The Liner was busling as it exited the Tradelane to Freeport 1, The Rheinland chancellers personel Yacht was returning from its good will Tour through Britonia, its escorts, made of mostly Very heavy fighters and gunboats Ran a picket around it.
Yacht Comand and Control(C&C): Freeport 1, this is Rheinland one, where requesting permition to continue on through the next train lane.
There was more static when a clear Coice came over the intercom.
" Sorry bout that, we had some difficulties with our communications array, sorry where going to have to ask if the Rheinland, and its escorts, procced to grid 5G, theres heavy pirate activity all around the tradelane and farther in the field, for the chancellers saftey we'd like to ask that you procced there now "
The captain looked puzzled..
C&C: Why aren't we allowed to just stay here?
" Theres to high of a traffic volume coming in from Cabridge, please procced to the location and wait for the clearence to enter. "
C&C: Roger that, we'll head there now.
The captain seemed suspious of the circumstances, why had Freeport ask that there group go to a holding pattern, when they where more than capable of handleing it on there own.
They Traveled to the given destination to find a Pair of large transports also waiting there.
" Well doesn't look like where alone out here, ahh ma'dam chanceller, to what pleasure do we ohh this visit " the captain beamed.
She walked right passed them and up to the glass of the bridge window.
" Somethings not right, theres something moving out there I can feal it "
A moment later the Radio crackled to life.
" Why look what we have here, Ma'dam Kristy im so glad to see you alive and well, hahaha.."
Kristy crossed her Arms " Virus...", as she said it , the space around the battlegroup began to crackle with energy, as four nomad battleships, a dozen gunboats and several wings of fighters de-cloaked all around the Liner and her escorts.
" My lovely lovely women, you've becom a thorn in alotta sides, and you need to be removed, we tryed with Vakklu but he failed us, so ive come in to do the work myself, and im going to enjoy killing you slowly, and ill mount your head in my room as a trophy, to remind me how weak, even the strongest human is....."
The radio crackled silent, and was followed by Salvos of nomad energy, there was no chance of escape.....
Alignment:The Outcasts Status: Retired Personal Bio Click here Current Ships:The BlackPearl Base Of Operations:Pryde Villa, Planet Malta
Admiral Komets Battlegroup came out of cruise into the Debris field, pieces of the chancellers battlegroup all over the area.
Captain Glian: Begin a scan of the debris, check if theres any sign of survivors, communications, get in touch with freeport 1, see what in the hell happened.
Chunks of the Luxury liner where burning everywhere, leaking O2 tanks fead the flames. As fighters entered the field, pieces of Wraths and the foward sections of a gunboat passed by them.
" This is Sierra nine, were not picking up anything alive in the field captain ", as they approached the Nose section of the Chancellers ship, one of the pilots spoke up.
" Sir, i have faint life signs in the Liners forward section, there seems to be at least 6 people in the Debris, in a sealed compartment. "
The captain didn't even hesitate, " where sending in an Armoured transport to cut into the bulkhead, all fighters fly cover until rescue operations are complete....
Alignment:The Outcasts Status: Retired Personal Bio Click here Current Ships:The BlackPearl Base Of Operations:Pryde Villa, Planet Malta
"How is she?" Krieg's voice was even more gravely then usual.
"Bad i'm afraid. She's alive for now, but there isn't a lot we can do for her." The sugeon who was watching over her in the neutral bouency tank looked about as grave as Krieg sounded. Krieg's face, as usual, didn't show much emotion, save the permanent scowl he got from all his scars serving as commander for the 28th, The Black Legion, back in his younger days. His campaign medals klinked as he sank into a chair.
"There isn't anything we can do?" He glanced at his Chancelor, floating in the blue-light fluid with all of these tubes and wires stuck into her. The tank was all that kept her alive now; breathing for her, cleaning her blood, giving her nutirents directly into her veins, and holding together her frail body.
"I'm afraid not, Fleet Admiral."
"There has to be an option! Something..."
The door to the medical wing opened, and in stepped an assasin. Krieg knew him, mainly because the assassin worked with the Black Legion.
"Fleet Admiral, we know who is responcible."
"That was fast... Let me guess, The Phantom Empire."
