The Golden Lion is an exclusive bar located on the 5th floor inside of Park Avenue Station in N-Y. The Golden Lion bar offers all sorts of drinks as well as meals from across the Sirius.
The Golden Lion also offers "quiet rooms" where clients can hold meetings in total silence.
In this bar, the local guests made a small tradition of watching races live every Wednesday at 4:40 PM.
Dressed in a black suit with a red tie and white shirt he enters the bar trying to be as discrete as possible. He failed to do so as the people that were in the bar recognized him as soon as he stepped into the bar. Everyone stood up and greeted the Chief Executive Officer of the Inerspace Commerce.
Thank you, thank you... - he said while slightly smiling.
When people stopped applauding, Alan slowly approached the bartender and sat in the chair. One glass of whiskey please ... With him ordering his drink he was looking around the bar, he was looking for Michael Dean, but unfortunately he didn't managed to find him. Alan had some new to share to his employees, but wanted to wait for Dean to show up.
Sir, your whiskey.Thank you. - He took the glass and sipped his drink.
Alright people, I have some new for you all. He stood up while holding a piece of paper in his right hand. You all know Mr.Dean, well he is usually taking care of promotions, I don't know why is he not here, but hey... we are all humans after all aren't we? Anyway, let's see... Alan started shuffling the papers and quickly reading over what was on it. First on the list is Miss Rosemarie Carter, is she here?
He looked around and when found her, Alan asked if she could join him near his table. She accepted and went to Alan Miss Carter, congratulations, you have been promoted to -senior- in the trade division. You also received a reward which is.... ah yes, upgrading your transport with a great armor \\au8// . You should contact Mr.Dean for that when and if he arrives any day soon - he smiled and greeted Miss Carter.
Sipping his whiskey and looking at his paper he continued with the announcement. Next ones on the list for promotions are: Miler Serba was promoted to -Veteran- in the Escort division, Matthew Donald has been promoted to -regular- in the trade division. Again congratulation people, without you we would not have these results. Thank you again.
Finishing his drink, Alan ordered another one. The whiskey helps him stay calm and focused on his work. After a few, the bartender the the drink to Alan. Alan sipped his expensive whiskey and continued. Also, ladies and gentleman, one more thing. Micheal Dean is our new Vice President. His talent payed of and he deserved this promotion. Unfortunately he is not here to hear this, but... I hope that he will show up soon. I wish you good day, enjoy in our bar. As he finished his speech and announcement, Alan left to an empty table and ordered a luxury and rather expensive dinner while waiting for his food he ordered a bottle of finest wine. The bartender opened the bottle of wine in front of Alan and after his approval he filled his glass with wine. Slowly sipping his wine he started enjoying his wine.
The bartender served Alan's dinner, wished him bon apetite and left him.
Michael Dean steps into the bar, dressed in an expensive modern suit, presenting the position and wealth he worked for. He shows his usual smug smirk and looks around the bar that has just been finished. Obviously liking what he sees, he walks in slowly. Many parts of the bar have been changed on his order, to make it a modern experience.
He casually raises a hand in direction of the bartender. "Glen Cork, double, on the rocks. I know I ordered a bottle." His voice as casual as his attitude.
Dean then moves through the bar, nodding at some of the people but aiming to meet Johnson. He smirks as he sees him sitting there, even though he disagrees with how he handles things at times. It was odd how they complemented each other. Though Dean would probably never accept that Johnson even took the effort to fly with the convoys and fight criminals in defense. Yes his ship was state of the art. Yes it was armed to the teeth and armored with the best to find but losing him would be a severe hit to Interspace.
He decides that he doesn't want to waste any thoughts on this today as he was expecting it to be special for himself. "Good day my friend, pardon my delay, we got attacked in New London and it took longer to fix the damage than expected. I had to take a shuttle to get here today. But enough of that. It is good to see you again, it has been some time since the last board meeting." He says friendly while the bartender came to him to give him his glass which Dean shortly sipped from.
Hmm... attacked you say? Let me guess, Hackers? Rogues? - he said while whipping his mouth with a yellow napkin. Those damn pirates, everyday I must hear something about them, can I have one damn meal without hearing about them attacking my ships?! Of course not, but I'm glad that you're here, Michael.
