Well thanks for the intro man! A pleasure to be here. Minus having to beat some sense into a few hooligans who were shouting insults at one of the waitresses on Barrier. Damn kids these days. But, I showed 'em a thing or two, then showed that waitress a thing or two...
Anyways! Welcome! I am your host, DJ Tom S. Hunterson, or as those who know me well enough call me, "Toker". I'm sure you know why. If not, well then piss off. Here to bring you all the news you'd ever want, and some you don't, as well as kick-ass tunes, it's...
So I'll start this broadcast off with some delightful news. One of our fine boys in the military showed one of those 'Casts a thing or two when they shouted insults to his mother, or something maybe like that. Listen, I don't pay attention too much to all the details. I do know that our skies are clear with one less 'Cast flying around. I've uploaded these fine images for all to access:
Damn proud of you son! You make us here proud and happy! So with that, I'll leave you with a personal favorite of mine, and we'll start off the show with a bang! See you in the skies boys and girls!
Your host, DJ Tom S. Hunterson, is here - the one you're so accustomed with. But today we won't be talking about me, sadly... It's time for some big brand news, ladies and gentlemen. I'll make a small rewind, especially for all of you who haven't been around Coronado lately. You all know our story about how we switched from the whole military regime to a democratic government, no point in me teaching history. Well because of that whole change, we've just chosen a new president this year. So it seems like the elections are over!
Yeah you heard it right! We have a new leader - can't recall his name... - who I hope will be as good or better than Connors. Anyway, that's politics for today.
I heard the 'casts are pretty gone nowadays... guess the *sniffs* cardi finally got to them. *chuckles* That or our boys have been doing a far better job than i was told, hehe. Speaking of which, seems like our latest fighter-jocks are rocking hard against the Gauls, as you can see in the below footage...
Good morning, Colonials! Thank you for tuning in to 107.7 FM, the voice of the Republic. Dawn today here at New Hope presented clear skies, with calm winds and a warm temperature of -5ºC. Believe it or not, we are in what Pecos has to offer for “summer,” so let’s enjoy it before the winter’s storms rage again. Space isn’t as calm today, as the Colonial Military’s 15th Squadron has been raised to a higher alert status due to action going on within the Baffin system.
And now for breaking news. With the twentieth anniversary of our arrival to Sirius near, President Corvin has announced that our new city, currently under final construction phases, on Yuma’s northern seas finally has a name: New Thessalonica. A large number of food shipments were recently delivered to stock up on supplies, and efforts are being made to effectively clear small regions of the mainland for settlement.
People are really excited about finally leaving this frozen rock. At this point however, New Thessalonica will only be able to house about one hundred thousand citizens. Corwin has also assured us that city construction and service workers will be first to receive residences there.
In other news, our Minister of State, Nelson Steele, has departed on a diplomatic tour. The other day, he reached his first stop with the Gas Miners Guild in the Sigmas. We can only speculate about the topics of the meeting with the GMG, but is very likely that trade agreements be on the table along with a more open diplomatic channel. There are rumours abound about the exchange of military technology but there has not been any official confirmation about those claims.
That’s all for now Colonials. We will be back soon with more Colonial News.
Today I was moving Niobium Ore to New Berlin after waiting for our friends from IMG to fill my Atlas transport. I have to admit, that I tried to find your station on every available channel, sadly without any success. Please restart your operations! Don't let the Gauls keep you from hacking the frequenzes and sending your News and Songs! We need you while we finish the orders of Minister A. Young to deliver 100.000 tons of Niobium and Niobium Ore to New Berli for Daumann!
Yours sincerily
Captain Marcus Blue, Atlas vessal "Moon"
This is your favourite DJ, Tom! and I'll let you all answer that in a moment, but for now - let me tell you how i'm doing!
Well i'm doing great! Why? Because our lovely boys and girls from the C.D.I. along with the gov. golks have been working their butts off to make sure the Yuma colonisation process is going well 100%. And guess what!? It IS! Latest news have told us the docking ring is almost done, so we'll be able to fly into our home's atmosphere way easier.
On an even brighter note, we've heard that the Ambrosia is back in action! Now owned by what my sources tell me might be an actual spook, the bar is more alive than ever and retrofitted with a new and amazing look! The bartender's actually an old 52nd pilot who was injured, but her looks and skills with the bottle make up for it.
So, hurry up people and grab a drink once you finish your flight runs!
Aside from this, well - we're still keeping track of the same old - same old - stories of our boys taking down the Gauls, one after the other.
Good hunting and keep it up! I'll be sending you the sounds of victory!
