Please do not start new topics in this forum. They will remain invisible, as this is just for Administrative and
server information only. You can add to the already open and visible ones.
Today, website and Discovery Wiki moved to another hosting provider, along with certain resources previously associated with domain. Those resources are mainly files provided for download, including previous version of the mod itself. Most links were already changed, but if you experience trouble in downloading certain files previously hosted on, you may try changing address to
New host will allow more freedom in hosting files, exchanging development resources, and further expanding our presence in world wide web. In future we may create a repository containing all or most of the previous Discovery mod versions, which was impossible on the previous host. Now the change is complete, and you are welcome to continue using our website and wiki. Stay with Discovery!
With the server upgrade yesterday sort of forgot to post the availability of new user commands. Here they are:
/setcashcode <code>
set the account code to allow remote access to this character's account; if the code is 'none' then remote access is disabled. The code can be any string of letters, numbers or symbols.
/drawcash <charname> <code> <cash>
draw the cash from <charname> with the <code> set using /setcashcode
/showcash <charname> <code>
show the cash balance for <charname> with the <code> set using /setcashcode
/givecash <charname> <cash> [anon]
give the cash to <charname>; if the 'anon' parameter is present then the receiving
character will not be informed of who sent the transfer.
The /h help list hasn't been updated yet but will be at some stage.
' Wrote:The Asar must go to Swiss to share as he sees fit, which means you will require it to be moved to a new account to which only Swiss has access for now. If you share the RH BS with another player that does not count as a shared BS. The term shared bS only applies to official player factions. SO that one is not okay, unless you no longer fly it.
Yes you can keep the Lib Dread.
ok..i will sell the RH BS......and how can i move the Osiris to the other account? cant i just give the key to Swiss?