I have good news for you my friend, you have been promoted. You, Michael, will now be Interspace Commerce's Vice President while Mr.Kelly shall move to our deputy and adviser.
Michael was not surprised as he was expecting that to happen. Alan on the other side was worrying about something else and after he finished his meal, Dean and Alan moved to a private dining room. Alan ordered an expensive wine from the bartender and stressed that no one should disturb them as they were about to have a private conversation.
Alright now that we are here we must talk about something. -Alan said as the bartender was leaving.
Make sure no one comes here.Yes, sir.
Alright, where were we? Ah yes, I wanted to talk to you about two important things.
First thing would be ships. Let's face it civilian tech is not very impressive, I mean I don't fly it that often, but in order to keep our ships at maximum protection we need something... new, something... stronger and I think that I have an idea. The Bounty Hunters are our friends, we need someone eliminated - they do it, we need something - they get it, but they should not be escorts, they can be, but I'd rather have my guys escorting our ships. Now you know that they produce ships right? We could get our hands on those nice things, Michael. It is known that they are in constant danger and we provide what? We provide insurances, in this case, life insurances which they need. My idea is to offer them credits of course and life insurances. If you can add something or suggest that would be nice, if not... I guess I should contact them as soon as possible.
Alan lightened up his cigar and sipped his wine while turning his head to Dean's direction. Seeing that Michael doesn't have anything to add yet, he continued talking.
Right, the second thing, Micheal, would be an advertisement for our base. I want it to be more popular and I don't think that news are enough.
I know some people Michael and they know some other people, using them I could get people that I need and people that I need are engineers. I don't care if they are from Liberty, Rheinland et cetera, et cetera. I need them to build something right here on Park Avenue Station. I am not sure if it's going to be possible, but one should try and I am not afraid to try.
I am talking about a carrier that will be able to fly throughout the Sirius and promote our base and our services. Only thing that i "need" are blueprints. That's why I need you for that.
What do you say, my friend? Would you be able to get that blueprint for me?
Alan then poured the wine into his glass and started waiting for Dean's decision.
"Some independent contractor hired a hunter killer drone to attack us. It has been dealt with." He explained calmly and set down in front of Johnson, casually putting his whiskey glass on the table.
"Well I read the reports and all the Hunters use these ships so I guess they are perfect for the fights they get into. Smaller fights I mean, so they appear like the perfect security vessel. Apart from your idea with the insurance... I believe if we would offer them some nice bounties they will be more than eager to share a couple more things with us than just manpower." He added and sipped on his whiskey.
Then he leaned closer though and leaned his head on his hand. "But a whole carrier for advertising? That is... very ambitious. What type did you think about? I can get anything if given time. So it will then fly throughout Sirius and do promotions?" He shared his thoughts and then asked a question to clarify.
Michael, your only job will be to go to a certain place and pick up the blueprint. I cannot tell where you will be going as I myself don't know. You will be doing promotion of course, but not 24/7, consider that as your new hobby. - Alan smiled and sipped his wine. About the Hunters, we can indeed offer them bounties as well, special ones, the ones that we need... eliminated.
That would be it, I will contact you about the blueprint thing, I can't say for sure when it is going to happen, you will know... just... be prepared.
Now you will have to excuse me Michael, there's something I need to finish.
Alan stood up and left the bar after he payed the previously ordered drink.
He raised his eyebrows and sighed while leaning backwards and sipping on his drink. "You aren't being very specific. And well don't we have employees in marketing that can arrange the advertising?" He wondered. Slowly getting up together with Johnson when he saw that he was already departing.
"Well. Just send me the location and I will have someone get it. I will also work on filling that Bounty Board. In the last weeks our intel about unlawful groups is lacking." He added and followed Johnson for a moment, not planning on leaving so soon though.
"But well. Good luck with whatever you are up to again." He said when Johnson left and then went to chat with some employees at the bar.
Entering the bar with her colleges - James Smith and Raku Yagami, Ana ordered a bottle of wine and went to séparé that was reserved for them. The bartender brought three glasses and Liberty's finest wine. He poured the wine into Ana's glass and waited for confirmation. Ana sipped the wine and nodded to bartender. The bartender then filled all three glasses with wine and left.
Ana raised her glass - firstly I would like to thank you for being with me this night. You did a great job in protecting me and my transport. Our cargo arrived safely and the Fallen Angels are happy now. Let's hope that the cooperation between our two groups is going to be successful as that convoy. Cheers!
