We will return if we will be allowed to return, not if one of us will be allowed to return and if all the Elders will agree to let the Council function like it has been doing it for ages, meaning that all the Elders must be in complete agreement in order for a decision to be made and each and every Elder has the right to veto any decision, regardless of his affiliation.
Vittorio, no one here is ignoring your service for the Nation, and no one has forgotten about Alberto's contribution. Both of you are undeniably honoured members of the Nation who deserve all forms of respect, even though recent actions have stained your honour in the point of view of the Brotherhood.
However, neither your recent actions, nor your glorious deeds and ardent service matter as far as the distribution of seats in the Council is concerned.
According to its statutes, your new endeavour - the Corsair Trade Company - has the right to be represented with one seat in the Council. You are invited to name your representative to the Council. As soon as the CTC manages to establish itself firmly, another seat and further decision rights, like the veto power you mentioned, will be added.
You above all will understand that the rules cannot be changed just because you and Alberto are veteran leaders of the Corsair.You also understand that it would be detrimental to the Nation if every Elder had the power to veto action. Especially after your call for an insurgency against the Council, which runs directly against our combined effort to unify and strengthen the nation and which has the potential to plunge us all into chaos, it has become self-evident that veto power can only be held by the officially acclaimed families.
You have acknowledged the call for unity by Priestess Reina Roja, so all you need to do now is cast away the pride and name a representative. Then raise your family in status in the coming months, so you become eligible for a second seat and veto rights. We hope that the CTC decides to be part of a unified Council serving a unified nation.
Our first meeting is in 2 days. You decide whether your Elder joins us in the Assembly Hall to be part of the Council, or whether you want to work against us. It is your call, we have said everything that needed to be said.
I want to remind you, Elders, and everyone else that the Corsair Council of Elders has functioned in the way I described above since its beginnings and it is the Brotherhood's decision to change it that brought us here today. It was the Brotherhood who decided that only their Elders' words will matter in the Council chambers, yet its the same Brotherhood that accuses us of disrespecting them.
I also wish to remind everyone that this is the second time when in their blind fight for power the Brotherhood is trying to pull this off. We still have the archives from when it first happened. In times most of you seem to have forgotten it was the Brotherhood that left the Council of Elders and declared they will no longer obey the Corsair Laws or that they will ignore the decisions of the Council they are so eager to defend now. Back then, the Benitez Family and the Black Sails were there to keep the Empire strong, united and, most important of all, free from tyranny. No group should ever have that much power, no single group should be allowed to decide the faith of hundreds of millions of corsair people. Unfortunately, brothers and sisters, most of those great people are no longer among us so it is our duty to protect the Empire from tyranny. Also, none of the other corsairs disrespected the Brotherhood, not even when they opened fire on fellow corsairs.
So, in light of all those facts, we decline your offer to be slaves of the Brotherhood. All we wanted was for you to allow us to stay as the same table as equals, as brothers! Like we have been doing it before we were told one of us has to leave. Even if you deny us that right, we will keep our dignity and continue to work for the good of the Empire. Still, with all the disrespect you have shown us, nobody from our Company will be allowed to disrespect one of the Brotherhood soldiers and nobody from our Company will be allowed to put in the life of a fellow corsair in danger. We will do our duty not because of you, but because we were born corsairs and we will die corsairs and even if the current Brotherhood leaders and the current Council of Elders have moved away from the right path, we hope that the future will bring us better leaders for the Brotherhood.
<< Incomming transmission >>
<<Com.ID: Elder Dimitris de la Ramirez >>
<< Location: Planet Crete Omicron Gamma >>
<< Encryption: High >>
Honorable CoE
I am honoured that you gave me a chance to serve the empire in that way!
The Ramirez family will stay always behind the people of our great empire!
That's the reason why I call again for unity.
The CoE will endeavor to expand our connections, for the glories of our people.
The Ramirez family and I, are be taken full pride to be in the Council of Elders!
Elder Dimitris de la Ramirez
¡Viva el Imperio Corsario!
General en jefe of Unidad especial de Corsair. Elder of the Corsair Council and patron of the ramirez familia
connection established
source: "Royal.Lynx"
ID: Red Kimiki
to: Corsair Council & Affiliated
Sirs or Madames.
I would like to remind you, even though I am not Corsair but friend to your glorious nation as a shipper and artifact trader - CTC can vouch for me - I know that that strenght of the Empire lays in unity and preservation of that unity. Since early days, you have successfully defended from many other influences and invasions - be it Nación Maltesa or Red Hessians, not speaking of all different entities such as Aliens and Infectees - everexpanding your influence across the Southern and Eastern Sirius.
Enemies of the Great Corsair Empire just wait for such a thing, which is lack of aforementioned unity. You should not give them such a chance. Act as one - or fall due to division and distrust.
Just because people don't seem to understand it, I will have to say it again:
The Corsair Empire is not divided!
The Corsair Empire is as strong as ever!
The Corsair Empire will only get stronger!
All of us will keep on doing what we know best, all of it in the Empire's best interest. Just because we do not like each other doesn't mean we will do stupid things, like put in jeopardy all that our ancestors have built with the price of their lives.
We are smarter that that, we are stronger than that.
While it troubles me that there is even a small amount of dissension in the highest ranks of the corsair elders you can be assured that regardless of who is in control, as long as Samura is welcome, we will continue bringing in vital supplies such as Kyushu grown rice and other assorted basics at our discounted rates. We value the Corsair Empire as a whole. We would like it to stay that way.
Peace and prosperity my friends. Live well.
*He walks away with a grin and a cigar. The Transmission cuts off*