So, when I run FL Companion I get the following issue:
Fatal Error !
An error was found in Discovery Mod v4.85 files :
File equipment\goods.ini not found
Please signal this problem to Discovery Dev Team
Press Ctrl-C to copy this information. Program will terminate now
FLCompanion.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x7c809823" referenced memory at "0x06a7d144". The memory could not be "written".
Click on OK to terminate the program
I did a fresh install of Freelancer and activated 4.85 on that install hoping I'd be able to go into FL Comp to change the directory path to 4.86. I've also uninstalled and re installed about twenty times. I've tried FL Comp 2.01 also. I've also uninstalled and ran CCleaner to removed registry files.
Uhm. Uninstall 4.85 and FL Companion. Then install 4.86 and FL companion. You have to set the directory to the application data in documents and settings, though.
And your post is a bit confusing.. From the looks of it you're mixing 4.85 and 4.86 which is the problem right there.
If you read the bottom bit, it isn't confusing much.
I have both 4.85 and 4.86 installed.
I'm not asking why FL Comp won't work with 4.86. If you read the errors, you'll notice I can't get the program to run at all. Tad difficult to change any settings inside the program if I can't get it to run.
Ah ok. Well I don't know why you're running both.. that probably has something to do with the cause..
But anyways. See if someone has that equipment\goods.ini file on skype and just get them to click and drag to give it to you. I would, but I'm not your friend on skype (q.q) and I'm going to sleep anyways. Nighto.
EDIT: And yes I know that's only one of the errors.
Running both isn't an issue. I'm running 4.85 only because FL Comp seems to be looking for it and I can't change it.
Add me on Skype. I don't bite (much).
Anyways I posted this and guess what? I just fixed it. I renamed the directory where my old 4.85 was installed and also renamed my 4.86 directory. Bam. FL Comp ran on the next try. :lol::lol: