mate, I understand, what you say and I agree to your roleplay-thought...
you know what the problem with the RP is ?
I know at least 3 peaople, trading, that even don't know the name of the froum-site...
They will never get access to your RP and always wonder what you are doing to them...
I know 3 and I definately don't know all....
as long as parts of the players are not registered, the RP is nice... but it doesn't make sense...
If I remember correctly we had a guy awhile ago shooting people in NY because he hadn't read the rules. Apparently he couldn't read english and couldn't get the forum trnaslated, so he did whatever he liked.
Theres always going to be someone on the server who hasn't been on the forum just to look at it, which is really sad because I think they're missing out on a lot.
I love all the ideas flying about in this topic, F1 restrictions especially - I think it was Flash that mentioned only being able to change character whilst docked at a planet or base. Superb, even if it meant you couldn't idle on another account quickly should you happen to get pulled away from the game, I think that's a small price to pay to totally improve the immersion of this mod.
As for no-one knowing about the Forum, I would suggest that as a prerequisite for joining clans maybe... and how about some scheduled server announcements? The only way I found this Forum myself was by specifically searching for it, a simple address put in the 5 minute warning for example could draw in a lot more players.
I like that idea but 5 mins may be to often and may get annoying may I suggest like every 15.. coz most people would play for at least 15mins ad then It isnt to regular.
<<<<<The Jade Consortium>>>>>
<<<<<To Fight Is To Live>>>>>
<<<<< Xerxas Jades BIO >>>>>
We've already got server messages with the forum address. We've also got server messages that tell you PvP is not allowed in NY and for the rest of the rules you have to look on the forum.
People either ignore or tune out server messages, even if the messages were neon orange and scrolled across the entire screen one letter at a time some people still would not see them.
Having a password on the server won't help because then people will tell their friends what it is and they won't need to come onto the forum to find the password.
So as far as I can see theres not much else we can do.
marauder: Really? I could swear I have never seen the forum message as long as I have been playing and only seen the PvP in NY message once. Have they been in effect for the past couple of weeks?
And what I meant by "5 minute warning" is the server announcement before the server shuts down for routine maintenance. What better time to alt-tab out and check the forum? :0)
:$ I'm a complete and utter noob, and had 11 hrs flying/fighting and trading under my belt, never asked for any help and bit off more than i could chew in sigma 17 :( . I had to restart the whole thing again :) I would love to pay someone to escort me on the dangerous trade runs to make money,but because i don't have any money at the moment :angry: this is impossible so anytime anyone see's me out there, take pity on the noob, I'm only trying to make money Never F1 only when the wife kicks me off.
:lol: I just remembered, me, cargo full of VIPs undocking Cambridge and seeing 3-4 phantoms up to their necks in trouble with two BAF BS patrol groups. I even stopped and watched for a minute...
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
Badger,Jun 13 2006, 01:42 PM Wrote:marauder: Really? I could swear I have never seen the forum message as long as I have been playing and only seen the PvP in NY message once. Have they been in effect for the past couple of weeks?
And what I meant by "5 minute warning" is the server announcement before the server shuts down for routine maintenance. What better time to alt-tab out and check the forum? :0)
- Badger
Well unless they've been changed it always use to come up with it... :unsure:
Then again if I'm doing missions I tune out everything that isn't shooting at me :laugh:
Ok, agony aunt Finius, yet again posting whence he had left, how I see it is this, traders abusing f1, pirates being ignored, and cheated on.
Ok, remove the f1 option whilst in space, you have to dock to change, makes sense, fits in with roleplay, if they make it to a station they're saved by the station, and for all you lazy traders, buy some damn weapons! Use the million you dont wanna give to one lil pirate to soupe up your train, and turn it into something Santa would be proud to ride! Ya heard me!