Mi amigos, compadres, our nation faces out a grave state.
Our enemies have built many outposts throughout the region, damaging our operations.
It's time for this to end!
Man-up, gather your ships, be it a small Decurion or a mighty Legate, and start to take out these fools' homes.
They think they can be safe behind their weapon platforms? Inside their shields?
We will show them no mercy, no ability to escape.WE WILL KILL THEM ALL!
Take it. Take the war to our enemies in New London, in Dublin.
Show them what a true Corsair is like!
Put The Goldern Coin to torch!
Take it out to King's Cross!
And unleash hell upon Shadows' HQ!
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Santiago Munez - The Brotherhood
"Smiles", Ho.. senorita, Looks like someone has a very good mood today. Bueno, The Brietonian front is sickening and The Brotherhood has shown them recently whos in charge. While we divert our resources to drive the hessian gringos from the omegas We shall investigate this useless fortress and in due time destroy it. If however it is a pressing manner that cannot be avoided, we will dispatch a group of soldatos within the next 24 hours and look more into it.
It would be fantastico if you could also collect any data you currently have on this useless floating pinyada and submit it through this frequency.
The New Gaian Front would like to aid the Knights Corsair in this effort!
We prefer, however, to focus on King's Cross and not the other two, since thus far the Molly base and Shadow's HQ do not interfere in our surgical rounds.
We can offer nothing larger than a gunboat, so it is unlikely that we will actually destroy the base on our own, but we can help in other ways.
Please let us know if there are any planned actions in which we can take part.