"Yes, commander."
"Figures. Everything bad that happens these days is blamed on the Phantoms... They're becoming the Boogey men of Sirius..."
"With good reason sir."
"True. However, that should not blind us. Are you sure it was them?"
"Yes commander. The flight recorder was salvaged from the wreakage. Sir... It was Virus."
Krieg just ground his teeth and clenched his gloved fists, as if he had the man-turned-traitor's neck in them already. "Find him... Find him and kill him."
"Yes sir." While holding no real authority in the Black Legion, even the recruits had heard of him and respected him. "First in, last out" he was, always leading his men from the front and staying behind to cover the retreat... not that there was ever a retreat under him. Not a single loss, always victory. The man was a legend. As such, the current commander, a man named Sieg, would accept something like this.
They were on Battleship Koblenz. The space around them was full of ships. Krieg had pulled all ships available to him that could be spared to guard the Chancelor. 20 Cruisers were arrayed in a formation around the ship. Krieg's own battleship sat above the Koblenze, 40 to 50 gunboats at any given time were partoling around Holstine, and over a 100 fighter wings swept the area. Codes were changed every 5 minutes, and any ship that did not have clearence to be there was destroyed. The Black Legion had even come to head security on the Koblenz itself. As of now, a whole battalion of them was on the battleship. Nothing was getting to the Chancelor, even though the security was a little late.
With the assassin gone, Krieg turned back to the surgeon. "Don't let her die, because..."
"You'll kill me?" The surgeon gave a sad smile. "You'd have to get in line. I'd do it myself first."
Krieg's eyes looked over at the Chancelor. "No... Not for you. I'd never forgive myself for failing her." He walked out of the medical wing.
In the councel chamber, one senator was speaking. One senator for each system, normaly to advise the Chancelor on what was going on in parts of her empire, now found itself the ruleing body of Rhinland. The senator speaking was a new one, his name was Schablone.
"The Chancelor has suffered extensive damage. We know this. However, we also know a cure."
"What are you talking about? Speak up!" The senator from Hamburg, Reue, spoke.
"The Hybrid Project."
"No! We cannot allow that! Such a monstrosity should never have been made in the first place, and now you want it done to our Chancelor!? Have you lost your mind!?" The senator from Dresden, Gnade, cried out.
"It is the only way! We have no choise!"
"He is right. There is no other way." The senator from Munich, Wahrheit, leaned forward. "But, you better be sure that our Chancelor comes out of that herself."
Schablone nodded mutely. The look in Wahrheits eyes promised that failure would be unacceptable.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Sitting in the back of a bar, the mysterious man leaned forward, dropping his drink as he read the news.
"No.. no... not her.. "
While going over the Chancellor's medical records, the doctor let out a deep sigh. "I don't know how i can keep her alive..."
just then, the doors, supposedly locked, whooshed open.
"What the hell? SECU..."
before he could finish his sentence, he was flung backwards against the wall. The dear doctor hit the wall so hard he was knocked unconscious.
"I'm sorry, doctor, but I cannot allow you to contact security..." Said the man, walking slowly to the tank that held the Chancellor.
Stopping barely a foot away, he studied the tank. He could feel it. her prescence. She was still alive. Just before he could reach out to touch the glass container, Kreig burst in, weapon drawn.
"Just who in the hell are you, and what do you want with the Chancellor?!" scowled the Admiral.
"Who I am, Admiral, and Who i used to be are two very different things. Are you sure you want to know?" asked the man, turning around to face the admiral.
The admiral quickly realized that the man was lightly armed. a belt pack with what looked like a simple device that he had never seen before. He figured it best to keep his weapon aimed at the unknown man. "I asked you a question. Now either tell me who you are and what you want with the Chancellor or i'll destroy you."
"Now, Admiral.. do you really want to destroy your only chance of revenge on whoever did this?"
Perplexed, the Admiral decided to go ahead with the man's game. "Okay. you have my attention."
"Admiral, Who i was... is a long story. Do you remember the Chancellor's parents? Do you remember... that they had a boy... three years before they had her?"
The Admiral was surprised, dropping his weapon to the ground. "How do you know? No one told her, and very few knew the truth..."