Good morning, Crayterians! Thank you for tuning into 107.7 FM, the voice of the Republic. It is a sunny dawn here at New Hope. We are presented with cloudy skies, strong winds and a cold freeze of -10ºC. It is getting close to what "Pecos" likes to call winter storms. Weather reports show that it is going to be a cold and icy winter so would like to inform everyone to get ready for the cold breeze and to wrap up warm.
Space is busy like normal, Crayter Military, 15th Squadron has been placed on high alert status as well as the Crayter Intelligence Service. The recruitment officers are pushing applications and training harder than before, to find the best pilots we can to find what is now the home of the Republic. But before we go into that story we have a few others to address.
Let me begin with addressing the rise in the Outcast presence within the barrier rim. Over past months there presence has become a bigger threat that before, this was due to plans that were being made by one of the Crayter Republic's closest allies, we like to call them The Order. The Order came to the Coronado region for one thing and the mission was a great success. The mission was kept on a low from us and the citizens of the Crayter Republic because of how much of a high risk it was and a challenge. The Liberty Navy had captured Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter, she was taken and captured by what we believe to be an infected group known as Division Nine. The alien jump gate was destroyed a week ago by The Order, who had the support from the Crayter Military forces. The mission was a great success and Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter was returned unharmed. The alien structure was destroyed but it has left a great radiation field behind. Would like to inform pilots to not patrol or have any flight paths within that region.
Now moving onto other news. Some of you will remember one of the Crayter Military Fleet Ships known as Helios. It has been refitted, repaired and it has been sent out on duty within the Baffin sector. The location is classified to us, but Military personal know the location and they will begin patrolling the Baffin region alot more. We would like to give all the men and women the best of luck and we wish to see you all home soon.
And now for our breaking new. With all the hard work of the men and women from the Crayter Republic, Military and Movers, the announcement made by President Corvin that the colonization of Yuma has been finished. The colonization of Yuma took five years to complete and now they can concentrate on finishing the new prototype dreadnought. There was a secret announcement of the prototype dreadnought being named Deimos. There has been alot of talks about this and Fleet Admiral Richard was one of the finest Admirals the Military could have, but he took a injury in combat due to the Outcasts, also known as National Council. So until he is fit for his duty, Admiral Claire Chandler will be taking over until further notice. We would like to wish Fleet Admiral Richard a speedy and fast recovery to help fight and reclaim Tau 44.
This is the end of the 107.7 FM for today, we wish you all a jolly day and to stay safe.
Everything comes to an end. A packet of biscuits. The last Yuma Resettlement movie, eventually. Even being President of the Crayter Republic. See, she's been in the job for an interregnum for more then a few months and after that time, Crayterian Constitution and our Temporary President says is time to be elected.
What a time ? What a time indeed.
No matter how good you are at singing, dancing, or shaking your Supernova Cocktail. That is a sweet jump shot. While none of our Interregnum President can claim that she can bring the peace to our political troubled country. She is high respected by all the members of all the Crayterian society and she represents the pinnacle of what our country can produce. Just by allowing for elections to happen , she is already startling all the veils of the society by letting go on the reins of power and leave all to the Fate.
Anyway, that means that the Republic has to find a new President this month. And while the Presidential election will take place in the first quarter of the year, before that, people have to vote on who should represent the two main parties present in the Colonial Space. Of course I am speaking about the Crayerian Government and the splinter group called ARC.
And within them are heaps of candidates hoping to get the support of their parties. It's a long, tough race, as candidates travel around the cities , stations and ships giving speeches, meeting people and running ads about themselves. And along the way, it can look like one candidate's pulling ahead only to end up at the back of the pack.
At this stage each party has a clear frontrunner. First up, Fiona Payne , none other. She's been a powerful pollie for a long time.She's big on citizens rights, health care, development, expansion and education.
If elected, she'll make history , for sure!
This is your truly , Karl Schummer reporting for the Colonial Radio and I do hope that you find this material interesting as It was for me when I first heard about it. Looking forward to see who is going to be the one chosen to take the seat of power in our proud nation. Stay tuned , and remember , you heard it first on Colonial Radio , keeping you informed.
And now , Weather on Yuma and on Pecos with Daryl Newall !
*Crayterian Anthem sings at the beginning of the transmission*
*Patriotic songs are up for a few minutes*
Greetings Crayterian Citizens ,
I am here to declare that the Operation Reclaim is now ready to begin. For all those that we left behind , I order all units involved : Jump and reclaim Tau 44!!
I promised you from the first day when i took the chair of Fleet Admiral that I will fight and I will lead you to victory. I am going to erase the dishonor spot in our history books.
