Sender: J. Sullivan Origin: Freeport-4, Magellan-system Encryption: Very High
Priority: High Subject: Regarding your forces in Magellan
I'm Sully, my ship is the Exodus. The Neph' y'all got close to wreckin' in Magellan a few times too many.
I was recently close to bein' shot down by one of y'alls Valor commanders. However, my life was spared when a higher ranked officer told him not to engage. He also said that y'all - the high command, specifically said not to engage my vessel.
I would like to know if these claims are true.
If it ain't, I would like to request it to be made so. I don't affiliate myself with any house forces. My intentions in the warzone system is to protect civilians from the threat of war and pirates. The one time I was ready to open fire on said Valor commander was when he threatened to shoot me first. This never happened though.
Royal Naval Battleship Aurora, Edinburgh System
21. août, 739 AGS
Sender: Grand Maréchal Grant LeRoux, Marine Royale Gauloise. Recipient:Sully? Zoner? Topic:Your existence.
Monsieur Sully?
Indeed, such a order was given to leave you alone in one piece, unfortunately.
I advise you to stay out of Magellan. My pilots may have shown you kindness this time, doesn't mean they will the next. I really don't care if you're in one piece, or a couple thousand. If I was personally there at the time, you wouldn't be sending a message, and I wouldn't have to be replying to you.
All in all, what I am saying is, stay out of Magellan, and there is a high chance you'll live longer.
Pour la Couronne! Pour le Royaume!
Grand Maréchal Grant LeRoux
Marine Royale Gauloise