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Name: Jimmy Fattore D.O.B: 16/09/788 A.S. Nationality: Libertonian, Planet Manhattan Alias: The Rat, Sticky Fingers Fattore, Small Time.
Convicted Crimes:
Five Counts Trafficking in Illict Goods
Two Counts Recieving Stolen Goods
Two Counts Grand Larceny
One Count Attempted Larceny
Multiple Counts of Minor Larceny
Resident of Bronx District, child of Gilian Thomas and Michael Fattore (both deceased 801 A.S.) custody transfered to paternal uncle Gino Fattore. Custody claim challenged due to possible links with criminal element, challenge over-ruled by lack of evidence.
Suspected of a further seven counts of Trafficking in Illict Goods (Colony Wide), two counts of Possession with Intent to Supply (Bretonia), two counts Receiving Stolen Goods (Rheinland) and one count Manslaughter (Liberty).
Sentencing and Incarceration
07/01/802 A.S.
Crime: Multiple Counts Minor Larceny
Sentence: 8 Months - Jackson-Combes Juvenille Detention Centre, Manhattan
31/09/806 A.S.
Crime: Two Counts Grand Larceny
Sentence: 2 Years - Southside Minimum Security Prison, Manhattan (Parrolled after 18 months.)
05/05/809 A.S.
Crime: Receiving Stolen Goods, Two Counts Trafficking in Illicit Goods
Sentence: 4 Years - LPI Sugarland, Texas (Parrolled after 3 Years.)
Crime: Recieving Stolen Goods
Sentence: 2 Years - BPA Newgate, Manchester (Parrolled after 20 months.)
25/05/818 A.S.
Crime: Three Counts Trafficking in Illicit Goods
Sentence: 5 Years - LPI Sugarland, Texas (Full Term)
Current Status
Profession: Self employed courier/salesman
Known assets: One freighter class Kestrel.
Last known location: Liberty/Rheinland Border
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Log Entry 01 - 823
I'm out, after five long years I'm on the outside again, Uncle Gino even picked me up himself. We went back home to see the familia again, little Rosie is so big now I couldn't believe it and she remembered me, Uncle Jimmy Jo she calls me, the little angel.
The old neighbourhood looks so different now, its nothing like I remember it with half the stores have closed up, even Mikey's Diner went down the tubes, man I loved the burgers from that joint. I guess time don't stand still when your in the slammer.
Everyone seems so happy to have me back again, I missed them all more than they know. I kept expecting Aunt Mia to come charging through the door like when I was a bambino, all smiles and hugs. I'll be taking flowers to her grave this afternoon, she'd want to know I was free again. I wish I'd got to see her one last time.
Seems Rosie will be the last Fattore born on Manhattan, Enrico just old me the entire familia is moving to a huge villa on Los Angeles, even me if I wanted. Uncle Gino knows me better, he knows I'm not one to settle down so soon after getting out. He ain't going neither, says he wants to stay near Mia until they are back together. As for me, well it was supposed to be a surprise but Gino let me in on it anyways, they bought me a ship. Yep, a shiny new Kestrel is waiting for me on New Berlin. I'll head out next week once the party has died down but for now I'm living it up.
Just for grins I looked up my record, the mooks haven't listed half the stuff I've done. I'd wouldn't mind knowing what that encrypted bit is about though.
Man New Berlin is cold, no wonder the Rheinlanders are always so grumpy, try to crack a smile down here and your lips freeze.
Had a bit of fun getting here too couple of stunad Corsairs tried to rob me in a shuttle of all things, nothing but the shirt on my back and they pull me outa lane anyway, those fellas couldn't spot a mark if it bit them on the ass and held on. I figured I ain't got nothing to lose so I offered my services, can't say I'm expecting miracles from them but it gets word around and the more folks who know my name the better my chances of making some credits.
I got the ship Uncle Gino sorted out for me, nice looking bucket of bolts, not much on the guns but shes got it where it counts. Should be able to make my way for a little while. Gonna do a few milk runs to get a feel for handling, find out who runs what down here and set to work.
I've been laying low in Kusari for the past month or two, trying to get my face known in the dives but this place is a tough nut to crack and the Hogosha seem to be everywhere, lurking in every doorway, always watching. It freaks me the hell out.
Between the stoney faced locals and my over-dressed shadows I'm lucky to get a drink without attracting attention, trying to make a name for myself is simply out of the question, however I did hear a few rumours on the odd occasion I'm not singled out.
