The time has come to remind folks that this is a RP server, not a PvP server with some RP, as such it's time to check your loadouts, your justifications and your attitudes. We would like to ensure that this server's longevity continues well into the next year and longer and we can do this by keeping the RP alive.
Our actions for this will be to jump hard upon those who are reported and proven to be OORP. As well as having sketchy jusifications for attacks on other players.
Quote:5.11 Using F1 in a PvP fight, as well as in any other situations that involve player interactions, is not allowed.
The underlined part includes being pirated, for those who think there isn't a specific rule for it.
Its considered annoying and churlish behaviour here, and sanctions for the offence are always put into place.
As you can imagine the excuses for why players disconnect conveniently at these times are long and sometimes
laughable, and honestly ... We have heard them all now.
If you do have a disconnect that is not your fault, the expected course is to contact the other player involved as
soon as humanly possible, with an apology, and hopefully reparations.
A disconnect, is a disconnect, and if you wish to play chicken with all your credits and cargo, that is your
perogative, but arguing the point long after the fact is not going to happen. This has been discussed before,
and nothing has changed.
Thanks for your time and understanding Ladies and Gents.
Hey everyone we just installed Cannon's newest flhook plugin that improves in-game messaging. With this plugin the very needed /help (or /h or /?) command is also implemented.
Try it and if you spot some bugs, report them here.
All messaging commands:
/h = shows help, same as /help and /?
/s <message> = send <message> to the system chat
/l <message> = send <message> to your local system chat
/g <message> = send <message> to your group
/i <charname> = /invite - invites <charname> to your group
/j <charname> = /join - joins to <charname>'s group
/setmsg <N> <message> = set message slot N to the specified message; if no message then the slot is cleared and slots 1-9 are valid
/showmsgs = show the message slot contents
/<N> = send the message N to system chat
/l<N> = send the message N to local system chat
/g<N> = send the message N to group chat
/t<N> = send the message N to the current/last target
/t <message> = /target - send <message> to your last selected target
/r <message> = /reply - send <message> to the last sender of your last private message
/pm <charname> <message> = /privatemsg - send <message> to <charname>; if <charname> is offline the message will be delivered when they return
/fm <tag> <message> = /factionmsg - send message to all characters containing <tag> string in their names (like [RM]).
/fi <tag> = /factioninvite - send an invite to all characters containing <tag> string in their names (like [RM]).
/lastpm = shows the last pm sender and current/last selected target