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Nebula Technologies - Printable Version

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RE: Nebula Shipping Express - Nebula Technologies - 04-17-2021

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- ENCRYPTION »» ❄❄⚝❄❄

- RECIPIENT »» NSE Customers & Suppliers
- SENDER »» Nebula Neural Network
- LOCATION »» Nebula Technologies ® Cambridge
- SUBJECT »» 125,000 Gold ore available

Customers & Suppliers,

Nebula Shipping Express would like to announce the arrival of 125,000 crates of the finest gold ore found around the Sirius sector. The trading master is selling each gold ore crate for 4,000 credits starting from today, the 17th of April, 828 A.S. until the available batch is sold. The Nebula Shipping Express (NSE) installation is located in the orbit of Planet Cambridge. Be advised that docking to NSE modular station requires docking permission which can be requested here following the suitable docking permission template. We recommend delivering those gold ore crates to Planet Honshu, Kusari house space for the highest price available at the moment.

[Image: ezgif-4-22321ec581.gif]

Thank you for choosing Nebula Technologies.

[Image: Ht1MxYF.gif]

Jin Raiden
Nebula Technologies Operator
Nebula Industrial Complex

Nebula Technologies

[Image: Ht1TYZu.png]

RE: Nebula Shipping Express - Nebula Technologies - 05-17-2021

[Image: PEFmHVh.jpg]

RE: Nebula Shipping Express - Hermes - 06-27-2021

[Image: bretonia.png]

27th of June, 828 A.S.

[Image: BPA-banner.png]

» Sender - Jake Henderson
» Recipient - Nebula Shipping Express
» Location - Planet Cambridge / Police Authority
» Case - BR-001 POLICE BN5E

Greetings NSE Administration

Let me present myself to you, My name is Jake Henderson, Constable of the Bretonia Police Authority. I am here for general inspection and some business cooperation. As you know, the Bretonia Police Authority is the guardian and the shield of the Bretonia house space, so we are always concerned about the safety of our citizens from all perspectives. The installation here produces a large number of toxic substances which are released to the nearby space, affecting the atmosphere of Planet Cambridge. We understand that the NSE installation got one of the latest anti-pollution filters around so we would like a full detailed report about that issue from your side.

I am also here for some business cooperation. We are currently upgrading some patrol vehicles and ships which are made especially for atmospheric surveillance and patrol. The new ships and vehicles will need the technology of cloaks so we thought about your factories which are known lately by producing a large amount of high-tech devices.

[Image: ldF6imA.jpg]

Shall you agree to cooperate with us, and we will be generous concerning the expenses and costs. The BPA would like to request a pack of 5 light cloaking devices for our first 5 test patrol/ship vehicles. The ships are unique and will require some modifications to fit the cloak in so we depend on your experience to solve this problem. I attached to your eyes, a file containing all the details of our prototype BR-001 POLICE BN5E and I will wait for your reply as soon as possible.

We would like to know the prices and the expenses required, and we would like to know if we can give something required by NSE in return. The business benefits is mutual and also sensitive so we urge you to keep this transmission under the encrypted high-frequency signals for safety. These vehicles will deal with criminals so they will need every information to be secretive as possible. Thank you for your time.

Have a good evening NSE representatives.
[Image: bretonia.png]

Jake Henderson
Constable police officer
Bretonia Police Authority

End of Transmission

RE: Nebula Shipping Express - Sakura Takahashi - 06-28-2021

[Image: HP8PBfV.png]
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- ENCRYPTION »» ❄❄⚝❄❄

- RECIPIENT »» Bretonia Police Authority
- SENDER »» Sakura 咲良 Takahashi
- LOCATION »» Nebula Technologies ® Cambridge

Constable Jake Henderson,
Bretonia Police Authority,

In the beginning, I would like to introduce myself to you officer, My name is Sakura 咲良 Takahashi, Vice president of Nebula Shipping Express, Located at the orbit of Planet Cambridge, The Cambridge system. I am here on behalf of our CEO, Sara 冴咲 Tanaka to answer your questions and establish your requested classified business contract. We would like to confirm for you and for the police department, that the NSE gaseous extremities are heavily filtered before being released to outer space. We are not going to harm the environment around us, because we will be the first to get affected, and our families will be the first to get affected, so I want you to feel safe and feel sure that we care a lot about the highest extents of safety and security.

[Image: tuxpi-com-1624877531.jpg]
I attached to your eyes, a report file showing our live anti-pollution system running. We do not leak such information concerning our latest technology, but we understand that the Police department is to the people and for the people, so we trust you and your agents. The file shown below explains the detailed processes of fighting pollution by cleaning the gaseous end products before releasing them to outer space. We use almost everything except some carbon isotopes, We release them to outer space or sell them to factories that use them in some industrial processes.

Concerning the project BR-001 POLICE BN5E, We are glad that the BPA decided to choose us for fulfilling this contract. We understand the importance of those prototypes and we understand that every criminal would seek that information so they can find a way to escape or evade you at the police department, So feel safe and do not worry about any possible leaks from outside. We have our valuable information protected by a series of encrypted processes, extremely complicated.