Seems the exiled Emperor and his remaining fleet have made it back into town, or at least somewhere in the Tau's, all gun-ho to take back the big chair and from what I've heard its not going smoothly. Turns out support for the new way of doing things is on the rise, especially among the womenfolk, who would of thought being enslaved by tradition was unpopular?
Now I'm willing to bet good money that the Dragons and Golden C will make a move during this political tug of war, if not a proper civil war judging by the attack on Tomioka not so long ago. Considering all the sides jockeying to get their keister on the throne there's not going to be enough guns to go around, the smart thing to do is leave town pronto and let them kill each other, the profitable thing to do is run guns and make a killing, decisions decisions.
The only wrinkle is the Gallics, I've burnt up a lot of my spare cash getting the papers to enter Gallia proper but so far I've not ventured past Tau 31, if I can get in with whoever runs the market I'll be able to supply from all corners of Sirius. Only time will tell.
Seen a lot of folks passin' through Kusari all carrying supplies to that Freeport and not one of 'em wants to talk, all I've got is the name of the folks behind it "The Core", probably ex-military with that kinda creative naming but no one wants to give up where they're based so tracking them down is going to be a job.
Speaking of, I got fed up trying the subtle approach and straight up contacted the Blood Dragons, these guys are supposed to be the big dogs of Kusari so I figured get in with them and doors will open, credits will flow yada yada yada. The catch is once I throw my lot in with one side the other is going to be after my blood so it got me thinking, what if I can play them against each other? At some point I'm going to find myself in the wrong company and rather than loosing my cargo or worse, my breathing privilages, why not sell to whoever I meet first?
That's the long game, the short is finding myself a buyer and then getting weapon licenses from Liberty and Rheinland, maybe even Bretonia but I've got something else planned for those schlubs if I can find the right angle. I'll be making my way back home to contact the boys at Detroit after this, see what they can offer me off-market wise.
Things are startin' to move, Blood Dragons are interested and the Detroit folks have invited me deal. I ain't sure how to approach the Daumann guys though, big company with an image to keep isn't likely to sell any surplus guns to someone like me plus that joint is like a police state, anyone could be a snitch and I don't fancy a stay in one of their fine establishments like Vierlande.
I suppose the Junkers might be able to supply some but that'd cut into my profits and middlemen are usually more trouble than their worth, especially Junkers, they'd sell me down the river the instant anyone asked. Loyal to none but their own, buncha scumbags.
No, I think the source is the better gamble, if I keep it professional and play it cool I might just pull it off, maybe throw Detriot's name in for good measure. Yeah, that'd really get 'em riled up, I could use that on the Detroit folks too come to think of it. I'll finish up with my current business first though, one potential customer and supplier can easily turn to none.
I heard from Uncle Gino too this weekend, the familia are all gettin' settled on L.A and they are loving it but I'm feelin' for old Gino, hes had the familia round him for almost three generations now its just him and Aunt Mia, rest her soul. I'd go visitin' but I don't wanna bring any trouble and chances are some palooka is keeping tabs on me.
That'll be why the familia didn't contact me, Gino is being the relay in case I've got heat on me. It's probably why they got me this damn ship too, they'd know I'd fall back into my old ways.
Aah who you kiddin' Jimmy? You're trouble, you know it and everyone else knows it, but they did right by you and that's what you gotta remember. Now you gotta do right by them, even if it means not seein' em again.
Detroit is in the bag.
Gatz didn't mess around with long winded nonsense, we laid out exactly what was expected of each other and boom, done deal. Old school business, the way it should be done.
After that I took a flight back up Kusari way, I wanted to see where the Dragons have got to since I ain't heard from Fujimoto for awhile, well I met one, sorta.
Stopped on Aomori to refuel, 'course the place was packed so I went to the bar and got to talking with an old guy playin' a weird card game, or he could've been fortune tellin' hell if I know.
Anyways we gets to talking, asking me what I did for a living, where I was going the usual chit-chat. He rambles on about his life, past jobs, his ex wives mostly and then he mentions the Dragons. I was being polite so far but that caught me off guard so he pounces on it offering me a map to the Dragon's Den, wanted 80 grand for it, said it'd get me into the heart of their operation. I figured he's just playing for money so I haggle him down to 40 and walk away with a couple of new navmaps.
I jumped back into my ship and decided, hell I've bought the damn thing I might as well see where it leads, plus I've got a shipment of guns in the back from Detroit so theres a chance I could at least make some credits.
