I've added the story I am currently doing with @Thyrzul. I am trying to write less in stories from now on. Not because I can't write much but because I think that most people won't read a wall of text. A medium-sized wall of text looks more appealing and a good story doesn't require an unnecessary amount of information about what the Mitochondria is while two people shake their hands.
Since there is no DWR Feedback, I'd like to point out that roleplay of your group is way out of the lore of the faction you represent - that is Bundschuh. If you want to pillage people out of the cargo, you'd better pick Red Hessians ID which is now pretty vacant. Your group acted like someone more from Xenos or Red Hessians rather than idealist who lobby in favour of Rheinland against the Rheinland government.
My advice is simple: if you go roleplay of thugs and robbers, pick Red Hessian ID. Not Bundschuh one.
(10-18-2017, 10:07 PM)Toris Wrote: Since there is no DWR Feedback, I'd like to point out that roleplay of your group is way out of the lore of the faction you represent - that is Bundschuh. If you want to pillage people out of the cargo, you'd better pick Red Hessians ID which is now pretty vacant. Your group acted like someone more from Xenos or Red Hessians rather than idealist who lobby in favour of Rheinland against the Rheinland government.
My advice is simple: if you go roleplay of thugs and robbers, pick Red Hessian ID. Not Bundschuh one.
Okay so we pirated an Armed Forces ship, Armed Forces are unfriendly, meaning that piracy is a very accepted thing for us. We had a long and nice RP with a trader, how dare we to waste your time and actually RP with you instead of letting you trade with minimal efforts? We demanded cargo instead of money, holy, I paid you 2 million credits, how does this compare to Hessians or even Xenos? We use the alloy to supply ourselves and possibly help with Fulda repairings, you just didn't think so far.
Seriously, don't tell me how to RP my faction. Next time we can also demand you to pay 10 million and shoot you down if you don't pay.
Also also:
Bundschuh ID Wrote:The Bundschuh are a revolutionary faction in Rheinland who consider the Rheinland government corrupt and in need of overthrowing. They occasionally commit acts of piracy to support their cause.
Edit: I have requested to invisible my written biographies. I backed them up for personal use but figured that it is probably better to have people see the characters to know how they are instead of giving everything away on forums.