To: The Liberty Navy, Liberty Police Incorporated, Liberty Security Force, Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, Traders and Freelancers.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'll keep it short.
My daughter's gone. I don't know where. I don't know how. She was working at the maintenance bays here. I thought the experience would do her good. *He shakes his head.* Clearly I was mistaken.
My own sources indicate she disappeared off planet three days ago. Stole a CSV off a Junker named John King.
She's 19, her names Sarah. Sarah McFarlen. She's around 180cm tall, brown hair, blue eyes. She's a bit shy, likes machines. Naive as all hell.
I don't know where she could have gone or what she's flying. She's probably still in Liberty, might be under another name.
It's not easy, but that's why you get paid the big bucks.
Two million credits for the first person to bring me information as to her whereabouts, or five million if anyone can bring her home.
She's not to be harmed. If you so much as lay a hand on her the next bounty will be on you. Understood? Good.
If you've got a good reputation with Liberty business, I'm sure we'll get on fine.
If you're interested, reply over the same frequency, it's more secure then most military lines. Anyone accepted will be noted later.
Hop to it, Gents. Heaven knows her odds aren't getting any better.
*The man sighed, lowering his head into his hands. Let them find her.... For the love of god let them find her...*
*Sighs* Thank you. I'd started to think no-one heard.
I'm going to need a copy of your file first, can't have the wrong people looking for her.
I've heard some more from my own people too. We picked up a distress signal from the Badlands a while back. When we got there, we found the CSV, but no Sarah. It was in a nasty state, engines torn off, oxygen gone... *He pauses, seemingly on the brink of tears.*
Another informant tells me that she hasn't been seen on any Policed bases, but we haven't picked up any jump signatures either. Looks like she's still in New York somewhere. If she's still here at all...
Look; just tell her that.... tell her her parents love her and want her home. Her brother can't sleep at night without her to read to him. *Johnathon Smiles*
I'll send you the two million credits if you can do that...
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: President Michael Trenton, Universal Shipping Incorporated---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York, Liberty Territory---
---Subject: Re: Sarah McFarlen---
Hello Mr. McFarlen,
My name is Michael Trenton and I'm the President of Universal Shipping Incorporated. First off, I'm very sorry to hear about your daughter, Sarah, missing in the New York System. I would like to let you know that I've contacted my Chief Security Officer, Mr. Jeffrey Adams about your situation and he has assured me that if your daughter is out there, our cadets will find her.
If there is any information we find you will be the first person we contact. If there's any more you would like to tell us, just send away or meet us at Trenton Outpost in the New York System.
Hold in there, Mr. McFarlen. We'll find her.
- President Michael Trenton, Universal Shipping Incorporated
CommID: Detective Travors, LPI Target: Mr. McFarlen Source: One Police Plaza Subject: Your missing daughter
> Initiating Transmission Feed <
Mr McFarlen,
Your daughter is missing, eh? I'm sorry about this happening to you, but hey, don't worry, we'll find her. I'll report back here once I pick up a lead on her whereabouts.
<div align="right]Location: Cambridge System
Planet Cambridge, Space Port
"Came across this transmission just recently. Say your daughters missing, sir?" He takes a deep breath and nods gently, "I'll be making my way back to Liberty for a few jobs, I'll keep my eyes and ears open for you.
*Incoming message*
*There is no ID only one image*
*There is no video feed only that image. A woman voice begins to speak*
Mister McFarlen, i am not interested in money, keep it. I only wish to help. Of course i have my reasons for this action. Given the circumstances, i may have a slightly bigger chance of talking to your daughter. That of course if i can locate her. I currently have no affiliation. My reputation is in attachment...
Mr Goodman and Mr da Silva, welcome and best of luck. Your records look clean, that's enough for me.
*A console beeps, McFarlen stares at the offending machine for a moment.*
What? Who are you? No, no *The man shakes his head roughly* it doesn't matter. As long as you're prepared to help. I hope what you're saying is correct ma'am, we need her home...
*The Console beeps again. Prompting a slight grin from the man behind it.*
We've got it. She's somewhere in the Badlands. A base of some variety, my informant doesn't want to tell me where. Looks like she's scheduled to head out at 0900 Sirius Mean Time. No more information on what she's flying yet.
*McFarlen composes himself, smothering some of the grin.*
Mr Trenton, Detective Travors; I've forwarded some files that may shed some light as to why she left, or who took her. It's pure speculation mind.
Good luck, and Godspeed.
McFarlen finally allowed his smile to break through, for the first time in weeks. She was alive! The normally serious businessman couldn't help but punch the air in triumph, shattering an innocent light bulb. Jonathon swore. He knew he should have invested in higher ceilings.
The man was distracted from his celebrations by the message he'd recieved. Something didn't seem right.... That symbol. McFarlen gestured to his Head of Intelligence, Kevin Godfrey, a former LSF agent. The years off-duty had started to take their toll, and the once lean man now sported a slight bulge around his waist. That said, he could still play a mean game of golf and took great pleasure in reminding McFarlen of the fact every Saturday.
"What is it John?" "I'm not sure yet. Something about this" He gestured toward the unusual message. "It doesn't look like anything we use."
The portly Intelligence chief nodded. "I'll see what I can pull up."
"Thanks. Keep an eye on that one."
*Incoming message*
*Again, there is no ID only the image*
*A woman voice begins to speak again*
Mister McFarlen, i have succesfully located your daughter. I tried to persuade her to return, with no real efect. So i decided to keep her safe at least. I will stay near her to keep her safe...
She...Gave me a message for you.