So, you are interested in joining Synth Foods Incorporated? Good to hear! We at Synth Foods are the primary producer of great products like Synth Paste and Synth Gel, and maintain the economy of Sirius through the transportation of food, oxygen, and water. If you're interested in hauling for Synth Foods or fighting off pirates during long range's time to sign up.
Post this section in the thread below, as a new reply. All information in the first section is in-character, while the second section is out-of-character.
[font=Open Sans]
[color=#669933]Height / Weight:[/color]
[color=#669933]Nationality / Place of Birth:[/color]
[color=#669933]Biographical section:[/color]
[color=#669933]Please select if you are interested in the following departments:[/color]
[indent][color=#669933]Mercantile and Commerce Division[/color] -> Y/N
[color=#669933]Corporate Direct Enforcement Division[/color] -> Y/N[/indent]
[color=#669933]Define Synth Foods' goal as a faction, in terms of their objectives and background:[/color]
[color=#669933]List two products that Synth Foods produces:[/color]
[color=#669933]Have you ever been warned, sanctioned, or banned? If so, for what? Links required:[/color]
[color=#669933]Do you agree to Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7's server rules and guidelines, and understand the implications if you go against these rules?:[/color]
[color=#669933]Skype username:[/color][/font]
Name:John Goldman Age:42 Height/Weight:5' 11" Nationality: Liberty Biography: Isn't much to say, been heavy transport captain coming up on near 25 years now. I deliver to schedule and rarely have problems. But I find my ability to expand as an independent contractor limited. Which department do you wish to join?: Logistics
Why do you want to join Synth Foods?:I've meet up with a few of your pilots ingame and I find the RP to be very entertaining. How long have you been playing Disco?: 7 Months Server, 3-4 years overall Have you ever been sanctioned/banned, and if so, for what? (Links please): No Do you promise to adhere by the guidelines of roleplay and rules that are set forth by the discovery admins?: Yes
Mr. John Goldman, your file checks out. The Board appreciates your past experience and feels you will be a good asset to the team. Consider your application approved. A Synth Foods-issued CT-49X "Gull" Civilian Transport will be ready for usage on Riverside Station, along with shipping orders. Don't disappoint me!
Name: Ike Douglas Age: 43 Height/Weight: 1,85m/86Kg Nationality: Bretonian Biography: Was born in planet Cambridge. Father of three daughters, married, i am a easy going person. I am currently flying under Synth.Foods| bankrupted management. So I thought to give it a try. Which department do you wish to join?: Transport
Why do you want to join Synth Foods?: Because i think Synth Foods deserves more love. How long have you been playing Disco?: For sometime now. Have you ever been sanctioned/banned, and if so, for what? (Links please): Nope Do you promise to adhere by the guidelines of roleplay and rules that are set forth by the discovery admins?: Yep SKYP-3 Frequency: babylonian1978
Mr. Ike Douglas, you appear to be a good fit for our company. After some consideration, we have decided you should join us at Synth Foods, Incorporated. Consider your application approved. A Synth Foods-issued CT-49X "Gull" Civilian Transport will be ready for usage on Riverside Station, along with shipping orders. Do well!
Name: Richard Adams Age: 57 Height/Weight: 5'9" / 180lbs Nationality: Libertonian Biography: Back in the day I used to be a transport pilot for Universal Shipping. At 35 I received a promotion. While it did bring in significantly more credits, it required me to switch from captaining a vessel to sitting behind a desk. As I grow older, I find myself dissatisfied with this life and wish to return to the excitement of space. Given how long I've been out of the scene, I think I'll fit better in the Logistics department, but if you have staff willing to teach me today's fancy maneuvers then I'd be perfectly willing to join Security. I just want to be in space longer than a shuttle ride. Which department do you wish to join?: Both/Either
Why do you want to join Synth Foods?: I enjoy the idea of being in a new-ish faction, I thought about making Synth Foods myself as the RP against FA/LWB interested me, I saw your request for a PoB which piqued my interest, and I personally find your forum content to be of admirable quality. How long have you been playing Disco?: On and off since 4.84 (admittedly new to forumlancing) Have you ever been sanctioned/banned, and if so, for what? (Links please): Negative, ghost rider. Do you promise to adhere by the guidelines of roleplay and rules that are set forth by the discovery admins?: You got it, boss. SKYP-3 Frequency: available on my forum profile
Mr. Richard Adams, your skills will definitely help us at Synth Foods, Incorporated. We have considered your past experience and decided you are a good fit with us. Consider your application approved. A Synth Foods-issued CT-49X "Gull" Civilian Transport will be ready for usage on Riverside Station, along with shipping orders. Do well!
Name:Jay Rogers Age:27 Height/Weight:6'4", 68 Kilograms Nationality:Freelancer of libertonian origin Biography:I previously used to work for a freelancer corporation named "Edge Exports". poor pay, bad conditions , what you cqn expect in the edge. I had a wife and daughter.
Once, on a business trip, I heard that my wife was dead, and my child, kidnapped. giving up my measly salary and my ship, I hired some bounty hunters, who traced her to liberty. I am safely united with her now. but jobless. I looked for a good company job, whence I would be able to provide for my old age and my daughters future. Which department do you wish to join?:I have been in various jobs, so I am fine with any department, as long as it pays
Why do you want to join Synth Foods?:It provides for interesting RP, unlike other corporations How long have you been playing Disco?:about 1 year Have you ever been sanctioned/banned, and if so, for what? (Links please): sorry bro, lost the link long ago. was a conn issue, but I learnt from it. Do you promise to adhere by the guidelines of roleplay and rules that are set forth by the discovery admins?:ye SKYP-3 Frequency:profile
Mr. Jay Rogers, the Board is concerned over serious discrepancies in your file. While your biography is touching, to say the least, the Board does not believe that you are what we are looking for at Synth Foods, Incorporated. Thus, consider your application denied. I wish you the best of luck in future endeavors.
Name:Martin Garena Age:34 Height/Weight:6'5/178lbs Nationality:Libertonian Biography:I have been born in a big family.My father was a miner which worked as a independent miner for USI, my mother was home taking care of my and my sister. I had , a peaceful childhood and never had to worry for the new day coming.
I attended the Libertonian High-School of Public Relationship and Comunication. In all the four years i had worked as a independet pilot for the DSE...After i finished my studies...I started working again for DSE...Last year i decided to stop working, and dedicate myself to my familly....So after staying home, i decided to to get a new job. Which department do you wish to join?:Both
Why do you want to join Synth Foods?:Since the new faction has brought a lot of new rp and activity , i would love to be a part of it How long have you been playing Disco?:Almost one year Have you ever been sanctioned/banned, and if so, for what? (Links please): Yes once for trigger happy , and temp-band for bad language. Do you promise to adhere by the guidelines of roleplay and rules that are set forth by the discovery admins?:Yes SKYP-3 Frequency:tudor.vlaicu1