Been here since Discovery 4.77 (lurk mode engaged)
Zapp Wrote:I have recently met and discussed with Atalawohisdi the trader that flies the Caribe. Just so everyone knows, I engaged in Sigma 13. He flies through half the system before going back to New Berlin, where he cruises from one side of the system to the other, hugging the sun as close as he can. All the while, he flies near Battleships trying to scrape me off. I finally send out the white flag, and move back to Sigma 13. However, it was a ruse, and he bit. Knowing his trade route, I interdicted the trade lane and the chase began anew. It ended, an hour after it began, with me retreating, out of Countermeasures and getting very irritated.
He kept boasting how he has never been caught; I'd like to see him beat until he begs to pay, then beaten some more.
heres wht you do. Dont save the stupid files in Blender formats. Save it in 3DS. Which i know you can do.
Some say that he is allergic to a fungus found only between the toes of Corsairs,
and that he is oblivious to 98% of Liberty Law. All we know is... He's called the Busdriver!
Well, i have done all my models with Milkshape and i like it. Its a low polygon modelling program, which is perfect for Freelancer. Right, it does lack some important tools, like subsegmenting boxes, but this way i learned tricks how to model things out. It is also true, i need more time for my models, than with other programs. As long as i make models for Freelancer, i will stay with MS. This way i don't have to do the whole import/export crap, except cmp, mat and sur file. Btw, mat file you can make manually with UTF editor, but its very time consumpting.
@Linkus: Its not that simple. MS is portraying the models in the counterdirection. Does mean, you'll have to rotate the model 180 degree, either along z or x axis. Before or after the export into MS. Other way your ship fly backward. Another thing is the size.
i actually use same program that is used for modeling airplanes, cars is very powerful and it has unimaginable options...but it lacks one thing that i need for putting ships into FL...cmp exporter..and there Milky comes in...i also do most of my texturing in it...
so although i dont like it very much, its necessary evil...