As Ana finished the toast she ordered a small dinner. Alright gentleman, before the dinner arrives I would like to talk to you about something. Namely, as Mr. Johnson said, we need something to promote Park Avenue Station and it's services. I've been thinking about this for months now and I think I came up something rather interesting. Mobile base? Hm? What do you think? Both James and Raku were silent as they required more info on that idea. Ana sighed and continued explaining her idea. I have to say that constructing such... thing won't be an easy task. We will need help from professional engineers, mechanics and so on. That you will leave to me, but what I need from you is: Mr. Yagami I would like you to contact Freeport 6 and see if they can give us or sell us blueprints of a ship called "Bustard" . If you have to contact someone else, feel free, just get me those blueprints. Mr. Smith you will need to contact Mr. Dean and inform him about my idea. He will know what to do. As soon as Ana finished her sentence the bartender approached their table with dinner. As the bartender served the dinner Ana ordered another bottle of wine and coffee, but after they finish eating. The bartender nodded slightly and left the table.
When they finished their dinner Ana suggested another thing regarding Interspace. I hope that the dinner was good she smiled we also need to finish the 3rd floor on this station and for that we will need a lot of materials. So do any of you have suggestions who to contact for that matter? And spread her fingers while awaiting an answer.
Raku took a moment to look at his wrist watch, loosing himself in the ticking of it for a moment, as if he had something on his mind. Only after the moment had passed, he turned his attention back to Anna, a smile crossing his expression.
Dinner was great Ana-sama, as always here in the Golden lion... - He stated with a short nod of approval.
Taking a deep breath, sighing and leaning a bit in his chair, his before relaxed expression turned to a more professional poker face, he was obviously ready for starting a serious discussion. Leaning back forwards, placing his arms on the table, putting his head down to rest his chin on his fists, Rakus view wasn't focused on Smith nor Anna, but rather an empty spot on the wall as he started to speak. At least from my experience, mobile residences, offices, all the following can prove to be very handy. Especially when meeting your clients, a comfortable place to sit down when discussing business helps clear the mind and make better decisions. Hai, I'll see to do my best with negotiations after contacting the before mentioned, simply stating our willingness to pay for the blueprints will be enough to convince a generic human I'd assume. Ending it with another sigh, which sounded like as if he was holding his breath through out the whole speech, Raku straightens out, dusting his suit off. As far as construction goes, speaking pretty words into other businessmen's ears is not the only thing I am capable off Ana-sama, so if I can help in any way feel free to tell me. That is, after we do acquire blueprints. The relaxed careless expression returned to Raku slowly, though again he seemed to have gotten lost in his thoughts once more. No one really crosses my mind right now, referring to construction supplies.. I'm not sure the gas miners would take upon such an unusual task from what they do. Gomen'nasai. Finally, Raku put his arm up again to glance at the wrist watch, mumbling to himself, only the word "forgotten" could be made out.
Ana opened her briefcase and took a few papers that were in there. She then closed the briefcase and put the papers on the table. She gave two papers to Yagami and two papers to Smith and leaned back in her chair. She observed both of them as they were reading what was written on those papers.
That what you're reading gentleman is something that Mr. Johnson and I are planning in the near future. There will be a lot of work so read carefully. - Ana smiled and sipped her wine. Raku was reading carefully and looked a bit worried, but James was cool, no facial expression whatsoever, it was like he was expecting something like that before Ana even brought the papers. Is everything alright Mr. Yagami? - Ana asked him. Raku just nodded and continued reading.
The bartender approached their table and asked Ana to follow him as she received a message from someone. Excuse me for a moment gentleman, I will be right back.
A few moments after Ana returned to the table. There, more work. I just received a message from Gas Miners Guild, they are requesting eighty thousand Industrial Hardware. So I guess I will have to leave soon.
Mr. Yagami, about the blueprints thing. Your job is to obtain those blueprints, keep in mind that credits are not a problem. The materials and construction part you leave to me. I believe in you Mr. Yagami, so get those blueprints as fast as possible. Of course if you have any problems you can send me a comm. Now, gentleman, I will have to leave. I'll talk yo you later. Ana picked he briefcase and left the Golden Lion.