"yes. Very few knew. That happened was probably the best kept secret of all time. But that's another story for another time. I never got the chance to say goodbye..."
"It can't be. It just can't be. Jonathan?"
"Yes. It is I, admiral. I didn't find out some time ago that I had a sister. The people that took me kept a lot from me... for my own good. i can see why.." turning to face the glass container filled with blue fluid that was keeping the Chancellor alive, he continued. "My master never told me the truth... until he was killed. Killed by these vile Phantoms. Allies of the Nomad. Enemies of the Empire. Kristy is my sister...."
"The chancellor may be your sister, but.. " Before Kreig could finish his sentence, he could feel something around his throat. It was choking him. he realized nothing was around him and looked dead on at the man. he had his hands up, shaped in a fashion that resembled squeezing an object.
"You will tell me who did this to her," he said with a deep growl. "They will pay the price for their mistakes..."
Kreig was choking. he tried to speak, but only was able to speak a phrase. "v... v... vi.. Virus.... it was virus...."
The man let go of the admiral from a distance. "Ah. So it is true. My master's killer has decided to attack my blood line. he won't survive this..."
"Jonathan, Don't go after him... He'll kill you..."
"you underestimate my powers, Admiral. He may have defeated my master... but he has not defeated me yet."
he began to walk to the doors. Kreig tried to stop him, by locking the doors from a console. "I can't let you leave here, Jon... Kristy needs you alive. Don't do this.."
With the wave of his hand, the doors opened, stunning the Admiral. "Kristy needs me... but as long as virus is out there, she is not safe. I am no longer Jonathan Pryde. I am.. a dark lord..."
Just as he walked out the door, Kreig could hear the echo.
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It was some time before orders from the Council got down to Krieg. He walked into the medical wing, still slightly shaken by Jonathan's reapperance. However, he pushed it from his mind. If the boy wanted to die, well... Who was he to stop him? Krieg had gone on suicide missions before, and somehow always come back. Perhaps Jonathan had some trick up his sleeve. However, it was time...
"Doctor, get ready to move the Chancelor to my Battleship. We are taking her to the only place that might be able to save her."
"WHAT!? Has the council lost their minds!?"
"You know as well as I do, docter, that if we want her to ever wake up again, then we only have that one option."
"But... We'll turn her into a monster!"
"We have to take that risk. Either we try and save her life and Rhinland get's it's chancelor back, or we don't and we become ruled by that council."
"But... It's just..." He shook his head. "It's not right. We tried it with one, and we're barely able to control him! Now our Chancelor!?"
Krieg sighed. "I know... I don't like it either, but I like the Chancelor alive better then half dead. Make your preperations docter. We're leaving as soon as we can."
It took a few hours, but soon she was on Kriegs battleship, and they were ready to go. They headed off, towards Alaska, the enemy, and possibly the only hope the Chancelor had.
One of the AW operatives stationed on Kurile was board. Nothing ever happened out here. Nothing. Then he started getting massive readings on radar. He swiched to visual and couldn't beleive his eyes. He began recording and opened a swich to Lord Captain Dab.
"Sir! I've got something on the scanners here! They're... It's... Oh god... You have GOT to see this!"
-In Omicron Gamma...-
A wing of Rhinland fighters poped into existance from the jumphole to the Sigma 17 system. The multitude of Corsairs who arrived found it odd that the wing was lead by a bomber, but they shrugged it off. Rhinlanders were crazy; everyone knew that.
"Well boys, look what we have here! Little Rhinland babes lost in the wild wild woods." To Corsairs snickered.
"Du are making ein mistake, Corsairs." The harsh german/english came from the bomber, it's military tags marking the pilot as Zerstoren.
"Oh we are? Well then, I suppose we better go home boys. These Rhinlanders won't be pushed around." The Corsairs laughed out loud at this, knowing they could take the two Wraths and one bomber.
"I varned du... Now du vill pay die price..." Another wing appeared. Then another.
And another.
And a gunboat with three wings.
And two gunboats with six wings.
Four more and a cruiser with twelve wings.
Sixteen gunboats and four cruisers with twenty-four wings.
