And I remember when you just started modeling, those cubes and balls all around:)
Great job, as always.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
keep in mind that it is NOT the talarca - after the feedback, the talarca remains totally untouched. - this is meant to replace the kusari cruise liner ( beetle - star trek ). - i have increased its size to that of around container transport - but have suggested to keep the stats - except increasing the cargo by 1k maybe. - like the prison liner, its meant to be a RP ship, not the ultimate cargo vessel.
Understood. Im clear on that from the previous post. I'm just voiceing if I were to buy it I RP a mobile casino, or see if Chucc would let me have his lottery idea for it.
Isn't the Kusari Cruiser Liner fairly small, as such vessals go? Container Transport size just seems a bit too large for what the ship is supposed to be. If I recall correctly, it's supposed to be a yacht type ship, for hauling around groups of wealthy VIPs, but not nearly as many as, say, a Lux Liner.
Maybe shrink it back down a bit, add some good (transport) defenses, half decent maneuverability, but still retain the old Liner's cargo hold. I'm thinking it should be like the Luxury Liner, in that it's quite well defended as transports go, just much smaller, with the cargo reduction and maneuverability increase such a reduced size would suggest. Maybe 2000-2500 cargo, CM, and 8-10 transport turrets.
Instead of hauling large number of tourists into possibly dangerous (but relatively open) areas, this could be designed to haul smaller numbers of wealthy travelers into potentially dangerous territory, including through thick asteroid fields and such places where a normal Lux Liner (or Container Transport) would have difficulty. It would also work well as a research liner.
It's too bad this is no longer a talarca replace, it would have been a perfect flagship for my hogosha character. I really dont like the look of the current talarca... it doesnt look like a kusari ship :(