Incoming Transmission from Scarborough Station, Newcastle
To: Zak Conner Priority: High Topic: Business Contract Sender ID: David Williams
Dear Mr. Conner,
On behalf of Bowex team, we are glad to accept your contract. Please note that we delivered 40K of Robotic Hardware to your Station. please see attachments for verification.
Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO Subject:Materials To:Borderworld Exports, Trade Department Greetings Mr. Williams,
Kindly be informed that the 40,000 units of Robotic Hardware has been received to the station and looking forward to hear from you in regards to the rest of the materials.
It's a great pleasure and even more an honor for us to have business with Bowex team.
Incoming Transmission from Canary Wharf Station, New London.
To: Zak Conner, CEO of BMF Priority: High Topic: RE: Materials.
Message Contents:
Good day Mr Connor,
We will be pleased to fill this Request, and be assured we will get right on it.
Just to let you know, the Industrial Hardware Deliveries have now been completed.
Feel free to contact us again if you need anything.
George Grenville
Department Manager, Trade
Borderworld Exports
Transmission End
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
Incoming Transmission from Scarborough Station, Newcastle
To: Zak Conner Priority: High Topic: Business Contract Sender ID: David Williams
Dear Mr. Conner,
We are glad to inform you that 40K of Argentium Silver was just delivered to your Station. This completes your contract. Please feel free to contact us again if you need anything else, have a good day.
Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO Subject:Materials To:Borderworld Exports, Trade Department Greetings ladies and gentlemen,
Kindly be informed that all the required materials was received and another 50k extra of Industrial Hardware also was received. Thank you very much for going the extra miles for your customers, perfect service excellent customer satisfaction and once again you prove you are the best trading company ever!!.
As you know we are having a heavy fabrication at the moment and we need another 40 000 of Industrial Hardware at Isle Of Skye. Is that something you can help with in the near future ?
Incoming Transmission from Scarborough Station, Newcastle
To: Zak Conner Priority: High Topic: Business Contract Sender ID: David Williams
Dear Mr. Conner,
We have some good news for you, we have just completed your contract, 40K of Industrial hardware are now delivered to your station, feel free to contact us again if you need anything, have a good evening.
Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO Subject:Materials To:Borderworld Exports, Trade Department Greetings ladies and gentlemen,
I really dont know what to say i am speechless and words are not enough to thank you you guys prove every day that you are the best i have seen. many thanks for keeping Isle Of Skye supplied and safe you guys are the best.