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' Wrote:Basically what needs to happen, is that the LN backs off a little. It's no fun being the faction that gets pushed around by the guys with the big guns.
I imagine this is already being set in motion as Joe and Hawk are having/have had their private talk.

One thing that I am disappointed with is that a member of our community was offended and what happens? He gets called a cry baby and insulted further. I would have thought that if this was just a game and we were all friends the offending person would apologize. But that's just a cry baby Junker's opinion.

I'll say no more on the matter.

Yes, and I'm not backing away from that statement.

Because not only do I believe you people to hyperbole this situation to a ridicilious level, but I feel that it's used in conjunction with your current issues with how the Liberty Navy treats the Junkers. I feel there is a connection between the two, and that if you pretend to be offended by light character insults such as the words "moron" or "A-hole" it will enable you to stand on your high horse and talk down to me via a morale high ground. Enabling you to win an argument about something else, such as the Junker vs. Navy RP situation.

I also think this because I have had a former LN character named Logan Willows. And he was ten times more "offensive" and "character rude-acting" than Maximo Valeri. He has been in contact several times with key figures in the Junker congress, and never have somebody complained at me. Not to mention the plethoria of other characters he has come in contact with. The timing is highly suspicious if you ask me.

And once again, I will not back down from my statement. You are free to draw conclusions that because of this I'm namecalling you or anyone else from a personal perspective, and that's alright, it tells me alot about your personality. But you forget one thing, the only reason I even called you a cry-baby is because you, and other Junker representatives who have written in this thread, initially called me out for something that I found to be ridicilious and an obvious failure to differentiate between player and character. I call it a response to a statement. You claim this is the evidence of why you are correct, which is increadiably funny.


It would be exactly like me, calling you for being hostile as a person. And then provoke you with false statements and you eventually end up telling me to shut up or something similar, then I proceed to say I was right after all. This is the EXACT same thing you did in this thread when you tried to use that "cry-baby" statement to your advantage.

You are making a hyperbole of this situation, if you are THIS insulted by a character, insulting another character's intelligence I will be honestly amazed if you have ever in your entire life played another game age-marked over 16 or even watched TV. If my character calls your character a "moron" and you feel this to be extremely offensive, then surely you must feel insulted when that NPC calls you a "bastard" for killing his ally

This will be my absolute last post in this Feedback thread. Now and ever.
' Wrote:I also think this because I have had a former LN character named Logan Willows. And he was ten times more "offensive" and "character rude-acting" than Maximo Valeri. He has been in contact several times with key figures in the Junker congress, and never have somebody complained at me. Not to mention the plethora of other characters he has come in contact with. The timing is highly suspicious if you ask me.
Aye. I can definitely vouch for him on this one. Logan had a much larger vocabulary, and wasn't afraid to show it.

EDIT: But not in the bad way, though.
' Wrote:You are making a hyperbole of this situation, if you are THIS insulted by a character, insulting another character's intelligence I will be honestly amazed if you have ever in your entire life played another game age-marked over 16 or even watched TV. If my character calls your character a "moron" and you feel this to be extremely offensive, then surely you must feel insulted when that NPC calls you a "bastard" for killing his ally

I'm not the one offended, I was simply supporting a friend.
Hello there,

All my experiences with the [LN] have been pleasant, but not entirely great. Don't get me wrong there are some great times when the [LN] need to call a transport to get have the slaves from, as well as coming along and saving my behind during PvP. There are members of the [LN] members which truly show their RP skills, have nothing against that.
But I feel some members could have more of a social RP, I totally understand if their charaters are born, bred, and raised to be top notch serving military solider, but at least RP that. Like:
"Hey there"
"Is there something I can help you with, or are you just making small talk?"
If I heard that some one of the members, I would be happy enough to leave the RP then and there.

I know for a fact Angelina, Matt Smith, and John Smith can, and will RP with my charaters. but others seem, less interested in socialising, and more interested in shooting.
I understand if members RP in group, but try and have more of a local conversation, if it's about operations, I can understand the need for group talk.
Hey there.

Thanks for your feedback.

