Sender ID Toan Varcona
Location Deep Space, S.E.F~Calnus
Encyption: Insane
Greetings Guld Core Leadership
Toan Varcona of the Space Exploration Force transmitting
First i would like to introduce ourselves,
The Space Exploration Force is a group of Zoners dedicated to exploration,
to my knowledge we have had no troubled history with either the guild core, or the bounty hunters guild, which brings me to my request
The Space Exploration Force has a mining wing that would like to mine the iridium cloud surrounding dabadoru base, since the cloud surrounds your base we thought we should ask you first since we do not wish to stand on anyones toes,
As you already know Iridium is used in antimatter weaponry and some armour upgrades, these are needed for survival out here in the omicrons against nomad attackers and the like, if mined the iridium would be either shipped to freeport 11 or freeport 6
we await your response, and or terms and conditions should permission be granted
Safe skies out there
Toan Varcona
Space Exploration Force leadership Image tags removed. Made your sig too tall.
Images AND text may only be 250 pixels tall, maximum.
Amazing how a secret base isn't that secret, isn't it? Anyway ...
The Guild does claim ownership of the cloud. And we have defended that claim in the past, quite violently, and will continue to do so in the future - especially as we mine it ourselves. Having said that, I'm also a realist.
Therefore, I will grant to the S.E.F. - and the S.E.F ONLY - limited permission to mine within this cloud. However, there are three conditions. One - you may not mine within 20K of Dabadoru. This is, in part, due to our own actual operational concerns and has nothing to do with the contents of the cloud itself. Two - during your mining operations it is entirely possible that you will at some point end up collecting the remains from certain ships that we have an interest in examining. You will surrender those remains to any of our ships that you encounter willingly and without hesitation. (Obviously, of course, if you don't encounter one of our ships while in the course of your operations, do with them as you will. Just don't get greedy and try to hide them.) Third - fees. A simple 1 percent of the net profit from your operations as a licensing fee. You make 100 million from mining, you send us 1 million. ( to BHG|Core-Athena )
Let me know if these terms are acceptable to you.
---End Transmission---
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
Amazing how a secret base isn't that secret, isn't it? Anyway ...
The Guild does claim ownership of the cloud. And we have defended that claim in the past, quite violently, and will continue to do so in the future - especially as we mine it ourselves. Having said that, I'm also a realist.
Therefore, I will grant to the S.E.F. - and the S.E.F ONLY - limited permission to mine within this cloud. However, there are three conditions. One - you may not mine within 20K of Dabadoru. This is, in part, due to our own actual operational concerns and has nothing to do with the contents of the cloud itself. Two - during your mining operations it is entirely possible that you will at some point end up collecting the remains from certain ships that we have an interest in examining. You will surrender those remains to any of our ships that you encounter willingly and without hesitation. (Obviously, of course, if you don't encounter one of our ships while in the course of your operations, do with them as you will. Just don't get greedy and try to hide them.) Third - fees. A simple 1 percent of the net profit from your operations as a licensing fee. You make 100 million from mining, you send us 1 million. ( to BHG|Core-Athena )
Let me know if these terms are acceptable to you.
---End Transmission---
Greeting Guildmaster, Toan Varcona Transmitting
These terms are indeed acceptable we will send 1 millon credits from each 100 million we make, the account has been recording in my logbook so i never forget to send the fees to
I would also like to thank you for keeping the figures simple as im often going throught terabytes of research data daily
Safe Skies
Toan Varcona Image tags removed. Made your sig too tall.
Images AND text may only be 250 pixels tall, maximum.