The Corsair wing-leaders' face started at cocky and began to fall as fast as the ships warped in. More, and more, and more... There seemed no end! His eyes were now the size of dinner plates, his face white as a sheet, his mouth open in shock.
"See? Vat did ich tell du?" Zerstoren was grinning like the blood-thirsty mad-man he was.
Krieg, however, had other plans. "Stand down. Corsairs, leave at once and you will not be harmed."
The wing-leader just nodded mutely. "We'll... we'll back down. All wings, head back to Crete."
Krieg smiled. "Thank you."
The battlegroup pressed on.
A Phantom operative on Crete saw the same thing with the network of spy satalights in place. "Holy ****!" His eyes were glued to the screen. He flipped open a transmission.
TO: All Phantom ships
FROM: Crete Outpost
MESSAGE: Massive Rhinland Military battlegroup coming through Gamma. Destination Unkown. I count one battleship, at least 20 cruisers, and a large number of gunboats and fighter wings. ADVISE NO CONTACT! These guys are looking to put someone's head on a pike! With them still alive and body attached!"
END MESSAGE: -See Radar and Camera Images from Spy Sat Network-
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Dab standing at the observation window overlooking the shipyards, was looking at the ships still in repair bays from the fight in Tau-31 as one of the lieutenants came running up.
Lieutenant Dufre: Sir we have a trasmission coming up from are intellegance agents on Kurile. Its marked urgent.
Dab: Did it say anything else?
LieutenantDufre: I don't know. It has a level 9 restriction code.
Dab:Very well.
Dab walked to the comm center. The comm poped up with a connection to Kurile as soon as he put in his code.
Intellegance officer: Sir your not going to believe this.
But the Kurile operatives weren't the only ones having an interesting day. The inetellegance officers in a makeshift base inside the old wreck of the Hispania, whos job it was to moniter all Phantom transmissions and movements caught a transmission that was going to all Phantoms in the area.
Luckily the coding had been hastily applied and was easy to break. The operartives eyes widened at the visuals attached to the files. Massive numbers of Rheinland ships entering the area. He immediately redirected the transmission to Lord Captain Dab's flagship, the Osiris Ableben.
He began typing. "Large force of Rheinland vessals entering Omicron Gamma. Force consists of 1 battleship, 20 cruisers or more, and a very large amount of gunboats. And a couple hundred fighters. Repeat, large force of Rhein..."
**************************** He listened to the operatives report while he read the message from the intellegance operatives on the Hispania. He got similier reports from both of them. Large forces of Rheinland units entering systems.
He "reached" out and immediately got senses of anger and bitterness.
Dab: Lieutenant Dufre send a message to the enterprise group and the backup in Theta to move out and defend the Omicron Theta jump hole in Sigma-17. Send a similar order to the Beta group to protect the Beta jump hole in Sigma-17. Call the Maul group and backup group in Alpha to go to the Gamma JH in Theta, we will meet them there.
Whatever their goal they will not be entering our system without my premission.
Freeport 9, Omicron Theta System, a little back in time...
Vice Admiral Bernard Fokke - or, his pilot callsign, and the name more people know him by - Nightfall was lying on the sofa in his quarters, relaxing to some quiet music. The room was dark and the music played from no visible source while outside the Maul and all around Freeport 9 the space was pulsing in the rhythm of repair craft positional lights. Suddenly, all comm screens poped up and came to life, killing the music.
"Sir, excuse me for interrupting..." ensign Kristiansen waited.
"Go on, ensign!"
"... Sir, we have multiple reports of phantom movements and coded messages... they show... You better look at this yourself..." she showed confusion, barely containing her emotions.
"On screen!"
Not even a minute passes and the Vice Admiral was entering the bridge... the screens were still filled with various phantom coded messages showing the large unmistakable silhouette of a rheinland battleship and around it - a swarm of others of various sizes.
"Sir, incoming orders from the Lord Captain"
"The Lord Captain orders movement to the Gamma jump. The Lord Captain's Flagship Ableben will meet our group there. Battlegroups are scrambled all over the Omicrons and Sigmas."
"People, you've heard the orders, let's get en-route! Engineering, how's she feeling today?"