We studied the prototypes delivered and we understand now why you mentioned that you will leave the matter of fitting the cloaks in that narrow space to our experience. This will not be easy and it will not be fast, so please, bear with us and give us some time to consult our engineers and mechanics. We might need to reduce some components to save space but it probably will affect the internal battery tanks of the cloaking devices. This will affect the maximum cloaking time but do not be worried, We are going to work on maximizing that by other means if possible.

[Image: tuxpi-com-1624876338.jpg]

I attach to your eyes, some primary sketches for our proposed re-design of the area where the cloaking devices would be mounted. We would like you to confirm for us that we can proceed and alter/edit those areas as soon as possible. We are working on several prospects at the same time. Plan (A) is to alter/edit the light cloaking devices to fit the mounting area. Plan (B) is to edit/alter the area of the mount, inside the hull body of the prototype ships, and this plan will be harder and will take more time. In case we proceed with a plan (B) then we will require full access from your respected police department to the computer system and the dimensions system of the ship hull. I will wait for your reply as soon as possible and thank you for choosing Nebula Shipping Express for the Bretonia Police Authority business.

Have a good day Constable Henderson.

[Image: Ht8fe4I.gif]

Sakura 咲良 Takahashi
Nebula Technologies General Manager
Nebula Shipping Express

Nebula Technologies

[Image: HP8tFzF.png]

RE: Nebula Shipping Express - Hermes - 07-04-2021

[Image: bretonia.png]

7th of July, 828 A.S.

[Image: BPA-banner.png]

» Sender - Jake Henderson
» Recipient - Nebula Shipping Express
» Location - Planet Cambridge / Police Authority
» Case - Carbon Pollution / POLICE BN5E

Greetings Miss Takahashi

As far as I understand, This matter is very important to the Police department and the government. The free carbon isotopes are not a threat to the atmosphere of planet Cambridge in general but lately, the deposition of carbon isotopes has been detected in the stratosphere of the planet which worries the government a lot. We are concerned about your filtration technology and therefore our engineers from the police department applied some general checks around the planet and the installation. I attached the results to your neural network.

According to the current readings, The police department would like to invite Miss Tanaka to visit us at planet New Lonon, the Main police department office. We would like to ask her some direct questions and get some information about how to remedy this situation. The government is already on its way to add a pollution sanction of 100,000,000 credits against the NSE installation fumes but the court is still looking into your defense and filtration system. We will confirm to you soon the full results of the court and the investigations.
[Image: Untitled-5.png]

Concerning the BN5E vehicles for the atmospheric patrols, We do agree on all the modifications proposed by your engineers. We are looking forward to seeing the final model finished and the cloaks mounted to the selected vehicles. The police department is willing to pay the requested 150,000,000 credits for each cloaking device although we were looking for some special discount since this is for the shield of the realm. The police department is always at the people's service. From the people and to the people.

We are looking forward to your reply as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention.

Have a good afternoon Ms. Takahashi.
[Image: bretonia.png]

Jake Henderson
Constable police officer
Bretonia Police Authority

End of Transmission

RE: Nebula Shipping Express - Sara Tanaka - 07-06-2021

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[Image: ArtisticGiganticElk263667e5f3f18d2b.gif]

- ENCRYPTION »» ❄❄⚝❄❄

- RECIPIENT »» Bretonia Police Authority
- SENDER »» Sara 冴咲 Tanaka
- LOCATION »» Nebula Technologies ® Cambridge
- SUBJECT »» Carbon Pollution / POLICE BN5E

Greetings Officer Henderson,
Constable of Bretonia Police Authority,

My name is Sara 冴咲 Tanaka, CEO of Nebula Shipping Express installation, and chief of the board of Nebula Logistics Corporate. I received a request from the Bretonia Police Authority by Constable Jack Henderson, through one of my board members, Ms. Sakura 咲良 Takahash and accordingly, I am here to answer your questions.

I can confirm for the BPA that we do not deserve to be sanctioned 100,000,000 credits. We truly care for the environment around us and everywhere we operate so concerning the pollution caused by the carbon isotopes, we would like to take care of this problem personally and will contact the most experienced corporations that are specialized in anti-pollution systems to scan the entire front hemisphere of planet Cambridge facing the installation. These corporations got good means to clean the outer atmosphere from the carbon isotopes so they do not defuse into the planet's internal stratosphere.

I will be arriving at the London police office, 9:00 AM tomorrow morning as requested.

Have a good day Constable Henderson.

[Image: Ht8fe4I.gif]

Sara 冴咲 Tanaka
Nebula Chief Executive Officer
Nebula Shipping Express

Nebula Technologies

[Image: HP8tFzF.png]

RE: Nebula Shipping Express - Hermes - 07-10-2021

[Image: bretonia.png]

10th of July, 828 A.S.