Four jumps later I find myself in the middle of a nebula, my navcom goes blank and I lose the jumphole. I'm stuck with no idea where I am or how I can get back, all I can see is the smallest glimmer of a star so I head towards it. I break out into open space into a real stunner of a system and just ahead of me is a huge gas giant, electric blue and shimmering with storms with a big moon next to it. I needed somewhere to fix my nav and having my back to something like that will at least give me half a chance of seeing someone.
Halfway there my scope pings something small just on the edge of my range, it didn't kill me so I try sending out a message, I don't get anything back until I'm at the moon. Turns out its a woman named Em, she asks me what I'm doing here and I tell her I'm looking for a trade deal.
You never tell anyone you're lost, its a chump move and puts you on the backfoot. Like Gino said, you keep the field even and show respect until you know who and what you're dealing with.
Turns out, I was in the home system of the Order and been setting off alarms left, right and centre but my deal talk seemed to interest 'em, so this girl gets some folks to talk with me, one rolls in flying a floating city of some kind but I recognised the markings of the Blood Dragons. At first I thought it was a man through this old comm system, the captain, well she wasn't too happy when I greeted her as such. Good first impression yeah?
Then another shows up from something called O'ruh? O'rha? And another, an Order pilot followed by the O'ruh boss man.
There I am in an unarmoured, second hand rust bucket of a Kestrel filled with black market weapons, facing a battleship the size of a city and two mean looking fighters, talking my way through like my life depended on it. A stroke of luck that these lot were actually interested in my services otherwise I'd be orbiting that blue marble in a thousand tiny pieces. Then some serious stuff went off, something to do with the Core so I high-tailed it outa there, somehow winding up in Tohoku. Normally the Dragons dont let folks in here but I guess coming through from the Order they didn't question it, either way I'm not hanging around.
The Order folks said they'd be in touch at some point, I don't know when but I think this could be the big leagues.
All quiet so far, I've stopped off on Kyushu for a little R&R and hoping on the off-chance to make some more contacts since this place is now a hotbed for all kinds of fun. Let's see, you've got the Farmers Alliance raising hell, the Hogosha trying to make a big score, the Golden C blasting anything with a Y chromosome, oh and the Imperial Navy attempting to claw back their power. Chances are someone is going to want guns and lots of 'em.
The other reason I'm here, well I bit the bullet and fired off a message to DHC, the guys who run that joint Rheinlanders call The Ring or part of it. Unlike Liberty where everyone is out to make a quick buck, Rheinland is more unified and don't take kindly to extra-legal activities, that and its an freakin' police state, so I'm stayin' well outa their grasp until I hear something back.
That's not the stupidest move I'm planning either, see I know that Munich is in a bad way, something to do a darkmatter storm, and the entire place is going down the tubes pronto. The kicker is Nuremberg has a lot of military hardware trapped on that dying planet, stuff that'll be abandoned when things get too hairy, so I plan to offer DHC a deal, they sell me the blackmarket stuff and I'll buy their hardware from Nuremberg. Everyone gets what they want, we all get a nice stack of credits and live happily ever after. The End.
Hopefully they'll play ball then its tackling the big fish, Gallia, the SCRA and maybe even The Core.
My time in Kyushu has paid off a little, I've managed to get in contact with the Exile forces stationed near the Tau gate and it looks like an uphill battle for 'em. I had to shelter near the engines of the battleship after a fight broke out, three Exiles against two Navy pilots, a Blood Dragon, a Golden C and an Outcast with another Outcast joining in later. Those Navy guys didn't know who to shoot first.
I've had no orders so far beyond a request from the O'rhu folks for military spec vehicles which require DHC to play ball in the long run, in retrospect I probably should've tried to get those vehicles first before I contacted The Ring, hopefully this way they'll be more inclined to do business but yeah, either way its a gamble. Kusari is a bit of a bust unsurprisingly, the place has never been welcoming to outsiders and so far almost everyone I've met, aside from Mr Fujimoto, is wary of opening deals.
One more day, if I can't get a hold of the Golden C or Hogosha by then I'm moving on to richer pastures, Bretonia and the Omegas.
The Order guys I thought where part of the Order aren't the ones who control the Order, I've been contacted by a guy named Miller who says he can supply me with weapons, possibly even tanks and an Admiral in the Bretonian Armed Forces has made a deal to supply Leeds, with a 15% cut of course. So the most confusing thing first, the Order.