TODAY IS THE DAY OF THE HOLY FIGHT , a fight to reclaim what we lost to Royalists, fight now for your homes in Tau 44 , for the places that we hold dear and holy.
Captains , I order you to engage your enemy in Tau 44. Pilots , I order you to engage and destroy enemy resistance in Tau 44. Marines , I order you to stay by your station and to clear our stations from the enemy hold.
*Cheers in the background*
All of you , be proud that the Fighters and Soldiers you see here today are our Brothers and Sisters , that we are holding the banner of Freedom once more and with that banner leading us , WE WILL TAKE OUR SYSTEM BACK !
Members of the Crayterian Fleet and Marine Corps , you will fight side by side , with one of the most glorious army !! The Council !!
Dare to measure your strength and courage with them and also to prove that we are ready to sacrifice anything for the cause.
They fight here in Sirius , for our Borders , for our people and for Justice for all the Gallic subjects which live under the iron boot of the Royalists !!!
Soldiers and Pilots , Commanders ,
Forward for the Glory of the Republic !! Fight for the homes of your parents !! Honor through your courage those who had died before in Tau region for our people , for our people so they can have a home and to build a better future ! Fight for those who are now living under the threat of Gallic invasion , for those who are afraid to take up arms and to join the fight for Freedom !!! Fight to avenge all the unjustice and the damage that the Crown had done!
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It is 10:00 AM , YSH. This is Sheila Lambert and here are the news on short :
- The fighting in Tau 44 continues to ravage the system , with Crayterian and Council Warships fighting the Royalist in the system.
- Raiding parties and small squadrons are wrecking havoc in the controlled Gallic systems of Tau 23 and Tau 31.
-Crayterian warships are harassing Gallic patrols and ships in Leeds
-Pecos manufacturing lines are working at maximum to prepare new Nyx fighters and Pytho bombers for the front line.
-First wounded reach planet Yuma Medical Facilities.
-Warning reaching Republic by an imminent Outcast attack.
-Citizens are concerned that the Coronado system is left with a skeleton fleet and submits a petition to recall some warships to defend the system
-New Astarte city reports that there will be a power failure in the city , as they attempt to integrate new computers and new shield generators in the power grid.
-Intersun reports that they are preparing a Liner with medical facilities on board to be sent to Tau 44.
-Conveyor Minerals Inc is looking towards the moons of Salina and is coordinating with Hephaestus Constructions and Athena Squadron to find way of exploitation.
-New expedition sent to the continents of Yuma to see the testing sites. No success in obtaining a beach head to start a settlement.
And now , news. Our war correspondent , Andrew Tann is going to keep us updated.
Thank you Sheila and hello ladies and gentlemen.
-The fighting in Tau 44 started a few days as was reported and the fights are among the hardest ever , as the Royalists forces knows that if they falter , the system is forfeited.
The main fighting is taking place in several quadrants , south of planet Malakka. The hot spots were in quadrants 3F , 4F, 4E where the Combined Fleet of Crayter Republic and Council smashed the lines of Gallic defenders and by doing so they secure the asteroid field and the wreck of the former Colonial Freedom Fighters.
-Our fighter pilots and council engaged the Gallic ships in 5F several times but they were repelled taking looses.
-Meanwhile , elements from Battlegroup Hades are moving towards the Sulawesi and trying to reach Minato , but they encounter heavy resistance from the Gallic Navy. The fleet failed to report the number of casualties in this matter.
-In this moment , new assaults are made towards the Minato station and planet Borneo , seeking to secure the south part of the system , and thus making more accessible an attack on Sulawesi.
-As part of the battle plan, Crayter Republic and Council forces are using the asteroid fields of Tau 23 and Tau 31 to harass and to attack , using a hit and run technique , to keep the forces of Gallic Navy occupied and thus been unable to send reinforcements in the Tau 44.
-Pytho squadrons and Nyx fighters , supplemented with a handful of Hydra , are causing as much havoc in the supply lines , forcing the Royal Navy to detach squadrons in their pursuit. Using the mentioned technique , by the time the Royal patrol is reaching the place, the Allied ships are already in a different spot , launching another surprise attack.
-To make matters worse for the Royalists fleet and keeping the at disarray , the Crayter Republic dispatch also ships from the Home Defense to engage any Royalist target in Leeds system , with orders to inflict maximum damage. The incursions are led by the Thanatos class ships.
-The Crayterian ships uses the West and East Leeds smog cloud to escape any pursuers. The ships are expected to cause as much damage and to out in the Leeds system for as long as Operation Reclaim is active.