[Image: BPA-banner.png]

» Sender - Jake Henderson
» Recipient - Nebula Shipping Express
» Location - Planet Cambridge / Police Authority
» Case - Carbon Pollution / POLICE BN5E

Greetings Miss Tanaka

It was great meeting you in person and I would like to inform you that my superiors were not expecting that. Your gesture and the general attitude have shown great respect which actually gained our interest and respect. We would like to thank you for your cooperation. Although the situation was sensitive and could have reached some critical endpoints, you have shown great flexibility even when the police department decided to sanction your corporation by 100 million credits. We appreciate your offer to contact an experienced and professional corporation for detecting and cleaning the carbon isotopes that might be deposited at the outer orbit of planet Cambridge. We will follow that promise closely and will send our experts to check in two weeks' time.

We appreciate the cheque paid by your corporation, We already have an account with the Cambridge National Bank and can process that cheque faster than usual. Thank you again for your cooperation and submission to the law. Until the next meeting and do not hesitate to contact the Bretonia Police Authority for your safety.

[Image: Cheque-BPA.png]

Have a good afternoon Ms. Tanaka.
[Image: bretonia.png]

Jake Henderson
Constable police officer
Bretonia Police Authority

End of Transmission

RE: Nebula Shipping Express - Sakura Takahashi - 11-12-2021

[Image: HP8PBfV.png]
[Image: HtvEPIf.png]
[Image: HtvGeTb.gif]

- ENCRYPTION »» ❄❄⚝❄❄

- RECIPIENT »» NSE Clients and Suppliers
- SENDER »» Sakura 咲良 Takahashi
- LOCATION »» Nebula Technologies ® Cambridge
- SUBJECT »» Codename Hi-tech Weaponry

Nebula Clients & Suppliers,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is great to talk to you again our respected clients, It's me one more time, Sakura 咲良 Takahashi, Vice president of Nebula Shipping Express, Located at the orbit of Planet Cambridge. I am here on behalf of our CEO, Sara 冴咲 Tanaka to announce the arrival of a great weaponry stock of codenames. The NSE suppliers worked hard during the past few months collecting and fabricating the best of the best weaponry just for you. The weapons are available now at the NSE market.

I attached to your eyes, a report file showing our new stock details. There is more information available at our installation so visit us now for good business. We would like to remind our clients that we are in need of suppliers to haul the required materials to the NSE fabrication department and in return, the NSE trading officer will pay a very good price for each shipment delivered. You can check and apply for being an official supplier of NSE via visiting our neural network now, It takes only one click.

Nebula Codenames

Thanks for choosing Nebula Technologies.

[Image: HtvMYPV.gif]

Sakura 咲良 Takahashi
Nebula Technologies General Manager
Nebula Shipping Express

Nebula Technologies

[Image: HP8tFzF.png]

RE: Nebula Shipping Express - Sara Tanaka - 02-01-2022

[Image: HP8PBfV.png]
[Image: HtSVkrl.png]
[Image: ArtisticGiganticElk263667e5f3f18d2b.gif]

- ENCRYPTION »» ❄❄⚝❄❄

- RECIPIENT »» Customers and Clients
- SENDER »» Sara 冴咲 Tanaka
- LOCATION »» Nebula Technologies ® Cambridge
- SUBJECT »» New equipment delivered

Greetings Customers and clients,
NSE suppliers and visitors,

My name is Sara 冴咲 Tanaka, CEO of Nebula Shipping Express installation. I am here to personally report the delivery of several hi-tech pieces of equipment to our installation, which are offered for sale at the NSE weapons/equipment dealer as we speak. The newly delivered devices are using very advanced technology and were made using high standards of quality control.

We understand that our prices are not as others, because our quality and speed of deliveries are not as others. We welcome all suppliers who are interested in making some good profit to start delivering the daily requested materials to our fabrication terminal. The NSE docking master will pay instantly upon delivery and hopefully, all sides will be satisfied. The prices are always negotiable so do not feel shy or embarrassed to negotiate the prices with our docking master.

Scientifc data file(s)
Capital Armor Upgrade Mk-VIII

We also would like to remind our customers and clients, that we are buying capital armor upgrades mark 8 for a special price of 700,000,000 million credits. The NSE installation is also interested in buying your scientific data files for 3,000,000 million credits per piece. No matter the quantity that you want to sell to us, don't hesitate and head directly to our installation at the orbit of planet Cambridge and sell directly to our docking master right there. Feel; welcome to report any errors to our main communication terminal right here.

Thank you for choosing Nebula Technologies.

[Image: Ht8fe4I.gif]

Sara 冴咲 Tanaka
Nebula Chief Executive Officer
Nebula Shipping Express

Nebula Technologies

[Image: HP8tFzF.png]

RE: Nebula Shipping Express - Starfliers - 02-03-2022

rcpt // Logistics Department, Nebula Shipping Express
from // Leon Vicci, Starfliers
encr // Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid
[Image: output-onlinepngtools_1.png]

The Starfliers wish to do business with your marketplace on board your installation in the Cambridge System. Below you'll find the appropriate form, requesting docking permissions.

As always, Godspeed

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