Took a trip up to Mu to make good on the deal I made with those O'Rhu folks and to take some product down with me to Bretonia when I gets stopped by an agent of the Order, he tells me I'm not allowed here, get out or be send home in a box, you know the usual shtick these mugs come out with. I tell him about making a deal with the O'Rhu, can't remember the names obviously. He sends out a message and the boss man comes in to grill me, wants the names. I dig through my logs while these two palookas are trying to intimidate me, tough talk but no action. I make up some bull story about the Corse and Brigands, boss man twists it about, a clear sign he's got no idea what to do with me.
Once I've given the names the boss asks me what I'm doing there and to make it short, I give him the brief, he comes back with "Well you don't make a very good first impression." The mook knows I'm sitting in his home system, for the second time, without so much as a scratch and hes not impressed? I don't buy it.
About that time a Coalition woman flies in, Red Witch. I'd met her before on my previous visit, seemed good people, followed by two clowns hunting her for sticking a couple of smugglers.
Now the boss is overwhelmed so I get put on hold, yeah intimidating. After some more big talk we all get chased out into Zeta where the Witch drops those two hunters without breaking a sweat. So I'm thinking, to hell with these Order jerks, the Coalition might actually be worth my time.
We get talking about my nickname "do I rat people out?" heh, almost as bad as Order boss man, so I says "No, I can just go damn near anywhere." Hell I've just come from what was supposed to be a restricted area smelling like roses. I get the boot into Sigma 59 but I think I made a good impression, kept calling me Jimbo though.
Now Mr Miller, weird one this.
I get a comm from the guy, simple and straightforward, knows what I do and wants to do business. Getting calls out the blue is usually how the cops try to bust guys like me so I'm a bit suspect on the whole thing. He tells me hes got connections, can supply me some shoddy goods, well thats not how I operate, its quality or nothin'. I ask him for something better and maybe even ex-military hardware, tanks, walkers, you know the big stuff. Still waiting on him to get back to me and I'm not sure he ain't a cop.
Lastly, Admiral 15%.
A quick and clean job this one, I get on the list to move "Marines" to access the Leeds underground while he has 15% off the top. It's a limited time job but from what I've heard, the money is good. Glad I'm not in the BAF though, guy turns a blind eye to his troops obviously wantin' more weapons, well so much the better for me.
Weird few days let me tell you. Anyways I'm sick of this Kusari place, half made deals and damn time wasters a plenty. I'm heading home, going to stop in on Uncle Gino and tell him about all this, should be good for a laugh.
It's been an interesting week so far, lot of changes.
I ran into some of the Exiles in Kyushu again, my message wasn't passed on from last time so I reintroduced myself. Got the point across this time but I'm not sure about 'em, I get the feeling these guys aren't used to operating outside the law, they wanted me to earn their trust by snooping around. I snapped a few pictures best I could but I'm not a damn photographer or a spy so I've got no idea what they'll make of 'em.
The job for that Bretonian Admiral is working nicely, made a tidy profit so far and even shaved off 5% of his asking price, the catch isn't really a catch, more an incentive. See the good Admiral has me signed up to this Operation to transport Marines to Leeds with a nice reward but he wants more bang for his buck, so in exchange for a reduced cut I've agreed to use what cash I have to buy a Borderworlds Transport plus an upped reward for the Marines. He gets 10% off the top but earns far more per run than that ragged freighter. Everyone wins.
Mr Miller has got back to me with the goods, ten units of walkers, the only problem is the Order contract fell through. Still I might be able to strike a new deal with this new hardware, if I'm lucky.
Lastly I talked to Uncle Gino, he ain't doin' so good.
The old man was torn, he was lonely without the familia around the house but he didn't want to leave Aunt Mia on her own. I told him "Gino, Aunt Mia wouldn't want you to be miserable because of her, she'd want you to be with the bambinos making sure everyone is all smiles and sugar not moping around an empty house. Your place is with the familia and I'd bet my last credit that Aunt Mia would want you to be there too. I bet she's already watchin' over all of 'em, wondering why a couple of palookas like us aren't there already."
"Go to L.A Uncle Gino" I says "when your time comes I'll make sure you and Mia are together again, I promise."
Well we packed up his stuff, loaded into my ship and the next day I flew him to Los Angeles. He was like a new man when we touched down, smiling like he was 20 years younger. Part of me wanted to with him, to go back to the familia like I remember, sitting around a table for dinner and sleeping in a proper bed. Even having Rosie wake me up at 7 am to go down to the pier and play Dance Mania or skeeball.
I waved out the window to Mike, 'bout the best I can do for now. I've got money to make and contracts to fill, no rest for the wicked.