I understand where you are coming from but you see we try to give a lot of freedom to our members in the way they want to Role-Play the personality of their character, and this affects their actions in-game. Some are more easy-going people who rather enjoy having some fun at the bar than to be on duty protecting traders, doing the normal "boring job stuff". Others are there for the action, they live on the adrenaline and love big explosions. Others are serious-business military-disciplined soldiers. So I wouldn't be surprised if we have some people who like to remain silent and just do their job.

I feel that as long as they conduct the minimal required talking for any situation, such as handing out a fine, stating that someone has broken the law, or telling a pilot to clear off the lane. We will not step in and tell them how to play their character. As long as they do the minimum parts, we got no problems. But of course, we always try to welcome people into expanding their character through constant interactions and talking, we can never force them.

I guess some people simply don't want to be very social with their characters, and with all due respect, that's their choice to make. Their interest in shooting is one I believe people should try to understand, given the constant rush of events in Liberty, trader A needs help, pilot B needs back-up, pirate C needs to be taken care off, it's part of their job. That's what Navy is doing mostly, securing Liberty and shooting the Rheinlanders. Without coming off as hostile, I find it a bit weird how you put social interaction and shooting into two different categories, and given the context of your post it seems to me that shooting is less Role-Play worthy than social interaction. But that's a wrong look of Role-Play in my opinion. When 90% of what we do in-game, is revolved around shooting or protecting, of course the main part of playing our role is just going to be that.

Now then we also have others who like to spice in a bit of personality and style to it all, and that's great, but that doesn't mean their [LN] characters are "better" than those who don't do it so often. Also, in my opinion, social interaction isn't always the thing a situation calls for nor something we would need at that time.
Helloooo, again. Now, I respect [LN]s way of letting players choose their own RP, as it's not fun if you have to play a charater you hate, or dislike.
But really the only thing I have to comment on in your post is this:
' Wrote:I find it a bit weird how you put social interaction and shooting into two different categories, and given the context of your post it seems to me that shooting is less Role-Play worthy than social interaction.
I will admit, I find socialising with charaters is more known for RP, and I understand where your coming from.
Just because social RP, can be seen as more RP compared PvP RP doesn't mean PvP is less RP.
PvP and Social RP do come under two categories for me, if it doesn't for you, that's fine. I just view PvP and RP as two separate categories, mainly because they require different skills.
PvP - Aiming, weapon knowledge, dodging etc.
RP - charater actions, charater hates and likes etc.
Personally, I use the 'RP Section' more because I'm bad a PvP. So, when I get killed, that means I can't do something I'm good at.
But really that's all I have to say abut the [LN].
See you in-game, and keep up the good work.
Your viewpoint is acknowledged and respected. I will try my best to encourage members who are a bit quiet, perhaps they will reconsider the options available.

Regardless, I appreciate your honesty and opinions. Take care.
Aye the LN is for defending Liberty but there are ways and means of doing it...

For example - You get caught speeding, you don't expect the officer in charge to go "PEW PEW" and blow up your car.

Obviously, the more interaction you have with other players - shapes their perception of you and they adjust their behaviour accordingly. Now this interaction is crucial in my opinion as not only does it mean that you have a quality chat, but 9 times out of 10 - You'll have made a friend/ally/enemy which enhances the gameplay for everyone. (Remember rule 0.0 here).

Personally - I have a very set roleplay which I adhere to. I'm a great friend to those in need, but an annoying (swear word) to any of Liberty's enemies.

Which brings me down to this - There are a hell of a lot of people who fly around Liberty with Pirate IDs / Freelancer IFFs or Rogues who are just sitting there in space who don't expect PvP. This in my opinion is where the strength of the LN (or any lawfuls) RP comes in - If you're a pirate, I am well within my rights to blow you up. I care not if you haven't done any pirating today, or if you're there gabbing to your mate. Tough, you're in space - you're fair game.

I will always endeavour to have a chat to any player, however I won't apologise if that chat is "Pirate, clear off - If you don't you'll explode".

Violence for me is always a last resort - However, I bring it right to the front of the RP to show that we mean business. This is purely because of the almost laughable number of pirates/order/nomads/rheinlanders/legion you have to face in a day.

Oh, and Jarek.