoners that will be turned over to the Ministry of Truth.
"Earlier the warship 'Lithuania' did a sortie into the Omega-5 system. We got lucky and caught an Artifact Smuggler under Freelancer colors just coming out from Omicron Gamma through Omega-41. We conversed shortly but ultimately he refused so we were forced to chase his cannibal-supporting ship all the way to their fortress of Cadiz. However even that so-called 'bastion' did not provide him sanctuary. the Lithuania stormed the very gates of the Corsair's war effort and eliminated the fool before he could acquire docking clearance from those muppets."
It's been a terrible, terrible long flight, all the way to Hispania and back. It took an awful lot of time, aaaand... I had no dime to pay up for a bunk, some food... it was hellish!
Anyway, I took homage to the ship that kept the ideas of the Revolution alive...
Apparently, I was detected while scanning the derelict ship. The druglords on Malta dispatched a hunter-killer fleet and it's countless escorts to kill me.
I managed to escape, and ran like hell for three days straight. I barely managed to land, I'm falling asleep. Luckily, all's good now, I'm on Zhukovsky Station - filling this entry.
Anyway, sirs, excuse my tardiness, I did my best time I could under the given circumstances. I am going to take a nap now.
Chekov out!
The boy forgets to close the communicator, and everyone could hear him being overly excited: Yea! I did it! Yeaaaaa! I'm a man now, I got an Insurgent!
From: Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
To: The SCRA
Priority: LOW
[Message Begins]
Pilots of the SCRA,
Today we honor a Comrade that has undertaken the pilgrimage to the Hispania. Comrade Chekov, it pleases me to see the newest generation of pilots taking on their new role with enthusiasm and courage.
I am pleased to award you the Hispania Memorium Badge, signifying you have taken your first steps in your initiation in our glorious Revolutionary Army.
I trust that you and your fellow pilots will continue in their execution of our goals and performing said goals with the excellence that is expected of members of the SCRA.
That is all.
Field Marshal Joseph Garcia Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army