"She's gonna go well my captain" replied a scotish accent of the chief engineer McLeod "hull integrity is at 98%, just a few holes left to patch up, nothing we can't do as she's running."
"Sir, the Tarja and the Leviathan report full combat readyness. They await your command to set sail." she couldn't hide the smile while quoting his words.
"Good! Hurry on those repairs, engineering. Ensign, scramble all available wings and see to it that my personal Talon be loaded."
"Already done sir, and the modifications you asked for! Issuing battlestations and general scramble!"
"Good! Set course to the Gamma jump and engage when ready!"
"Yes sir!"
The space outside became very busy with the big ships slowly entering formation and engaging their cruise engines. On the bridge of The Maul, Nightfall sat in the captain's seat looking oddly deep in his thoughts...
"I sense a disturbance in The Force..." he thought "clouded is the future ahead. Now, we'll see..."
"Cry: havoc! and let slip the dogs of war!" he spoke more to himself. He looked worried.
The battlegroup entered cruise mode...
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
"Sir! The asteroids here will impead our progress to the Unkown system. We can't get the larger ships through!"
"Have the gunboats take formation on point. We'll blast our way through." Krieg scowled out at the offending greenish asteroids. It would be slow progress through Gamma, but it was the only way. Moving the Chancelor's tank was a long process, and no other ship could really take it in the safety that Krieg demanded. So, they blasted their way through the asteroids.
A Phantom scout ship slowly nosed it's way into the nebula. The Death Sythe's coloration help to hide it in the green mass, as well as the cloaking and masking. He simply watched and counted the number of ships.
He gave a low whistle. "That's got to be the biggest movement of Rhinland ships since the Nomad Invasion!" He stayed put, hidden for probing sensors and eyes.
A lone AW Eagle also hid in the nebula, on the other side of the massive convoy. "Good... god..." He simply stared. Then he opened a tight-beam transmission to AW High Command.
"Respected sirs, i'm scouting the Rhinland fleet as we speak. It seems like the entire Frankfurt fleet, headded by Admiral Krieg, is making its way through the nebula here in Omicron Gamma. They're blasting apart the asteroids that get in their way. Trajectroy indicates they're headding to the Unkown systems... Perhaps Omicron Delta? This might be a sneak attack on Liberty, due to the war currently going on between the two. I advise a high level of coution and descression should we decide to approach them. No Phantom presence has been detected... I think they all bugged out, sirs."
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
The scouts in Gamma reported. "Large force seems to be making its way to the Unknown jump hole. The entire Frankfurt fleet and thoguht to be headed by Admiral Kreig.
Dab: Get me a connection with the Maul. Vice Admiral Nightfall you are to remain here at the jump hole unless the Rheinland fleet attacks the Ableben. We will be jumping into the Gamma system and I will be having a discussion about this sudden movement into our territory. Helm jump us through.
They waited through the short warp between systems and then immediately opened up a system-wide comm channel.
Dab: Attention Rheinland fleet. This is the Asgard Warrior Battleship Ableben. Lord Captain Dab speaking. I would like a reason of why you have infiltrated both Omicron Gamma and Sigma-17. I want answers. Now.
While this had been going on Lord Captain Dab had sent a coded transmission to Commander Alpha 429 of the Leviathan stating that with the expected routes of admiral Kreigs fleet now calculated he was to use the new mass jump drives and get to Omicron Delta ahead of the Reinland fleet, if that was their destination and the observe quietly and from a distance. The Leviathan was perfect for the job as it didn't have its name panted on the hull yet so no-one outside of the AW knew who she was.
Commander Alpha: Ensign fire her up and make the jump.
Ensign Kai: Aye sir!
The Commander sat down, at this moment 2 things were going through his head. The first was what in the hell a Commander was doing commanding one of the biggest ships in the fleet, and the second was why did Dab pick the most inexperienced ship commander for such a dangerous and important mission. He decided to try and figure his Lord Captain out later, for now he was going to get a scotch and have a seat because if delta was the Reinland fleets destination he could soon find himself in the way of one of the biggest moving fleets in the colonies history.
I know where it is Cortana, I just have to find it. - Commodore Puddles