-Thank you , Sheila
Thank you Andrew.
-The Ares Logistics had managed to slip through Gallic lines and they reached planet Yuma carrying several of the injured personnel in the Tau 44 fights, which are now treated in the Yuma Medical Center for burns of various degrees.
-Most of the injured is wearing the uniform of Nyx and Pytho crew pilots as well as several technicians among them .
-List with the names of the injured personnel will be made public after 12:00 pm by the Military Authorities.
-A note of concern was noted today in the Crayterian Government , as there was rumors about an impending attack by the Outcasts against Crayterian Installations. Forty minutes after the strange activity was noted in the building , a flurry of activity hit the ISE and 53rd ships , more then 20 taking off in a matter of minutes.
Unofficial sources claims that the ships are carrying technicians and crew for Minerva Research Station in an attempt to strip the station and to save all the data stored on the base computers. The same source confirmed that the target is actually no other then Minerva Station.
-We have here with us , Mr Perry Hawkins , well known author and former Military Officer. Hello! Please tell me and our spectators , what are the chances of this rumor to be true ?
-Hello Sheila and greetings fellow Crayterians. First , I want to say that is a huge honor for me to be here in this studio. Now , yes. Tactical , we are in a bad position at the moment. The Coronado system is at the Junction between Border Worlds and Liberty , making thus this as a transit system for the Outcasts transports. Now , let's see , we are a Republic with a long hostile stance toward the Outcasts and we just occupied this system and claimed a home here on Yuma. Our fleets are now operating far from home , in Tau 44 , Tau 23 , Tau 31 and now , with the recent deployment in Leeds as well, making Coronado vulnerable. If I would be an Outcast leader , THIS is the moment to strike.
-When do you think we will attacked ?
-It may be matters of days , weeks. Remember , they also need to pass their ships through contested systems now and they need to make a stealth operation if they want to exploit this at maximum.
-How is the government responding ? Adequate ?
-Our government response will be seen in the next few hours , or days but seeing the activity from ISE and 53rd I am just expecting for Hephaestus to appear and I think we will see some additional fortifications .
-Thank you Mr Perry.
-My pleasure , Sheila
-Two hundred thousands signed today a petition .......
*Crayterian Anthem sings at the beginning of the transmission*
Dear citizens ,
This is Ryo Kase. With heavy heart I am coming now to you from the Colonial Radio News Service.
As you all know , several days ago , we received a signal from deep in Omicrons. It was a garbled message which stated that Minerva will be under attack. Our government and our people in the Ministry took this as serious as ever and we dispatch ISE and 53rd ships to dismantle any equipment that was used for research purposes and to save all the data available. While doing that ,a contract was closed with Hephaestus Construction to reinforce and to build more weapon platforms for Minerva. ISE units run around the clock to be able to keep up with demand of specialized materials. But it was all in vain.
Today , 23:15pm YST , Minerva Research Center was destroyed.
Even with our Defense fleet raised and fight , it was not enough to protect them. The Outcasts gathered in the Barrier Cloud and they came in full force.
Alert Nyx and Pythos were in the air but the power of the Outcast fleet was too much. Meanwhile , a Defense Force was raising on the other side of Pecos and it was ready to set for Minerva when it was attacked. Reports name several Capital Ships from the Outcast fleet , mainly Ranseur class and also 2 Nomad battleships.
Yes , I know what I said and I will repeat it. Nomad Battleships in Coronado. Nomad ships working together with Outcasts.
The defense fleet started to take heavy damage and it was forced to dock , however managed to take out several of the Outcast ships but not enough.
As the battered vessels tried to reach safe heaven , the Outcasts and their new allies , the Nomads moved in for Minerva. Malachite was overwhelmed and stood as a true guardian against the Enemy Fleet , defending Sabah Shipyard.
The gunners on Minerva tried to keep them away but nothing could have stopped that fleet , especially since it was joined with Nomads.
They came and in a final act of desperation , one of our patrols engaged them. Brave act but no good result was to be had . They had managed to take several boogies , including a repair ship and managed to shift attention from the guns of Minerva at the right time , making a kill for the defenders.
As soon as the small detachment was lost , they once again focused. With the shield failing due to combined Nomad and Outcast weapons , a hit managed to find the Core Reactor of the station and an implosion followed.
200 personnel were lost in that explosion , not to count the rest of the losses that we had in the battle.
Never forget the heroes , never forget who our enemies truly are !!
We shall rebuild , we shall prosper , we will never be deter from our quest and goal !
For those we left behind.
*Crayterian Anthem sings in the background of the transmission*
*Crayterian Anthem sings at the end of the transmission*