"Konnichiwa, Admiralty, Minister and representatives." Shoni begins with a salute "I am Captain Nitta Shoni of the newly established Kusari Naval Intelligence Division. These past few days have been a mountain of work, with the aid of the Tokkeitai in assessing the captured agents and the clearing of Camp Yokota for the use of the Division Quarters."
Nitta Shoni presents some files containing material and personnel lists, as well as the status of several duties being performed by the KNI.
"We have almost finished the organization of the first field units for operations, and base staff is ready to work on the readiness of more units, once supplies have been allocated to us.
Personnel evaluation has proceeded at a fast pace, but we are still facing difficulties in breaking the codes and securities of KPT captured material and servers. We don't expect to find much left in them, but maybe it will provide us clues to the location of their relay satellites and connection nodes throughout Kusari. We may still find where they have taken all their men and materials.
Having said that, I turn now to the main point of today's conversation. The KNI aims to work hard to occupy the vacuum left by the defection of the old Kempeitai agency, and to help the Republic to defend the interests of the people of Kusari and the good name of the House.
At the same time, we warn that the Kempeitai has not simply vanished, and its powers and daggers are now turned against us all. We should take additional precautions to prevent their attacks.
First I would recommend a State issued dissolution and ban on the Kempeitai agency, and it's inclusion in the enemies of the Republic lists.
Second, we should inform our close allies and foreign representatives of such change, to minimize the damage that the agency can cause on our image.
Third, closer collaboration between the law enforcement agencies needs to be achieved to close any security leaks and enhance early warning actions against the rebel forces.
I will be available to respond to any queries by the Kusari Naval Forces or the Ministry of the Defence and government regarding our planned strategies for the foreseeable future. In the same spirit, I would like to hear about any matters where we can be of service."
Speed and Vigiliance,
Nitta Shoni, Kusari Naval Intelligence
We thank you for your diligent work in this matter and hope that this mess will soon be resolved.
We agree that following their treachery, the Kempeitai agency should be officially disbanded and any remaining entities of them declared enemies of the republic.
As for closer collaboration between the law enforcement agencies of Kusari, I will say that the Naval Forces are open to full cooperation with the KNI.
I am sure we both will benefit from a close and well coordinated collaboration on intelligence and reconnaissance.
We suggest establishing a common command structure where information from both sides joins together to be evaluated and be of use within seconds of it arriving.
Intertwining our intelligence structure like this will prevent one agency from working against the republic unbeknownst to the other.
I welcome your words of encouragement, and the calls for greater cooperation will not be left unanswered. I have taken measures to disclose all KNI reports to the KNF admiralty according to the clearance credentials of officers with the rank of Nito Kaisa and above. If necessary, this can be reconfigured at a later date for greater access or more restricted one.
At this time, most of the reports are left unprocessed, so I do not recommend authorizing access to all layers of KNF at this time, to reduce chances of security breaches and misuse of the information.
In the same vein, we would like to ask that the KNF establish a channel where security sensitive cases can be forwarded to us (and maybe to the KSP?) for information sharing and warning regarding new threats that the KNF might find and are important for us as well.
In other news, we have established contact with the Rheinland BDM, after the events in Tohoku where KNF and KNI were involved in a skirmish with the Blood Dragons, and a Rheinland agent was captured afterwards. They have agreed to a meeting to be held in Honshu, on next Monday afternoon.
Said rheinland agent will be released from our custody to them at that time, and other important matters of inter-house security will be discussed. The BDM have requested the presence of the KNF as well, and we would like to have a representative of the Naval Forces High Command present to provide the necessary contacts for the meeting.
On a final notice, Rheinland has been taking some precautions regarding some sort of new weapon systems entering the markets. KNI will investigate the matter of these Kemwer systems in the coming days. I suggest the Naval Forces take caution on this matter as well.
Speed and Vigiliance,
Nitta Shoni, Kusari Naval Intelligence
I'm sure you have been closely following the developments of the recent cases of spatial anomalies occurring in teh New Tokyo system. The KNI has been conducting efforts to study and determine the causes of this phenomenon, in the operation titled Kumo no Ami. The reports of the operation are open for your exam, and they have so far revealed a concerning situation.
Our scouts have confirmed that these anomalies are caused by actions of the Nomads. They are currently operating, and probably expanding, a colossal and complex structure in an unknown and uncharted system. The operation of the structure high energy conduits and the large presence of Azurite Gas have been pointed as the most likely cause for the Kumo holes, which we have dubbed these nomad generated spatial passages. We also have high suspicions that the structure is capable of performing even greater functions, which have not been revealed yet.
Whatever the purpose of the Nomads on working on that structure, the Kumo hole phenomenon is reason enough for the KNI to recommend that we take strong action against the Nomads in this sector. They have quite formidable patrols around the structure, and it's not known what sort of reinforcements they might have in the system. We should however prepare a daring attack with heavy weaponry and disable the structure with formidable fire power.
We hope the Admiralty sees good reason to act fast, before the Nomads seize the initiative.
Speed and Vigiliance,
Nitta Shoni, Kusari Naval Intelligence